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Posts posted by Elysium

  1. It seems that your promotion propaganda is best :D


    I am not sure it's best as the effort haven't really generated any gigs the last two years. Of course the feedback is very nice too. But at times I can't stop wondering what it would be like if those many people all put 1/2 dollar in the pool :)


    Till date I have had approx. 50-60.000 unique downloads of all my old music (all projects) both from my previous own site and now from Ektoplazm. Imagine if they spend just 0.5 dollar as a thank you ;)

  2. I do not compare a House, Tech House or Trance DJ (Who should know how to beatmix while sleeping) to a DJ spinning chill-out where the focus is on a different flow. It's two different worlds. I would even ay it's more difficult to spin chill-out simply because you need to take much more care in the details (its easy to mess up the mixing) than doing a Beatmix. However I also focus on harmonic beat-mixing which takes beat-mixing to a whole different level.

  3. When you have 5000 people showing up at a Full-on party and you barely have 30 people at a progressive party, I think that kinda takes the validity out of that statement.


    Denmark is one of the only places left where Full-on still is this popular (Mexico and Brazil is slowly kicking Full-on out). Thanks to drug organizers and silicone bimbos/gang types (Rockere - ja jeg er fra Danmark).

  4. His productions has always lacked a certain professionalism in especially sound quality. I liked a few of this tunes but overall I find him overrated and an artist mainly pushed forward by Beatport who according to inside rumors (by certain people working at Beatport in Berlin) added him to the top downloads without actually selling enough to be there.

  5. You must not know much about the history of the DJ then. Beat-matching is relatively new and in the old parties in the 60's and 70's a DJ would often just let one track finish before putting on another :o:P


    Of course but they did not call the music trance and did not intend people to reach a state of trance. It's here the difference is found :)

  6. So what you say is that "true trance" is dead and has been for a very long time (early 90ties?). I can follow your point, I don't agree, but I guess we all approach this subject differently. I might have a less sensitive "out of trance" thresh-hold than you?! :P What I do agree on is that trance is totally overused and often used out of content, but I guess that goes for a lot of terminologies, words loosing their original sense... :(


    I dont say true Trance is dead. I am sure there are artists out there that still follow the vision of trance. I even think some of the true meaning of trance can be found in some of today's Techno (The hypnotic percussive non stopping kind - not psytechno!!!!)


    Trance is my passion and has been since I can remember. Of course I have not always been true to the term myself in my own music but then again I am not the one calling all my music trance :)


    I just wish this scene would acknowledge it's roots instead of running away from it. But I know it's Utopia :)

  7. I can see how it is a problem, but to say it is a equal cause of de-trancification of the psy-trance is imo an overstatement (trying to see beyond individual preferences). Mixing is "just" a part of a set, the content (the tracks) are in my book what really determines the "TRANCE" of a scene, I mean does some lousy dj/bookers determine a scene? And if your theory should be correct were there ever a "TRANCE" scene (by your definition)? If not, then we better find the drums, steel-skinned hands and bonfires and start some real trance :P



    I dont see it as an overstatement as both things totally ruin the flow, experience and "state of trance". I know I would leave the dance-floor on both examples so to me there's no better or worse here.


    Yes there was a time where it was important for the DJs and people on the dance-floor to maintain a steady beat in order to get into a state of trance. Actually the music was called Techno Trance and came before Psytrance/Goatrance.


    I am indeed looking beyond personal preferences here. I am debating that the "Trance scene" at some point lost it's "Trance" (equally within the music and among the Djs and artists - It usually goes hand in hand) and people have not been bothered to find the way back to the roots ever since. My point is that most of the music in this scene is not "Trance" anymore (and have not been trance for a long long time) and the majority of the Djs, artists, organizers and audience does not know the meaning of the word "Trance".


    Trance is just an overused term just as Goa, Boom Shankar etc. It define a genre with the wrong name IMO.

  8. I think many people will agree that good mixing is desirable, but to say poor mixing killed psytrance is ridiculous.


    Elysium i hope you'll agree with this.


    I agree as I have never said that psytrance died because of bad mixing :)

    But too much bad mixing (and other factors too of course) has caused the scene to abandon what it's all about - "TRANCE" - and has evolved into a scene where very few people know what Trance is supposed to be like :)



    I totally agree, while bad mixing can be annoying and disrupt "a trance", it is nothing compared to actual tracks with constant breaks in the flow! I think this trainwreck theory is blown "a bit" out of proportions.


    I have to disagree here. IMO trainwreck mixing is a equally big problem in the psytrance scene and it ruin the experience on the dance-floor just as much as those tunes (usually full-on) that stop and start all the time.

  9. There's loads of really good technical DJ's out there in the psytrance-scene.


    On the other hand I even to this day still hear sets with world-famous house and techno-DJ's with lots of trainwrecks. It's not only in the psytrance scene that some people can't distinguish a good mix from a mediocre one.


    hmmm When I played live at Antaris Project in 2009 I heard a lot of really bad mixing going on from the popular "star" Dj's. Yes some did very well (mostly those playing psytechno) but the rest was IMO awful trainwreck mixes or bad flow in the mixes. I was really surprised that such bad mixing was still been looked at as OK in 2009.


    I agree that top House and Techno names also screw up but that does not make it an excuse for Psytrance Djs to follow that trend :)

  10. All along the years I've been active as an artist and Dj in this scene I've argued that those who did not beatmix or even worse train-wrecked did/does not know the first thing about what trance is all about. It's about "getting into a state of trance" ignited by first and mostly the BEAT and if you are constantly presented with train-wreck mixing or no flow then you will snap out of your state of trance and it will ruin thew whole experience. But it's been like talking to a brick wall simply because people lost sight in what trance is all about.


    I still hope we will see a revival of the true meaning of trance but I have my doubts.

  11. I actually did beat-mix with DAT's in the 90's (It is possible). I counted the bpm's on every tune I got and arranged the DAT tapes after Bpm's and then it took some home-learned technique to make the music sync in beat.


    But then again I was a vinyl Dj (Acid House scene) in London before DJ'ing in the goatrance scene and had used countless hours training my beatmix skills. I would never DJ without at least making sure the tunes fit harmonically and IF at the few parties where I did not beatmix I made sure the transitions was floating and not sudden changes as example Goa Gil does so blatant wrong.


    Today there's absolutely no excuse not to beatmix. Unless you simply have no skill as a DJ and by that should not work as a Dj.

  12. It all comes down to taste. According to my taste Full-on totally ruined the scene for me personally as I saw many of the old pioneers converting into fullon artists not because they liked they music (as they admitted when you talked behind the curtains) but because its where the money was at.. This blatantly selling out made me realize that the scene was down the drain IMO. I think the scene is slowly getting back some of what it lost the last 10 years. Personally I would love to see more tribal getting back into the scene. But I would not hold my horses.

  13. Ok is now, i was speaking with Phototropic.


    Because Phototropic isnt registered on Beatport he gave to distributers to sell them.

    Im ok with Goatronika and Ya Wichna but those compilations arent ok, Digitoxin told me thats just promos for better sales.


    I dont want report because i respect Digitoxin, but label should contact artists before doing something like that or artists can lose trust in label and label will lose artists too.


    What's more, I am responsible for any track on CD because im compiler and it looks like i made fraud.



    Every artist should check if some of his music is there and report if he is offended ;)


    Next time ask the label before you jump into conclusion. Or just ask me (irony) :) as I kinda knew it had to do with a 3rd part doing the distribution. And yes the label should ask you first IF they do not have an agreement with you to allow a 3rd part to distribute your tune (An agreement can also be orally and does not have to be written).

    But on the other hand Law is very complex and just because an artist feel "offended" does not necessary mean the label did anything wrong as you basically give them the right to exploit your music in any way they see fit when you agree for them to release it (as you did here orally). In such a case it's very important you draw up a written agreement saying exactly what they can do and not do.


    Good luck with sales :)

  14. Posted Image


    Kristian (Elysium) - My Vision of Trance Mix

    A psychedelic tribal trance journey going back to the 90's.


    Date; 24th of March - 2011

    BPM: 140

    Style: Psychedelic Tribal Trance ('90's)


    Earth Nation - Alienated

    L.S.G. - Transmutation 3

    K.U.R.O - Matrox

    KoxBox - Insect Bite (Split Mix)

    Shaolin Wooden Men - S.W.M.

    Orichalcum - Wicked Mille

    Saafi Brothers - Internal Code Error 930

    KoxBox - Space Traveller

    Eat Static - Implant

    Elysium - Elysium (2009 Live Version)


    Download MIx

  15. Kinda right, BUT they ask digital distributors to justify a lot from the labels they distribute, which gives a kind of guarantee.

    Example, our digital distrib Record Union published this for those willing to get their releases on Beatport.


    Funny thing is though that the digital distributors I've worked with (One was the biggest till date: Ingrooves) never asked for any info. They approved any release. I seriously haven't seen any of the 5 distributors I've worked with ever being interested in assuring our releases was legit. I know the same goes for many other labels who never get questioned by their distributors.


    Result is massive illegal releases on Beatport week after week (example: remixes using original illegal samples or even full melody lines etc.)


    Point is that 15-20% of all releases (among all genres) on shops like Beatport would not stand the legit test IF investigated by Beatport or the distributors.

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