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Posts posted by johnb820

  1. Last night I had this most amazing dream and it has been stuck in my head since then. I feel this dream was very special in a way that I have a hard time describing.


    So the dream more or less started where I was having this adventure in something like out of a dungeon crawling game except it wasn't a dungeon, it was more like a labyrinthal castle. And then I vividly remember this moment where two figures came walking down a flight of stairs. They appeared to be women, but it wasn't obvious. All I remember was that their skin was very very translucent. I could see their many purple veins through their skin quite easily.


    Then one of the figures walked towards me and extended their hand towards me. I pressed my palm against hers. Now, I was for some reason under the impression that these beings could absorb light directly through their skin and this gave them their life energy. So when I touched her hand I immediately could feel how soft and vibrant it was. I grabbed her hand and then stroked upwards along her arm. And this is the part that I have a hard time describing. It was the most sensual feeling I have ever felt. The tactile sensation was that of something smooth, hardly any friction against her skin. And yet her skin had a certain leathery feel. I can only describe it as feeling almost like slippery and soft at the same time . Think of the way touching someone's skin feels on MDMA but it was the touch of this ethereal being implausibly real to me in the dream.


    She/they looked down at me and it was as if we shared some sort of spiritual moment... and then I woke up.


    It was so weird and I don't know what to think of it. Does anyone maybe have some insight they could share with me?

  2. There's just so much good music out there :)




    As I listened to this, and was watching a documentary about Steve Reich, I have yet again to be reminded of Omar Rodriguez Lopez who I mention on here a lot.






    Obviously he does not have the sophistication of Steve Reich, but the way he loosely flows from one beat, rhythm, effect, or hook into the next in the context of rock music deeply fascinates me. His music is just as trance inducing in a jarring, chaotic kind of way.

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  3. It is an interesting thing when popular trance takes ideas from psytrance. Not so interesting the other way around. The vast majority of morning full-on more or less falls into this category and it's pretty boring to me.


    Anyway, I am not sure if this is the style that you were thinking of, but I thought I would plug one of my tracks just because it might apply. I like to think the euphoric and trancey side of things can come out of the harsh, weird, psychedelic acid lines of goa/psy in ways that AP and MWNN achieved really really well. I would throw Afgin and maybe a few others into this category too. Of course the former two used much darker, dissonant atmospheres, and Afgin didn't really have typical trance leads save for his Euro trance stuff of course.




  4. For me, any kind of music with glitches just kill the groove and rhythm for me. It seems like a needless complexity and they are in service of nothing else in the mix. Adding 1/32 notes as a flair on a well constructed beat can be wonderful, but part of what makes rhythmic music rhythmic is a sense of repetition. When the music goes off on random glitches there is no longer a clear understanding of what to expect and where the song will go.

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