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Posts posted by Penzoline

  1. Not many are voting this on the 2016 poll. For me this iteration contains maybe a bit too many "weird tracks" on CD1. CD2 is better in general(but I think we've had enough Doof remixes :P) although I've heard many of these tracks already.


    It's a great compilation, for many reasons(And tracks) but personally this didn't contain as many tracks I want to come back to as the previous compilations. Very good compilation regardless.

  2. I'm surprised you didn't like it that much. For example the critic of Zygote to me feels out of place to me because of the melody that arrives at 4:40 just decimates and lifts the track up on higher levels. I don't feel it would need anything else, the melodies do it alone. In general too I think the melody work is what makes this one work so well. However I can kinda see where you're coming from, just don't agree with.


    Album of the year for me. Powerful celestial melodies.

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  3. Cocco you should listen to the first album too and the free EP! I can't believe you've not heard them.


    I have to write up something soon about this album just haven't had time. I think it's been a bit of a mixed bag for me, but one thing I find curious is that in the Cronomi Promo mix there were still a lot more unreleased awesome Artha tracks that aren't here for some reason..

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  4. Droning Full-on got me interested although I didn't really think it was :P


    I liked it. Progressive with a strong goa paint - it's very soft, no hard edges. I thought it had interesting production. I feel the aim was to be able to get lost in the tracks, as I find it rewarding if I give it the time, although I rarely do with anything.


    To be honest it kinda reminds me of Galactivation. The progression is very similar.

  5. Uptempo:
    1: Mindsphere - Mental Triplex: Presence (Suntrip Records)
    2: UX - Lazarus Rising (Neogoa Records)
    3: Morphic Resonance - City of Moons (Suntrip)
    4: Oforia - Read More... (MDMA Music)
    5: Artha - Dream Telepathy (Cronomi)
    6: Proxeeus - Weird Tales (Goa Madness Records)
    7: Ephedra - Flying Over The Universe (Goa Madness Records)
    8: Virtuart - Virtuart & Friends (Dat Records)
    9: VA - Goa Meditation Vol. 1 (Timewarp Records)
    10: VA -  Mind Rewind Vol. 3 (Dat Mafia Records)


    1: Perfect Blind - Wanderers (Ae Records / Neogoa Records)
    2: Scann-Tec - Unit
    3: Sky Technology - Spirituality (Timewarp Records)
    4: Globular - Holobiont (Self Released)

    Subject to Changeeeeee

    I'm a tad disapointed none of the albums this year really came out and said to me "IM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS". However Mindsphere is the one I played the most by far.

  6. I don't. I think their profit distribution model is whack and I think the concept of Spotify making millions off of the backs of artists is rather weak.

    It would be one thing if Spotify funded recording deals, paid to produce, and give artists advances; but they don't.

    They take a finished product and take 50% of revenue (a revenue calculation which is less than fair to any artist receiving less than the average number of plays). 


    If I pay $5 (or whatever it is per month) and play nothing but Chemical Brothers for the month. They don't even get my $5. They get their portion of total plays combined with the entire site's other artists number of plays. I use my money each month to simply buy music from artists. 


    I don't use the free app either, as the entire company rubs me the wrong way.

    Same with both Apple and Google Music. 


    Maybe I'm just stuck in the past and an un-evolved luddite, but it's just not for me at the time.

    I agree with the monetizing sentiments completely. However the deal, for me, is too good to give a pass.


    Do you have free mobile internet?

    Otherwise spotify is useless.

    Of course it's not free but I think majority phone owners here have a deal with a mobile internet.


    This thread is really surprising to me, like I said, most of my peers seem to have a spotify and use it regularly. Interesting.

  7. It's gone a long way since those years ago although the free edition is useless on phones. I listen almost exclusively EDM and I'm happy about what it offers, in fact I keep finding new good music all the time using the song radio feature. For more underground music, yes probably a good idea to keep them on the drives, but it's a hassle with limited storage on the road. I'm thinking this purely from having access to a huge library of music just about anywhere. Most of the people of my age group seem to have a spotify account from what I've talked with people.

  8. It took me a while to get into using it originally, but I can't live without it anymore. The fact you have such a huge array of music available to you anywhere is a such a great thing. You get to discover new music really easy and it just makes everything so convenient.


    The only problem it has is that not all Goa labels put their stuff in there, like Cronomi, Neogoa and Ektoplazm, or that if you want to listen it from another player, you basically need 2 sim cards since you're so tied to your phone network.

  9. I always have a feeling I HAVE to love everything from DAT but sometimes the style of the music just isn't for me. There's great tracks here, but a lot of repetitious one's too. The best tracks are the most storytelling one's like Red Spirit and Prospector M. I bet a lot of these work well in sets but alone they can get a bit samey.


    Still a fantastic release none-the-less. Stylistically it just isn't up my alley as much as I hoped. And I love that cover. It's a perfect modern rendition of the old one. :D

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