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Posts posted by slyman604

  1. i would check that your sending midi data to it on the correct channel. Like most reaktor ens will default to midi channel one and if your sending it midi data on channel 2 in cubase you will get nothing.

    also you dont get any errors when you load the vst?

  2. ive always been one to beat a dead horse...




    do you really think its harder to program a kurzweil synth than to know how to write for a full orchestra or choir that other people can actually play? Simons sounds are pretty stock sounds of the kurzweil synth line, samples and all used extremely skillfully.

    As pointed out Mozart wrote over 1000 pieces in his head, simon has released a few albums and its taken over six years to release another album of trance. Mozart was a virtuoso pianist as a child, simon is a mediocre keyboardist at best.

    Im not even a fan of mozarts music but you should have some persecptive on music, i mean comeon. Actually im sure you would have a much different opinion if you tripped out at a live performance of mozart's requiem. Or just rent the movie Amadeus.

  3. simon vs mozart? you have to live in psytrance glass bubble to believe that one. Comeon, i cant stand mozart but mozart made hundreds of compositions... simon has made a few albums and psy may be complex compared to other trance but hardly to a full symphony.

    in reality almost no one knows who simon is outside the trance scene. i highly doubt 200 years from now anyone will even remember "trance" itself.

  4. i always just make patches/program reaktor in stand alone and then load them up as vsti to make music.

    if you open reaktor in standalone and have the ensemble highlighted on the screen, type on the keyboard...the computer keyboard is mapped like a virtual midi controller but i believe that gets taken over by the sequencer when you load the vst.

  5. i wasnt trying to slag simon for useing samples, THATS WHAT SAMPLE DISKS ARE MADE FOR. for people to take the samples of instruments sounds they otherwise would not have access to and make some sick music with them. Your a retard if the magic is taken away because simon didnt go to mongolia and record some overtone singer, instead some other person did.

    Im confused by the delucia sample though, it seems hard to believe he wouldnt clear a sample from someone so well known to put on the one pystrance album that could be heard enough to raise some eyebrows. Then also i cant believe delucia would clear such a lenghty sample of his playing for an electronic album or that twisted could afford such a thing. From what ive read about delucia, hes a real arrogant prick(not without merit, hes 10 times to flamenco what posford is to psytrance), i would think an electronic album would be "below him".

  6. "and probaly all gms/astrix/cyber cartel/Space Buddha/Saafi Connection,......... clones out there"


    i think you ment to type all the GMS clones like astrix/cyber cartel/Space Buddha/Saafi Connection.


    im completely sick of GMS but they command respect for how different they use to sound compared with anyone in 1998-99 and how how much influence they have had on modern psy.

  7. you theoretically could make a whole track in reaktor. There is alot more than just simple step sequencers for it, a few people have made entire piano roll sequencers and things to record knob automation right in reaktor.

    However, you would get much farther useing its synths inside a sequener as a vst.


    this has a really simple sequencer in it but its controlling the waves in a wavetable, once you figure out how the stuff works it might be usefull



    i would highly recommend after reading some tutorials to just try to disect what the classic 2 osc VCO synth is doing in the R4 library under synths - simple.

    Concentrate on understanding how note pitch goes with macro P inputs, gate with G and then clocks in general. Dont get to bogged down in learning what each module does. Ive been useing it for 6 years now, i feel pretty confident in building whatever i can think of by glueing parts togather and still couldnt tell you how half the modules actually work.

  8. hehe yea im just trying to keep my expectations low, im sure from what ive heard mentioned shpongle 3 will rock.

    Have you heard the new hallucinogen track thats out on some comp? I forget what it is, a collab with someone. When i listened to that track i thought it was pretty good, but then a friend a few days later played killing joke - prana (hallucinogen rmx) that i had actually never heard or tracked down before. So it was like hearing 2 brand new hallucinogen tracks for me, needless to say jana is a thousand times better than the new track.

  9. yea i dont see the point in slagging them for useing sample cds, you grab this sample and make something better than divine moments of truth :)



    however judgeing from the new hallucinogen track, i really have low expectations for this album. Simon is still a genious but hes lost his dark edge. I also think he used all his tricks on the first album that at this point the tricks dont have the same effect as back then (the stuttering vocals, the filter delays) It doesnt seem like he has come up with any new mind blowing tricks at this point.

  10. that looks like a good tutorial, if things look different its because i think thats reaktor 2.3 in the screenshots.

    After you do that tutorial, you might want to start trying to alter simple synths like the classic VCO in the reaktor 4 library under synths - simple. Like try to change the oscilator or filter macros to whats in the macro library. Once you get that down its pretty easy to rip out a part from an ensemble you like and use it in your own stuff.

    Defianetly concentrate on how note pitch / gate work, those are usually the problem if what your making isnt working.

    ive owned reaktor since 2.3 and all the manuals are somewhat useless. The same information for the modules is written out in the properties as whats in the manual.

  11. i think it depends, when i got into stuff i got midi controller because i thought thats what i needed but without any piano chops i never used it.

    reaktor or reaktor sessions is great because there is sooo much available for it, but at the same time its almost daunting.

    your best bet might be fruity 5 and disco dsp.

  12. if you mean you want to make goa as opposed to more modern psy i think you would be better off getting some of the older synths used that were more in use during the day. the kurzweil k2000 is probly the best deal for the old school sound. I they go for 400-450 used on ebay. It was kind of the holy grail / super expensive synth during the mid 90s but its been somewhat forgotten about. Alot of simon p. trademark sounds are pretty easy to get out of it. The rack is cheaper and has double the outs, so i would go for the rack version. Also, there is a software version of the novation basstation now, thats a pretty standard old school synth.

    I think the best deal for newer synths is easily the micro q(about 350 used). The nord micro modular would make a good compliment to any other synth too, they are about 200 used and there is 20,000 patches for it online.

    I wouldnt get a virus, they are still rather expensive as the used price has really held its value.

    The problem with a real analog beyond being a bit flakey operationally sometimes is that if thats the only synth you have your not going to be able to make more than one layer at a time with it. To me, VA can model analog close enough that its not worth the trade off when it comes to ease of use to make it worth getting on.

  13. i think some of you have a bit to much nostalgia for an album to hit like the first time you heard goa. Its just not going to happen, no matter what anyone puts out its just impossible to be hit over the head like the early years when you first heard trance. something so different, fresh and new to your ears.

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