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Everything posted by Redington

  1. Technically, yes. But I find it ironic that this is coming from you. I got spared of a high priced speeding ticket earlier today. Maybe I'll actually have some money to get this album. That would be sweet.
  2. Infected Mushroom - Deeply Disturbed My dad came in and said that IM sounded like 80s music (not on this song though). I was too tired and cranky to laugh.
  3. µ-Ziq - Commemorative Pasta
  4. Listening to Third Nipple track. Pretty interesting. Gonna listen to some other ones to get a feel for this guy.
  5. http://www.tranquera.org/guests/pacheko_ca...era_mixtape.mp3
  6. The samples sounded pretty good. This one is definitely on my wishlist now.
  7. +1 I would have to agree that there were many things they could've done with and filled it in with something better. I didn't mind the long-windedness of it because majority of the time I liked what was going on. I think. My memory is bad as it is.
  8. Hmm never thought of it that way. I think it serves as some kind of turning point or the end of one chapter and going to a new chapter. All the more reason I can't wait until 2010.
  9. Redington


    Damn it's been a long time since I've seen this movie. I pretty much forget all of it. XD
  10. Which seasons? Why did it suck? If you don't mind me asking. As long as Edward James Olmos is still alive to play Adama, I wouldn't mind. XD Same goes for James Callis (who played Baltar). Fixed. I think.
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