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  1. would anyone of you friends of chi-ad like to help promote his music and make him a well recognised artist that he should be. his music is awesome and i think he deserves everyone to unite and support him then maybe just maybe he would gig again so we can see him perfoem his amazing talent in person once.
  2. hello dave! all the best for you and your projects hope u are doing fine!! cheers :)

  3. i believe the universe will sort this problem out for chi-ad he is a great artist. if his followers were behind him and buying his music direct from him then i believe he would make a come back
  4. may i just say i believe that chi-ad wil bounce back if he has the support from his followers.
  5. i believe the universe will sort this problem out for chi-ad. he will bounce back please never give up on writing music because of arseholes. your an amazing artist.
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