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annoying high hats!!


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is it just me, or are high hats/cymbols just about the most annoying sound man has yet invented? i know they are like the "fundamental" sound of dance music, but they drive me freakin barmy. what exactly are they supposed to do to a track? to me having a damn high hat clatter after every kick doesn't add the slightest movement to the track, it just adds annoyance. there is something about the sound, with its high raspiness, that seems diametrically opposed to most of the other sounds in trance. you have all this liquid digital mayhem, and then this little bugger getting continously smashed by a stick. the sound to me is so different and distracting that if there is a really clean high hat sound consistently through the track (especially after the kick), then the song becomes completely unlistenable for me. i can' t hear anything else. you can imagine how GMS and 3d vision music has me tearing my hear out. even yumade, who makes some nice music, drives me crazy with all those high hats. it just sounds completely "unpsychedelic" (whatever that means). high hats seem to work out when they are inconsistent (and not so mechanically quantized), when they are put way in the back of the mix so as to be undistracting, or when they simply don't sound like high hats. i was listening to a few antix tracks the other day, and in places where it is standard to insert some hats, they had some rather more digital-synthetic sounds that did the same job in ways infintely more pleasing to the mix. is there anyone else out there with me on this one? down with the high hats!!!!

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it's you ... go see a doctor ;)


i like them cause they make a rithm work ... but i see your point to creat new sound's and use them instead of high hat's but what's the diffrence ... you just don't like to hear those high frequencies of the cymbal's ? ... i love them ... and that 2/4 80's drum kick ... hmmmmmmmmm ... . . . . . . .


try to give a name of a song were you don't like them and an other were someone uses them correct .


...Janua ... . . . . .3ô

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Guest Slidingtrancer

I can depend on headphones... at Groove in Amsterdam one of the headphones has too much treble in it, so hihats sound awful there. I dislike hihats which are COMPLETELY open or hihats which sound 'out of' the music or panned to one side. A hihat should be panned near the center ( maybe a little sideways) and should be at the core of the sound ( not too much volume and not too OPEN)


I like 808 hihats more in general, the 909 hihat is sooooo overdone in trance and house music....

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Heh... I have also complained about hihats here....... I don't like the way everybody puts always open hihat exactly between kick drums... and that usually doesn't change at all... it goes thru track just doing the same thing.................... only track I can remember now that does it in a different way is Brain Dance by Kaaya. :)

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i sorta agree with you...but i love a close low pitched hithats....the tic drives me nuts,,,often trance hats sound too open and high pitched,becoming annoying

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aaaaaah there you said it ... PsySex really now how to use there sound's :) this is the high hat's i referd to = that 80's drum :) hèhè

pixel is an artist that this too ;)

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Guest phaeton

hihats are essential for building a good energy flow in a track, believe me, without a nice 909 open hihat between every kick in the climax of your favourite full on stomper it wouldn't be half as energetic :) rhythmical complexity is absolutely necessary to fulfill our psychedelic needs and to keep our minds and bodies entertained, especially on the dancefloor ..

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Guest Mindbender

I love fast, complex hi-hat rhythms. Even better if it's melodic. They should not stand too much out of the mix. But I sort-of feel what Russ is saying, because that usual bum-tsi-bum-tsi-bum-tsi... stuff can sometimes be really bad and ruin the whole track. I don't like hi-hats that just simply sit snap-on mid-way between two kick drums, except in unusual circumstances. Some have managed to build good tracks, using nothing but this, but it's not very common. As a part of a more complex hi-hat arrangement they're ok usually.


But it is rare to have a good beat completely without hi-hats. Oh, well, it maybe good for listening, but not for dancing. Hi-hats give me the rhythm for my hand movements and the other sounds give the shape.



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Guest PortaMento

He he, well I guess it's a matter of taste. Personally I love both the 808 and 909 hihats and I even like the classic "bum-tsi-bum-tsi" stuff, as long as it's not going on through the whole song, and as long as the hihats are not too loud.

But some people seem to believe that the hihat is an extension of the kick drum, so the hihat is always present with the kick drum. That's really boring, but otherwise I think a straight 909 can sound really good. Just imagine Astral Projection without a 909?

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Guest lÿsërgïç


i was actually thinking what russ said.. just the other day.


some times high hats really piss me off. especially when they really stand out, and begin to sound like house music.


ive heard tracks with just the kick, and other sounds.. without high hat and it sounded very cool.. very hypnotic.

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yes, lysergic, hypnotic is what i am getting at. so often the high hats prevent me from drifting into the song. it's like i am trying to fall into trance-sleep, and this alarm bell keeps ringing in my ears. i just really love liquid sounds that i can faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllll into...

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Guest bugbread

I don't dislike hi-hats, but I dislike how they're used "bum-tsi-bum-tsi". An exception is Hallucinogen's hihat sound, which is the hihat that I recognize by sound (i.e. I could hear it out of context and probably recognize it). Melodic high hats, however, are nice. Basically, I'm not into repetition, so if the hihat is just following the kick throughout the song it drives me crazy because it stands out so much and the song starts to sound like "Tsi tsi tsi tsi tsi tsi tsi"

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remember that these tunes are designed to be played on the 80K rig where the bass booms and the treble can get sucked into a vortex... and there's nothing worse than a party where there's muddy treble and just growlsome bass.

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MK said XV shows how to use the high-hats

i agree with him.

i want to know traks using the high-hats like XVs.


to russ,

whose traks do you think contain annoying high-hats?

and i wanna know what antix trak you talking about

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