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Posts posted by XpandoZ

  1. so many good trcks by them, but i do prefer the prophecy to many of their old actually, better style. gotta play that track soon, partyppl really seem to lose it on that tune, including me.

    The Prophecy by MFG you mean? Weren't they inspired by AP or something. Got this vague idea in my head that they were kinda AP's apprentices (slap me if this is bullshit)


    I prefer them over AP anyway cause they tend to sound less "fluffy" :P

  2. Damnit, I'm really interested in this. I fucking love Etnica and this artifact must be mineeeeeeeeeee. If I had any money (:() I'd probably pay like 500€ (excluding shipping) and no, I'm not kidding. Can't you just hold onto it a little longer till I get the cash :wacko:

  3. i think the reason most of ppl don't appreciate psy music is that they consider music as a background noise to the times they socialize or party. they don't want to pay attention to every single detail of the music, rather they want to have beatles and bob marley playing on background and sing with it every once in a while (and i think it's because of same reason that pop music always has vocals, because it's much easier to attract ppls attention to some crap that you're singing compared to complicated layered tunes)

    Not too long ago I put some etnica-tracks on my friends' mp3 player (he's into hiphop / mainstream stuff) and he said he could enjoy it somewhat but he can't listen to it all the time cause it drives him crazy. It was okay as background music he said. Made me think about patience one has for music..


    He (and most of my friends) really liked Hunab Ku - Matrix though :P

  4. “We’re an electronic band,” affirms Amit “Duvdev” Duvedevani, singer and co-founder of the Israel-bred, Los Angeles-based psy-trance duo Infected Mushroom, “but when we became a full live band onstage, the reaction was so powerful that we knew we were inventing something new.”




    “We’re an electronic band,” affirms Amit “Duvdev” Duvedevani, singer and co-founder of the Israel-bred, Los Angeles-based psy-trance duo Infected Mushroom, “but when we became a full live band onstage, the reaction was so powerful that we knew we were inventing something new.”



    What's so funny about that?


    His voice is like an arrow piercing my heart.

  5. I find myself agreeing with ophitoxaemia about new-school artists trying to hard. It's why I don't really like Filteria's Sky Input. I remember I was really thrilled when I heard it for the first time cause it sounded so wide and huge but I didn't really understand why everybody was comparing it to etnica/pleiadians and in the end I got bored of it. It just didn't have that same "feeling" for me. Hard to explain. Etnica's tunes feel calm and fierce at the same time. They make my <3 bounce faster :P They simply know very well how to arrange tracks. It's not just the melodies.. it's the whole.. buildup.. tribal rhythm, robotic intensity... ok...god.. I really hope some "new" old material comes out soon (gogo draeke <33) /end crazedfanmode

    Heliopolis I liked a lot more cause most songs had a clearer structure (reflected, mind expansion, rotate to vibrate) and I still listen to that one once in a while. It has less songs where the melodies sound like random arpeggio's following eachother up. (melody #1, melody #2, melody #3 etc.) It's why I placed it on #3, probably tied with Khetzal - Corolle


    That said, I do think Filteria is an amazing producer and I really hope his third album will be a bit more "crisp and clear" for me :P

  6. Lol this is awesome. 5/5.


    Anyone know what the sample at 1:00 in Sirius is saying? "We can't snap" something.

    "We can't snap you out of your fantasy" @_@


    From: Total Recall !

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