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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. Elysium... so you have Genelecs? Which model and how much they are? How low should a frequency response go?
  2. Interesting... can you guys tell us something about the movie...
  3. Here is one... www.analogsamples.com look to the SYNTH section... and choose synth from a dropdown menu... there are meny good analog samples.
  4. You can't record it directly to CD... you have to record it to WAV format first in your computer's hardrive (you need 700-800MB of free space)... and then burn it to cd. Put a lead from your mixer's output to souncard's input.
  5. I'm not sure because I don't have SBLive but my quess is that you can't record Reaktor sounds to Soundforge.
  6. You should be able to record inside Reaktor... I haven't used it long time but if I remember right there should be "recording device" which you can connect to any synth just like you would connect delay fx. You propably use differen input/outputs with Reaktor and Soundforge... so you can't record with Soundforge... and you can't use same inputs/outputs... there are only few soundcards that let you do this or mix virtually every inputs/outputs.
  7. don't know the price but this looks nice... this and some midi keyboard mmmm.... midiman
  8. http://www.buzzmachines.com/ but I don't know about linux...
  9. Yep.. I agree with mkay11.. but buy also midi keyboard. Here is a good site for articles and discussion forums... http://www.dancetech.com/aa_dt_new/?
  10. Hehe.. Izik what are you doing with BEARS?
  11. Does Cake Walk has virtual synthesizers? I couldn't live without Cubase's VST instruments.
  12. Don't waste you money on SCSI. IDEs are almost as fast nowadays as scsi.
  13. If Micromodular has midi in (of course it has) you can play it with midi keyboard or sequence it with computer (Cubase, Logic, Cake Walk etc... ). ehh... you propably knew that.
  14. You can do it like that also... sometimes it works sometimes not... I tried with my Nova synth and there are no problems.
  15. Also.. in Cubase you can do it to audiofiles(wavs) with midi gate plug-in... it's very easy.. just import audio file in audio channel... draw the notes in midi channel... then the audio plays only when midi channel notes are playing... and you can choose attack and release times. Pro-52 VSTinstrument also work as a gate. But I quess you have to have fast computer if you want to do this kind of stuff anyway...
  16. Hehe.. you've been listening Man With No Name.
  17. Ok thanks.. hehe I knew you were going to say something like that.. but anyway have to keep in mind.
  18. Umm thanks... now I'm more confused hehe.. Elysium Project or some other released artist... please give your thoughts.
  19. I was wondering... is it bad to add extra silence parts in track? I mean like 16 bars + 1 bar silence/brake and then continue... or should it be like 15 bars + 1bar silence/brake... ??
  20. well... even 192kpbs is NOT a CD quality.
  21. I think reverb on a kick drum is making it weaker and muddier... but if I want to add reverb to kick I duplicate the file and EQ almost all frequencies below 300Hz and add reverb to that file... then I mix it with original kick.
  22. I think you have slow machine... you know.. 400Mhz is not so good anymore.
  23. Well I first tried to download from ftp://contest@ftp.onewayltd.dyndns.org but now I'm downloading from the main page and it's working fine... I see that they are in your(shpongle.com) site....
  24. Actually I can't download it gives me some error message when I try.
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