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Posts posted by Arronax

  1. Anyone playing Elder Scrolls Online? I bought the game like 2 months ago but haven't had time digging myself deep in it. I liked it though, not the elder scrolls you'd imagine, but still it has a surprising level of adventure and exploration for one MMO.


    i think that he will have to do much more better than that :(


    Hah no, I think Anu was referring to the fact that I used my first and last name on FB, putting "Arronax" in between. I've been using it for years now without any issues.

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  3. I started listening to Goa in 2002, when things were going rather downhill for this sub-genre of psychedelic music. Everyone was crazy about the "new full on sound" and yet I was only beginning to uncover the epic sounds of the 94-99 era... I was pretty disappointed to see so many "veterans" giving up on good oldskool sound, becoming "another one to fall" to the new craze of full on. Don't get me wrong, I liked a lot of full on myself, but it could never replace the sound of the 90s to me.


    As years passed by, I was even more saddened that Goa is practically dead until the emergence of Suntrip and Filteria. To be honest, I was really happy to see that I wasn't the only one trying to make this sound alive again. Back in 2003 when I was learning how to produce my tracks, my main inspiration were albums from 95, 96 & 97. After one year when I could finally make a track that sounded acceptable to my ear (today I think I shouldn't have published those haha because they were very amateurish) I was more than happy to see Suntrip releases coming out. So yeah, most of us "young" newschool artists didn't have our chance to participate in the 90s era simply because we were kids, listening to Scooter or something like that. :-P As we grew up, the scene grew with each of us because we all wanted to create something new in the spirit of the 90s. Not replicating it, not trying to "steal" the memories of the older generation, I believe we were just trying to find ourselves in the sound that is highly inspired by the 90s.


    This little story isn't supposed to change anyone's mind, but I'm simply trying to explain how the world looks like from a typical 28yr old producer in 2015. Or at least, how it looks from my personal perspective, I'm not really sure others will agree completely :-D

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  4. Because is not that easy to rework original midis just like that. In my case Padmapani and Trinodia reworked and sent, without their help i wouldn't do even this one.


    Biggest problem for us who want to remix is that music is old, most projects are gone so they can't provide us original files and most of us don't have that knowledge to rework them and without files you can't remix

    I guess that's the answer to the question why Imba always appears as "vs" on releases and never solo :-)




    As for remixes, I liked Trinodia's remix, he definitely imprinted his own style into the track, so the final outcome is interesting to listen, especially if you're familiar with Trinodia's previous releases.

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  5. Crossing the Rubicon. Passing the point of no return. There's no going back. These are all phrases you might hear yourself saying if you you find yourself at Taco Bell at two in the morning.

    Thanks for the review MDK! I laughed my ass off at this part hahahah

  6. If one government that is elected by its citizens can boycott a whole nation I don't see why I as a voter wouldn't be able to do the same. Just look how USA boycotts Iran & Russia. EU trying to impose embargoes on Russia etc. Once the violence in Palestine stops for good (and I mean when Palestine gets accepted to UN as a sovereign & independent country) I might want to change my attitude but until then we all know that Israel will use all it can to acquire even more weapons for the future because this conflict won't end until Palestine gets a larger portion of the land back. If Israeli officials think they can win by ethnic cleansing, I sure hope they have a pre-purchased ticket for Mars because the world won't sit idle any longer.


    As for the conflict itself, I'll just remind you that Israel (in modern era) didn't exist prior to 1947 and it was created violently by foreign superpowers, Israelstarting to exile Palestinians on day 1. Something that was born in violence can't live in peace for too long. The only solution in 21st century would be that Israel gives Palestinians a chance to build their country and try to build a better region. But, I believe the Israeli leaders won't accept that for two reasons: that way they would have to start an international aggression which would draw its consequences in the Security Council, and second, that way they wouldn't have the villain on the opposing side (Hamas) to use as an excuse for land-grabbing and violent expansion of their borders. And let's not be fooled that this is an act of ONE MAN or a group of people in Israel, from what I've seen there is a vast majority of Israelis who are calling for violence and killing, sending messages on rockets, children writing their greets to Gaza children not by sending love letters but by writing awful things on the bombs that are launched the same night to kill them. Heck, even GIRLS go to military in Israel. As in, obligatory. How is that for a peaceful nation? If a Goa trance artist (who is supposed to be an open-minded PLUR person sending love through his tracks) calls for military aggression just imagine what a conservative people of Israel have in their minds? And FYI Israel is ruled by a conservative party chosen by the citizens of Israel. And yet we see how Israeli government accuses Palestinians for choosing their counterpart in Gaza called Hamas. So, to put things on the table, Israelis are allowed to choose a bloodthirsty regime on their elections, but Palestinians aren't allowed to choose a shady organization for their leadership.


    I don't support Hamas either, they have their own share of blood on their hands but one thing is 100% clear: Hamas was born as a counter-measure against Israeli aggression and not the other way round.


    For the end, before some people start calling me anti-semitic or whatever, I don't think that this conflict has to do much with race or ethnicity, it's pure land grabbing war and a severe lack of human empathy. This conflict has been around for too long and it has to be stopped before it gets really too late. I am 100% sure that there are peaceful Israelis who want to see this conflict end as much as everyone else does, but unfortunately their number is not big enough to pull the handbrake in this case. This madness needs to stop for I believe we're seeing the last threshold in the region being breached. I just don't want to live through another war, in this case a world war. As Richpa said, living through one war was pretty much enough for a lifetime.

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  7. As I just said back on FB, this artwork is freaking awesome! ;-) The cover & complete art on Epoch of the Terrans was truly amazing but you know I love greeeeeen more than purple so... :-) I think this one wins for a mere difference of 0.01 points :-D

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