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  1. Thank you very much for reply, you mean more layer on sinbgle instruments, or more melodic variety ( as counterpoint ), or more pads?
  2. I like te buildup and drop, similar to Astrix technique I think, very nice.
  3. Would you like to help improve my work? here a couple of track to look at: https://soundcloud.com/felice-pollano/more-other https://soundcloud.com/felice-pollano/seek-for-the-road Interested both in musical tips ( since I'm self taughting ) and general technical tips. I appreciate your help and critics, Cheers
  4. Thank you Djuna, sorry for mistake. Well I will upload a new one, a brand new one, since I'm getting tired on that one, bad arrangement too I think, a little too messy. In that case I will try to remove the mastering suite, but things ( special some nasty effect ) tend to 'clip' very easily. By the way, they clip just by a 'red sign' point of view: I can't hear any distortion.
  5. @Happymushroom yes, I have a Reson mastering suite at the end of the chain with Compressonr and Maximizer, but I'm not able to extract something nice from it.
  6. Thanks for the reply. Yes I know it is dull and absolutely weak. I really can't manage how to make sound wide, I know is a mixing/mastering stuff, but I can't find anything to really improve myself, any suggestion on book / tutorials would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. Hi all, I'm quite new to music production and I'm trying to learn. I need sincere critics and suggestions from experts so please comment and sugegst me way to improve. No fear to be too crude;)https://soundcloud.com/felice-pollano/elements-from-earth. Thanks in advance, Cheers
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