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Posts posted by desysko

  1. I think I cried a little, seeing this thing getting tortured like that.


    That's just saddening. There's also another video on YouTube of a guy completely destroying a Juno-60 in his pathway.


    Oh yea I definitely am sad about it too, but I am guessing that it was broken already. Either that, or he really hates fm synthesizers.

  2. Oh yea, the first time playing is hard but so much fun. I remember so many good moments where I was stuck at a boss for hours or days. Sen's Fortress was probably the worst spot for me, got lost there far too many times.

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    Other than that, these days I'm getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter with Dark Souls 1. Fun times, fun times.


    Oh boy, if you have the game on pc you should try out the pure black run. It's pretty much New Game +7, Aggressive Mod (which changes how the enemies react, they can detect you from further range and they will kick your ass on ng+7), and the self-gravelording mod which adds red phantom enemies in the game which usually only appear if you get gravelorded by other players. Overall, it's tons of fun and frustration. Still haven't beaten it yet because the game got very glitchy when I tried to do co-oping to get help with the 4 kings.


    Here's a funny and good video series on the run:



  4. Oh my, that x0x .. :wub::wub: *heavy breathing*


    From the little I've toyed with the Push controller, it looks like it'll be a fun instrument to sketch ideas with. I didn't have enough time to do some proper jams with it yet, but it's very high on my to-do list.


    It's automatically setup to work out of the box with Live plugins (obviously), so no configuration is needed if you stick with Live instruments -- but for 3rd party VSTs (which is my main use), you have to do quite a bit of setup in order to have correct mapping for MIDI controls, plugin browsing via Push, that kind of stuff. Once that is done, it's back to the "Plug n Play" aspect though, and setting up the basis of a track is done in a matter of seconds.


    I really can't wait to clear myself some time so that I can get back to experimenting with it and can I have that x0x please?


    Yea that's one reason I would like to have the push/launchpad, it would my life much easier for selecting midi stuff. I've finally been focusing on a track after a long break that I really like a lot and can't wait to finish whenever I do. While I'm not done with it yet, it sort of reminds me of some of Moonweed's stuff.


    About that x0x....no, haha. It's my lovely baby, and ever since getting the Boss Super-Overdrive, I've been loving all the awesome distortions I get with. I've been experimenting more with the tone knob ever since since I've noticed some gnarly sounds when I put it on lower tones or when I program a pattern with higher notes then turn the tone to the lowest. Get's some really nice sounds.


    But for now, my plan is to save up money for a mixer. Being able to apply effects to all my synths and drums right away instead of having to record each individual part (which I've tried to do but I just dislike having to multi-track) would make life infinitely better as my vst effects are much better than the ones on the korg.

  5. I have done past tracks by recording live, I just can't seem to just sit down on a computer and do all the midi then record. I'm trying to fix that by at least recording the midi of my tracks and stuff like that since I have lost some past tracks and their information which sucks because I really wanted to work more on them. Plus recording the midi along with the audio will give me more flexibility to add some changes and editing which I can't always do while recording live. Here's a pic of my set-up. Very minimal but does the job well. What's not shown on here is the audio interface and some of the pedals I have.



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