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Posts posted by FatKidWitAJetPak

  1. Genres are only labels for communication between us, some have completely different perspectives on what these genres are (difference between goa and full-on. Difference between darkest and forest. Etc.). I have been studying Psycore recently, which typically ranges over 160BPM, but this incredible artist just produced a four hour long psychedelic journey that really goes beyond the normal Psycore experience. I define it as purely psychedelic.



  2. Wow, it has been a while! I have not been on this site in a few months, sorry to say. I use to come on here and review albums, but in recent weeks I have been focusing on something different. I have been working on festivals. I thought I would go ahead and share my journey with you all. :)

    Ever since I discovered electronic music when I was 13, I have been studying it. I have searched the corners of the internet, exploring the boundaries of sound and discovering new horizons. Sometime in 2012, I discovered Psytrance. It was very... different. It engulfed me in a way music had not done before. Sure, I had jammed out to Pink Floyd, cried to Steve Roach, and raged all night to Wub Wobble.. err.. Dubstep, but I felt Psytrance was on an entirely different spectrum. It was, indeed, psychedelic.

    This word intrigued me, almost to a point to where I was more obsessed with the phrase than the music. To be clear, I don't do drugs. This "pscyahdelic trance," however, put me into a state of thought that I can only describe as euphoria, and, quite frankly, purely psychadelic... As I continued down the road, I jumped into a pool of other emotions. At one point, during the listening of a psycore album by CinderVOMIT, I even felt terror. This psytrance was taking me into a different part of my mind I hadn't explored for some time. I was perplexed, bewildered, and dazzled. I kept looking for more.

    Darkpsy, Full-On, Goa, Psydub, Suomi, Progressive, Zenoesque, Psycore, and much, much more followed. By early 2013, I had discovered more music than I had dreamed of on a website known as Ektoplazm. I downloaded tens of albums, talked to many of the artists, and reviewed as many works as I could. By diving deep into this world, I was able to understand it more. Listening to all that music, understanding the perspectives of the hands behind the synthesizers, and becoming a part of a culture I had only dreamed of was only the beginning. One day, I woke up and decided it was time to show this to the people of Arkansas, where I have lived for 21 years. Let me take you to July, 2013.

    All my life, I had dreamed of taking people into another reality of diversity, artistic creation, and passionate sound. The barren tastes of country and rock had become monotonous for me. It was time for something different. I made a lot of calls, sat down for many conversations, and banded together my collection of connections to form a wonderful and talented group of sound architects, expressive dancers, and passionate artists known as "Flux". After meeting with my business partner Cat, all of the strings were finally coming together. We were going to throw a festival in the middle of the woods, psytrance style. With her experience and my visions, we partnered up with this team to plan our first festival, "Quantum Flux" for late August.

    This is where my life changed. That night, I saw something wonderful. Behind the smiling faces of the fire twirlers, guitar players, hulu-hoopers, sound engineers, painters, dancers, and the entire crowd, there was a profoundly beautiful picture. I saw a culture forming right in front of me, as if time didn't exist. It was our own world, and we loved it. It ended around 9am the next day, and we went back to the drawing board to craft another environment. Soon afterwards, our second festival, "Haunted Flux" was born inside an indoor skate park. We added delicious, organic food, silk dancers, louder sound, more visuals, and more people. Now, we are focusing on a smaller event with the same quality for New Years Eve inside a mansion. We are calling it "Arctic Flux". I can't wait to see what sort of event unfold that night.



    As these festivals explode, I gain more experience. I meet more people. I see more visions. People laugh. People cry. We all come together to express a wonderful thing. This psyculture, as I like to call it, is full of many, many varieties. Recently, Flux has created a Facebook page and I wrote our credo.

    "Interested in the magical, addicted to the phenomenal, and curious for difference, Quantum Flux is a group of passionate artists and musicians aiming to take you into a new reality. By combing the visions of professional sound architects, innovative painters, and constantly moving crowds, our world will take you on a journey through space and time. Expect the unexpected and leave everything you knew about clubs or parties behind the door. It's time for something different, and your going to love it. Come express everything with us and escape into another dimension."

    I would like to thank Psynews for peaking my interest on psycommunity. This site was the first psytrance community I was involved in. Suntrip records introduced me to Goa. Reviews by Trance2MoveU always caught my curiosity. I even met a user on here who took me to my first festival, Atrium Obscurum: New Era Transmission. In fact, my first psytrance festival was the only one I have been to so far, besides my own of course. I took a video around June. Here it is:

    I really should go on here more often, I love you guys! This is only the beginning... I can't wait to see where the future takes us. You should come out to Arkansas sometime and breath in the fresh, mountain air under the full moon. Come be a part of the flux!

    "To fathom Hell or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic." - Humphry Osmond

    James McCarthy, a local supporter on the site, paints posters for me. I edit text in Pages






  3. Some people love CDs. Some don't care. I think all outlets should offer both CD and Digital downloads. I would gladly support anyone who did. I personally find a large amount of energy in a CD, and couldn't imagine a world without them.


    Piracy is what makes this industry so difficult. Sites like Ektoplazm have banded together passionate collectives who have the opportunity to give music away for free. Not everyone can do this, sure, but its beautiful when you think about what the purpose of music, culture, and art REALLY is. We are all a community, coming together to celebrate diverse sound. Even though we all have different opinions on this sound, we love dancing the night away next to each other at some point.


    The industry probably won't make as much money as it use to... but hell, WE will still come together to celebrate the beats. Music is a part of my journey. It is a part of my life. I do my best to support the producers by buying the music, and I am sure all of us here would be proud to do so. When you think about it, our community is quite large and spread out. There are still many, many outlets we are expanding into. Don't give up on the industry just yet, there are many ways to make money. Spread the love and support your scene! I just purchases 30 sun trip and Arabesque Distribution CDs from a friend. I now have a wonderful box of exploration :)

  4. Tools. The world is full of them, and there are many people using them for different reasons. Just look around you. There are people finding tools that match them, tools that help them express. Some use paintbrushes. Others use a football. Me, I use a synthesizer. Every time I laugh, I play a note. If I start to cry, I play another. Whatever I am feeling, I search for the right tune, exploring my emotions until I am able to express who I am. It helps me pass the time, ease the pain a little, and show the world, well, my world.


    I have witnessed people transform with these tools. They craft their personalities, piece by piece, until they think everything is right. We use tools to build ourselves. We use tools to understand who we are. They aid us in our journeys. They open doors and close others. My friend, for example, uses a canoe.


    He paddles down rivers, witnessing day change into night as he floats down stream after stream. He says he can't get away from the outdoors, it just makes so much sense for him to go out into the wild and conquer its challenges. He came back to work the other day after being gone for a little over a week. I asked him, "Where have you been?"


    "Exploring," he said, "Exploring."


    We all explore. We take different paths until they lead to an answer, a sort of realization. What we realize depends on who we are. We are all different. We all have a unique interest, a perspective that leads us into unavoidable exploration. Some sit down and read in order to learn about the Roman Empire. Others buy a camera so they might capture the wonders of a busy city. My friend floated down a river, understanding nature in a larger way than he ever had before. These tools, these cameras, books, and canoes, they all take us on a wonderful journey, a journey we will express for the rest of our lives.


    When I was in college, I suffered from serious depression issues. I hallucinated constantly while in my bed, rapidly waking up from my nightmares to witness them form right in front of my eyes. I was failing all of my classes. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Grass was no longer green. Church bells blasted me with a terrible noise. I would drive for hours aimlessly, as if my life were a never-ending tunnel. I had no happiness.


    One day, I picked up my laptop and opened up a program called "Kore Player". It was a strange instrument, containing knobs and wires that, at the time, made no sense to me. I can't explain it, but those virtual wires animated on my computer beckoned me. They begged me to explore them. A bottle of pills sat on a desk beside me. I wanted to swallow them all. I wanted the unexplainable sickness to end forever. I just wanted to die. This program, however, stalled my decision. I plugged in my headphones, and I began to play.


    I played for hours. I adjusted the instrument, twisting knobs until it sounded just right. Tears fell. Waves resonated. I put everything I felt into sound. After days of work, I composed my first song. This is when everything changed. I walked outside at 4AM and took a deep breath of cold winter air. It tasted great. For the first time in months, it tasted great. I continued writing music, and I still do to this day.


    What is your tool? Do you like to swim? Do you enjoy cooking? Perhaps you like to make music like I do. Painting may interest you. Reading, writing, talking, climbing, hiking, laughing, crying, driving... There are so many possibilities. There are so many ideas to think of. There are so many visions to craft. All you have to do is realize there is something out there for you to find, so you can finally sit down and say to yourself, "I'm awesome".


    The thing is, you ARE awesome. No, I don't want to hear you say "but, I have financial issues," or "I have a baby I never wanted to have". Life can be tough. In fact, it IS tough. But, you know what? There are many, many things you can use to build a wall to separate yourself from the negative and surround yourself with the positive. If you have a baby that you "never were meant to have," embrace it. Guess what that baby is? It is an opportunity. It's a beautiful thing. You raise that little guy, because he will change your world, and you will change his. What about those financial issues? Call me, I will help you search for a job. You will find one. There are many out there, you just have to have a little faith in yourself. You just have to explore. Whatever you do, don't give up.


    Keep exploring. Keep searching for answers. One day, you will find your tool. No one can tell you what that tool is, but you will know it when you see it. All you have to do is look. Go for a walk. Play a game of football. Read a book. Look through a microscope. Open a computer. Draw a picture. Write a poem. Search. Create. Embrace. You have a talent. You have a hobby. You may not be able to be the best thing since sliced bread, but you still can be incredible. Do something. Do anything. BE YOURSELF. Understand there is something out there for you to find. Look inward before looking outward. Balance your life. Relax, explore, and find happiness. One day, you will find your gadget, your gizmo, or your apparatus. When you do, trust me, life will be amazing, because you will feel amazing, and everything will just be AMAZING!!!


    So... what is your tool?

  5. Hey guys, I haven't been around here lately because I have bee pursuing different adventures in real life, including throwing my first and second festivals. I purchased a large amount of music the other day, 350 albums for an excellent price, and immediately realized I had finally collected enough music to be considered a psytrance connoisseur. I also realized there were many fine lads on this site that also had piles of discs lying around. Post your collection for all to see, suggest you favorite ones, and brag about your tunes.


    If I as rich enough, I would totally buy a large piece of glass and make a walkway with these CDs.











  6. f9ji90w7jw782tt6g.jpg

    How Much?
    $5 for entry | $10 for entry + camping
    August 23th 5PM Fri. - August 24th 2PM Sat.
    7410 Henderson Rd
    Little Rock, AR United States
    Greetings world of Arkansas and beyond! The Summer is coming to an end... so lets bring it to a close with an explosion, isolated in the middle of a beautiful wooded valley with nothing to do but PARTY (and raise money for our community radio station - KABF 88.3 FM).
    Interested in the unexpected, addicted to the magical, and passionate for culture, Quantum Flux is here to bring a new light of music, art, and dancing into your lives. Get ready to jump into a completely different world, aided by an expressive explosion of psychedelic sound architects we call "SBass Cadet," "Sick Numbles," "GrooveCluster," and more!
    From 5pm until 2pm the next day, witness art in its purest form. Dance, laugh, jam, paint, relax, explore, and come have an awesome party with us. There will be drum circles, acoustic performances, a giant community painting, yoga, fire dancing, camping, and a lot of juicy electronic music ranging from Psytrance to Glitch!
    There will be downtempo and acoustic music after 2am followed by an ambient sunrise set, so grab your most comfortable tent and setup camp. There is plenty of room to come and stay the night with us! There will be a large amount of food for sale, free water, and a complimentary breakfast - we want to make sure you're as comfortable as possible during the sunrise festivities.
    The Schedule
    5pm Gate Opens so folks can set up camp
    6pm Educational Workshop (based on your vote on the poll below)
    7pm Community Drum Circle
    8pm Cory Stardust
    9pm Groovecluster
    10pm SBass Cadet
    11pm Sick Numbles
    12:30am Open Decks
    2am Spot Wade
    3am Dustin Searcy and Kyle Owen acoustic set
    4am Jackson Diner & Zora McBride acoustic set
    5am Sick Numbles ambient sunrise
    7am Free Breakfast
    9am - 2pm Sleep In, relax, and socialize
    Live Visual Art by:
    Cory Stardust and Mary Jane
    Will Saxton Esposito
    Stewart Fuell
    Alyssa Jenkins
    Jack Bruno


    The Rules
    - No animals of any kind.
    - No glass containers or bottles.
    - Leave No Trace! Plenty of trash and recycling bins will be provided. Please use them or bring your own. It's a privilege to use this land, so let's leave it the way we found it: pristine and blessed!
    - No alcohol for the Under 21. (No alcohol will be sold.)
    - No drugs or illicit substances permitted.



    The Menu (Dinner)
    Grilled cheese
    Veggie tacos (homemade tortillas)
    Shrimp tacos (homemade tortillas)
    Homemade salsa
    Homemade trail mix
    Fresh fruit
    FREE WATER PROVIDED (please bring a bottle to cut down on waste)
    Breakfast is also provided at no charge.
    Please contact me for more information!! I hope to see you guys out there. Come on out and enjoy a new reality with us at Quantum Flux!!
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