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  1. all good. variety keeps things interesting; some of us have a more scientific approach to things, some of us more spiritual... I guess the spiritual impression from the press notes comes from the fact that the release is mostly inspired by shamanic experiences in latin america, and the live music scene in california. a lot of shpongle stuff comes from a similar background. it's true what you say that it's better to let the music do the talking; it's just that when dealing with buyers for stores and the press, it's hard to avoid using descriptions... the kaya project track is pretty interesting; kind of like a more acoustic-tribal 'dorset perceptions'. i hope you find something to your taste on the cd, and you enjoy the journey...
  2. Hi Towelie, while I respect your opinion, and appreciate your sense of humour, I think I'm the only Interchill DJ with a super cool indian name I worked on three texts for the release: the first one was spiritual, the second was humouristic, and the third, a bit more formal. We settled on the third. I don't find it to be spiritual at all! However it is definitely wordy, and bit serious sounding. I would have liked to release my more humourous (funny) text, but it just wasn't appropriate as the text is intended for stores and such (the sales point included in the post are meant only for buyers at stores). So if you think this is spiritual, just wait 'till you read my liner notes on the cd itself (LOL!)... In any case, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and everyone has their own taste. No harm in that, and no offense taken...have a super cool shanti baba summer And for the rest, thanks for your kind words and support. The CD is actually in stock now at Arabesque and is meant to be released June 12th... Peace, Neerav
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