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Posts posted by Oopie

  1. Holla! The thing is... there was supposed to be a full length but I couldn't scrape it together due to technical issues. Together with the re-launched Ektoplazm we've now released a three track EP compiling the last tunes of the original "SKM studio". 


    Sab Kuch Milegator - Boxside The Out

    1. Pixelbox Pixie (142 bpm)

    2. Box Full Of Mad Ion Candy (145 bpm)

    3. Underdog's Overdrive (148 bpm)



  2. Falls short of the previous level he's held. I'm personally very unsettled with basic/simple type of melody work where a given pattern is repeated to exhaustion. Now that could be a choice as a matter of fact, but I find the sort of solution unimaginative and lackluster. And unfortunately there's quite a bit of that here. 

  3. Hey-hey. How's it? This is a bit of a large scale topic to tackle but I've been thinking about it every now and then. 

    So the main question is - how's everything changed considering psytrance culture? What do you think? It's obviously a question that's intertwined with our technological/social/human progression.

    It's difficult to start making an analysis but to get things started... I'm arguing people are in collective terms less focused. This means what we "consume" needs to be easy and fast to digest. Any person needs to make a conscious effort to withhold a long attention span in the age is smart phones and social media. A shorter attention span is not the only thing - if you browse through endless amounts of data (phone/computer...), the creators of this data are in battle to win your attention. Your attention is money, straight and honest. It's views, likes and ad revenue. 

    As you might have noticed, this battle is intense and ugly. It's almost like as if you've suddenly landed in this weird zoo with endless amount of monkeys hitting cymbals together. The loud and obscene run the show. Attention is also a drug like phenomenon, some people crave for it and are willing to take any measure to achieve it. And it certainly has been this way before the invention of internet, but nowadays you can't escape this toxic energy that easily. We're physically less in contact and digitally affected by behavior that we can easily classify sub standard. But isn't it so, that we've actually developed a skill to avoid the negative aspect of internet to some degree? That skill is indifference. People are far more indifferent than before. We just have to ignore a lot of things, because the amount of stimulus has significantly risen in the 10-15 years or so. 

    In global terms the rise of indifference is great for the ones in control. But for the majority, for the planet, for the evolution of mankind... it's toxic. It creates a world of apathy and that's when things get dark when we run out of empathy and hopefulness. 

    Let's see how the aforementioned, in my opinion, affects psytrance culture:

    1) Drop of quality / When it's "fast-food" it means you only have to figure out a few things like production standards to achieve the pop-appeal. And sure, there's a place for easily digestible music and it can be fun too. But how about the very opposite? The ruthlessly difficult yet intelligent sound? The reason to do music, the idea behind it, has certainly changed for the worse. The big names are very clinical in their approach and pretty much create the same track over and over again. These days there's more ego & less Soul. 

    2) Drop of interest / People are less engaged. Less focus means we give each other, not to mention our art, less time and appreciation. We hardly stop to admire a great work even when we hear it. We don't write reviews. Those take time and who cares! Right? That's just the way cookie crumbles these days.

    3) No more classics / There's no consensus on what's good and what's not. Just a few single opinions at most. There's no real indicators of quality and popularity these days neither, because views and stardom can be bought. We can all probably agree Hallucinogen's Twisted is a classic yes? But come to talk about anything from the last 10 years I wouldn't know. I couldn't know. 

    4) Less story-telling albums / ...and more digital singles! Because singles can be released more often therefore staying "active" as an artist/label. Activity is one of the key elements to gaining attention online. A full length album? Yesterday's antics. 

    • Like 4
  4. Nice to have some feedback... can you imagine I feel the same way as you to a certain extent. It's tragicomical you make a 9 minute track and then think maybe it should've been just a tad longer! In all honesty, the project file for this track got somehow "corrupted" near the completion and I couldn't do any significant changes without crashing the DAW. That's the poor man's outdated, pirated FL studio charm for you.

    • Like 1
  5. Condition of the items vg+/nm


    VA - Zep Tepi 30

    Spectral - Celtic Alchemy 11

    Shulman - Endless Rhythms Of The Beatless Heart 20

    Entheogenic - Entheogenic (couple teeth missing from digipak but holds the CD) 9

    Ishq - Orchid 13

    Tim Schuldt - Retrospecter 7 

    Total Eclipse - Bordeaux Live 1997 12

    Infinite Zen - Goa Generator 8

    UX - Aud‡ssey (Live & Beyond) 24

    Chromosome - The Genome Project 12

    Eat Static - Dead Planet 36

    Sundial Aeon - Wolfsberg 4

    Igor Swamp - Metsä Vastaa, Kuuleeko Suomi 12

    Various - 10 Years Of Randomness 7

    paypal/bank transfer

  6. On 3/8/2022 at 11:21 PM, Tsotsi said:

    Oh damn, how did i miss Oopie!

    I always wonder about the Classic Goa Trax and Unreleased Goa Gem releases. If they are released for the first time in 2021 doesn't that make them a 2021 release, regardless of when tracks are recorded?

    I know! Like, there's no review of the album either? :wacko:

    Hey buddy you're 100% correct - regardless when music was recorded, what matters is when it's actually released to the public. Many of these "old school" releases are legit 2021 (or 2022 at the time of writing) releases BUT Bypass Unit, I would know as it's my favorite Goa release, was first released in CD format back in 1999.

  7. Shoot me in the duck. Fight me towards the aircraft.

    If someone's selling Aeon - Transe Modulaire for 30 euros on discogs (all time low!) how could I sleep my nights if I slept on the opportunity? Wasn't actively searching for it because I thought chances of getting it for a good price were really slim but there you go... 

  8. 5 hours ago, Gluon said:

    Yo @Oopie
    I see your music is on Mr. Lemilica's youtube channel as well
    Did they ask you if they could upload it or something?

    I know Mr. Lemilica from somewhere (I don't remember details) and asked him to upload my music years ago... and in fact he still does if I release anything.

  9. As I see it, "sab kuch milega" is used in India to mean "everything is possible" or "you get what you want". Obviously "Milegator" is just my own made up word. :)

    ps. I can't do a mainstream track it just wouldn't feel right...

  10. Although a decent percentage of neo Goa is in fact simpler than it tries to sound, Goa is still, essentially, psychedelic music. It thrives on complexity. The "big room" psytrance, from a popularity perspective, is always going to remain more consumed because it's easier to digest. Simply - people like simple. The big room sound took essentially what are the cliche, working "hooks" of classic psytrance and churned a McD version out of it. That's the money recipe! 

    So yeah, Goa is never gonna be that much more popular unless people's minds were somehow altered to demand and appreciate more complex sound structures. The production quality talk, although a welcomed topic on its own, is somewhat futile in the end I reckon.

  11. On 2/9/2021 at 4:02 AM, Penzoline said:

    ^what he said +


    Lyktum - Mission 5D (I know its proggy but damn if its psychedelic.)

    Nebula meltdown - Selected Experimental Tracks 2001-2006

    Va - Futurism Volume 01


    I'd recommend more psytrance but everything is being released as singles only now, no albums.

    But you were the layout designer for the Sab Ku...

    On 2/9/2021 at 3:00 PM, Drosophila said:

    I second these, for sure! great releases!


    These releases also come to mind:

    Sync24 - Acidious https://sync24.bandcamp.com/album/acidious-3 (great boundary expanding release - ambient acid techno?)

    Out of Orbit - Wisdom of the Crowds https://shamanictales.bandcamp.com/album/wisdom-of-the-crowds


    both late 2019 but awesome, I think it might be up your alley Ormion?

    Spindrif - Stereohemia https://beatspace-stereohemia.bandcamp.com/album/deep-nature

    VA  - Goa Gilde https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/album/goagilde-norways-got-goatrance

    But, but, you were the...


    I don't know where I'm going with this.

    Or maybe I might...

    "Sab Kuch Milegator - Tajunnan Rajamaa (2021)" 

    Not a lot of reviews just yet but listen to my main man he knows this stuff

    Lemme quote

    On 10/3/2009 at 2:41 PM, Ormion said:



  12. On 1/7/2021 at 8:02 PM, astralprojection said:

     the music is very interesting.

    Thanks buddy.

    4 hours ago, Drosophila said:

    I love the Dumb and Dumber samples in Turban Of Turbulence :wub: :lol: and great album btw!!! Im hooked! 


    ...and what is the chance, I got print number 6 out 100, which was the same number I got on my copy of Surrounded By Surreality :o:blink:B) awesome!

    Maybe it was... intentional? B)

  13. Okay so it's at least partially money related. I should've guessed! Money talks. Psytrance is a business too, for some. It's kinda funny though... as right now exposure doesn't really do much to give you gigs does it. 

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