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Mad old ones
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Posts posted by Anoebis

  1. Samples damnit!

    Too much going on, I think in 1 month, you know artists... They want to re-record everything 10 times :) (yes yes, this is analog stuff, not software) :P


    As for the album, they are SUPER motivated, basically in the long talk we had it is clear they are SUPER happy with the goa revival, so they can make music again they LOVE :) Its no coincedance they were mostly gone during the full on wave ;)

    • Like 7
  2. Ooo, I LOVE the cover - so different for a Suntrip release, with some very gentle influences from Pleiadians' I.F.O. :wub:


    Are the samples available anywhere else? Can't use Arabesque's player at work :(

    Not yet, we were surprised it was already on their site... just finishing the promo of Ra now, next weeks we will put the samples on our site and soundcloud of course :)


    As for the cover, hand painted material, I will add the fb of the makers here soon :)

  3. Under the Crossing Mind moniker is Stéphane Bèze, from Nice, France. He’s been producing Goatrance for 15 years. He’s also well known for wreaking havoc on the dancefloors with his peculiar ipad-based setup. His performances at Connection or Boom Festival, to name a few, have been remarked. And after frenetic live-testing and refinements, his new jewels are now released in his third album “Beyond Duality”. It will be released 4th of november! :)



    01 - Cyclotron

    02 - The Foolish Mind
    03 - No Hazardous Materials Signs
    04 - Hypnotropic
    05 - Alpha Centauri
    06 - No Event Horizon
    07 - PsyKo-Mind-Porteur
    08 - Life Forms

    Crossing Mind manages to marry frenzy melodies with heart-warming feelings. And he sends you well beyond that duality up to new levels of psychedelia. Enjoy!


    • Like 2
  4. For the ones that were not on Connection this weekend... The best goa festival ever for me, I never experienced 30 hours of superb music in a row before in my life! I couldn't even stop dancing... And the dancefloor? Here is a video from during the live set of Astral, who played a full old school live set here! :)

    40 sec and 3.15... My god! :D

    • Like 2
  5. Good news! :) We will release 2 new Astral projection tracks before new year! 1 of them will be a remix of Filtertraces and the other one is a new/remix-version of Y-Salem they created in 1992 :) Both amazing tracks, 100% pure astral style... :)

    And... yes, they are working on an album, but its not finished yet...

    • Like 5

    That begs for a question - who makes the call on how the mastering of certain release sounds? Is it the label, the author, or maybe the mastering engineer?

    I'm really asking whether this is a sign of further trend in making Suntrip's CDs sound less aggressive, or was it just an exception for this particular release?

    Actually the artists decides... Unless we use our veto, when we are REALLY not happy. This only happened a few times so far.


    As for the future, we'll see, it depends a lot on the music of course!


    About Spotify: yes, but I think you can upload tracks in your "own" spotify I think, so I'm not sure it is already online...



    • Like 2
  7. Will it be available on spotify as well? I will take a listen to the samples now, very curious to hear what kind of transcendental knowledge the sun disc of Ra is bringing this time to illuminate the path. :)

    Well, good question about spotify, normally it is programmed to be released the 5th of october, so in that case you have to wait a bit longer (but i'm not really sure when they put it actually online) :)


    As for the rest, I also thought the mastering was more balanced this time, about the music, give it time... Ra is the kind of music that needs more listens to go into the magic... :)

    • Like 1
  8. 1. Metropolis - Time of War
    2. Scope - The Future
    3. Koxbox - Pipfugl
    4. Arcturus - 1000 Planets
    5. The Infinity Project - ???
    6. Shiva Chandra - Libellula
    7. ???
    8. Eco - Not sure about the title
    9. Underhead - Shubata
    10. Space Tribe - In The Hands Of The Shaman

  9. Let me first explain my points system:

    I rate EVERY track on EVERY cd I have, if a track gets 7 or 8 = * = 1 point, if it gets 9 or 10 it gets ** = 2 points, if it gets less then 7 it gets a / = 0 points

    if you have 9 tracks and you have 9 points or more = 5/5 (so actually, if a cd is SUPERB, it can have 15 points out of 9 tracks)

    This IS a problem with 2-3CD releases, as chances are small it gets 5/5, as usually there are several tracks that get a 0... This is the case with the Zirrex-CD, not ALL the tracks on the 3 cds are super good and get an average of 1 point per track for me...

    As for the Suntrip releases, of course I favour some above others... But as said, a release can have an average of 1 point (9 tracks and 9 points), but also an average of 1.33 for instance (9 tracks and 13 points). They would both get 5/5, but still, the other is "better" :D

    And its pretty simple, I would never release a cd that would net get 5/5 in my points-system... Sometimes, in the end, you realise some tracks may be less good, but still... and if I think about it, maybe 2 releases deserve rather a 4/5 after relistening them 100 times ;)

  10. I have no idea why the credibility would become less if the label releases music they love from the heart... Its simple,if a label releases a release, I guess he is in love with it... And in my case it is very simple. I have a points-system in my computer with every release I own. And all releases I have get a rating on discogs from 1/5 till 5/5. As I rate all, it would be dull not to include Suntrip releases or releases I worked on (which are many more as just the Suntrip stuff) So yes, logically speaking we won't release music we don't like, so it means a 5/5 score... If that makes me less credible, so be it, I just give honest points to all goa-trance I own :)

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