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Posts posted by Reznik

  1. i think we should all relax a bit :)


    anyway, my thread was a forumgame thread, with clear rules and no spam at all, an experiment that didnt work.

    this is how i see it, my intention was no spam, i think i made it clear.

    doesnt deserve a warning imo.



  2. Incidentally, the people who laughed at Columbus were quite right to do so, since people at the time knew full well that the world was round; the disagreement was over its circumference, which Columbus got wrong.

    this is news to me :unsure: got any proof?
  3. Somewhat understandable: just because the majority says something doesn't mean it's automaticaly true.

    of course not, but a human being would/should at least consider the possibility.


    no change though even after the 100th bulgarian roads thread.


    Maybe it's the need of attention that drives them or their boring live, I don't know.

    maybe its just plain psynews addiction. that is actually something which exists, doesnt it?
  4. Even more true about Cinos

    not sure about cinos, he might have other motives...

    Kinda like the first guy to suggest the world was round and everybody laughed at him and thought him an idiot. Or maybe nothing like that. I dunno. Ignore me.


    Either way, I'm sure feeling like a lone wolf or great warrior fighting the masses has it's benefits.

    radi once said to rezwanker: you are a such a strong fighter man. so maybe its all about the fight, the more they fight the greater they feel, independent of the topic the fight is actually about.


    interesting matter for me nonetheless. :)

  5. one astonishing trait all those radi/rezwanker characters have makes me wonder; even when a whole community screams at them claiming their moves wrong/bullshit/completely fucked up, they wont give up.

    if a whole bunch of people yelled at me that i was wrong, i would propaply reconsider, eventually i might be wrong.


    radi explained it once though; they feel like the lonely wolf, considering themselves great fighters, one against everybody.


    interesting :)

  6. were you around when he was putting everyone on his ignore list and making a list of ignored persons in his signature :lol:?

    then someone copied the online list and put in his signature claiming it to be his ignorelist :lol: pure gold :D

    ...dont remember who that was.

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