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Posts posted by Shpongled247

  1. Sunburn is kind of like the Indian version of Tomorrowland from what we saw..

    Didn't go to the fest obviously but had some friends that worked there and we were in anjuna at the time... Freaking huge festival for the size of the place, the main streets of Anjuna just flooded with busloads of indian guys/girls coming from allover to get their party on haha... Not my scene or music at all but it was quite funny to see. I heard this year they are trying to increase the "psy" part of things there, but from the looks of it I wouldn't get my hopes up.

  2. I walked away from Koxbox sets numerous times last season in Goa... Occasionally there would be a track that would actually resemble something "koxboxy" to my mind.. but the rest of the time just.. bleh. Turns out, the bleh times were this album.. ugh. Cmon now Martian Arts, The only reason any track off here "rocked it" was because everyone was already hyped, and any set would of rocked it, and i was there with ya :) Just my 2c of course...

  3. Just a heads up for those that are fans that Felix has released a free album of unreleased/early/unfinished? stuff on bandcamp:



    "This album represents the 4 or 5 years of music before Terrafractyl's debut album 'Chrysalis' came out in 2009 on Sundance Records.
    As the Album progresses, the tracks get older and older, all the way back to 'Twelve' written in 2004, almost 12 years ago!"


    Really interesting stuff for Terrafractyl fans to hear the progression through time. Bear in mind that all these tracks are made up of things that Felix didn't find up to scratch for various reasons eg, flow, production etc, hence the free price tag.


    If you are like me and devour anything terrafractyl then you will appreciate it for sure! :)

  4. Talpa/The Riddler (if we discount his collaborations with other Tesseract guys). His production style changed over the years but the overall aesthetics and melodic approach stay more or less consistent



    ^ This +1


    Terrafractyl has imitators now, but frankly they were all fans of his beforehand and are mostly found on his own label ha...

  5. ^^ You should also look through the reviews section of this site, one of the best resources in the world for discovering good stuff, if you haven't already... Often number of replies correlates to quality, but also sometimes not. Either way, its worth looking through all the various years for gems you may have missed. The guys have already given you some pretty solid lists so far though! :)

  6. Some great answers here already, Trunksan is on the money. Friends that i made there usually are not living there fulltime, rather travelling, following the festival circuit. A lot selling clothing or jewellery at stalls and markets. Sometimes if the business is a bit larger after few years they are selling online as well. Then, well they try and live very cheaply from place to place, forgoing some luxuries I suppose and taking it day to day. I still haven't quite put my thoughts together about Goa properly after my season there so I won't go into that but yeah, it was mixed, sometimes great if you find the right time and place and sometimes not. And then in the end sometimes it is what you make it as well..

  7. This past season in Goa, far too many times unfortunately..

    My sentiments would echo many, quite frankly, they sucked and are/were not my cup of tea at all.


    When you have to "try" to stay on a dancefloor and "give it one more track/mix" you know something is wrong..

    I walked away at numerous parties until the next act started and I tried to stay in all kinds of sober/non sober states. Either way it was just shite.

    • Like 1
  8. I don't know if you count Terrafractyl or Talpa as new school Goa, but I think they're kind of top of the class the past few years

    Terrafractyl is def not in the goa genre at all haha. Agree he is at the top of his own class however! :) (melodic full on)


    Morphic Resonance for me has a ways to go before standing alongside 4/5 other artists.

  9. I don't feel the scene is "being built down" by having older artists play. The start of getting new school artists on any line ups at all, was related to having the old artists play I believe.


    It got people interested in Goa again and eventually, today, we are at a point where there is more new artists playing than in the last ten years, thanks to a lot of hard work by Joske and all the artists themselves.


    Now sure, maybe in 5/10 years or something the old guys won't need to play as much anymore as others will have taken their place. Well maybe even Filteria will be seen as old by then hah.


    For now I think there is room for both and we should be grateful to see them at all while we still can.

    • Like 1
  10. I'm not sure if I'm just looking in the wrong places but there seems to be a drought of what I would call pure morning full on in the last few years. Perhaps in part due to the crossover of progressive coming closer to full on and the whole full on/progressive merger almost becoming a genre itself these days.


    So, where is the actual, pure, morning full on? I'm not going to give old examples that I know because I want to see what everyone else thinks. Does it still exist and who are the new (er?) artists making it?





  11. well i like some artists and i am willing to admit they are not particularly talented - ka-sol is a good example you cant really say its true musical talent (have a music teacher listen to ka-sol and you think he will say this artist is talented?)


    as for filteria - since the beginning he tried to copy pleiadians - if you have enough talent you dont try to copy anyone or at least if you do so you succeed and make something even better which is far from being the case here


    again please listen to ra - 9th and you will hear something magic very harmonious and personal - definition of music

    then listen to filteria...

    my view is if you have enough talent then you dont need to put 1000 layers in a track to make it sound like it is psychedelic



    I'm not really sure where to start with this.. I love Ra's albums and specially 9th and have done for the same amount of time i have loved Filterias work. They are two different styles of goa one more floating and dreamily melodic and the other rather climactic and in your face, an assault on the senses at times if you will. Depending on mood I can happily listen to either as I'm sure most people here can.


    Just because you prefer one style doesn't automatically mean the other hasn't taken a shitload of talent and dedication to produce. I'm not quite sure what your metric is for "talent" anyway. You mention musicality but that isn't the only "talent" required to produce high level goa trance and definitely not the defining one.


    I feel like Filteria has managed to add on to what Pleiadians started, and put his own unique spin on it. How many artists sound like him even now years later? None. Well, none that I have ever heard, not even close. He has developed his own sound signature, his own style and his own way of doing things. Some people don't like it im sure, but to say there is no talent there is to undermine an artist completely.



    Ka-sol is extremely talented I would say.

    • Like 2
  12. Epic review mate, was wondering if someone was going to put one up for this.


    Felix said himself i believe that he thinks this is his best release yet. Not sure I completely agree, as for me Chrysalis will always hold a certain special place. As a producer though he has grown and you can hear that in this album. I'm sure not many producers ever say their first album was their favourite/best hah.


    On first listens at release I thought it really reminded me of The Misted Muppet album a lot more than any of his other stuff. His most orchestral almost soundtrack like album so far imo. At least the Psymphony section anyways. Really great to hear him fully explore that musical side.


    No idea what comes next but I hope he keeps cranking it out and think myself lucky whenever I get to catch a set of his.

  13. I'm still in Goa now after 3/4 months and i guess the season will be winding up soon.


    I can tell you that here, it is cranking if parties are what you want. Still, even now, 4/5/6 parties a week playing some decent stuff.


    Depends what style of music you want I guess as well. Parties here are predominantly full on or dark, a lot of Nano style stuff getting played as Tristan and co are here all the time. Some quite psychedelic music being played every party around 4am as well. So if you like that you will love it here.

    Occasionally in the mornings they are actually playing some goa surprisingly, which just makes me incredibly happy when it happens.


    The vibe, the people, the sheer amount of parties... Its just incredible and it is actually my favourite place in the world I think hah. I never want to leave. Strongly, strongly advise anyone with an interest to check it out next season. Sure its not goa from back in the day but quite frankly it is still rocking hard.

    • Like 1
  14. ^^ Nice one Franki


    Sounds a bit like you can hear the maturity I was talking about through the albums after listening to them one after the other :)


    Everyone is going to like a different album in the end, same as everyone will love a different Metallica/Nirvana/Doors/Beatles//Whatever else album over the years, but there is just no denying he has grown as an artist.


    As to Antics comment, No, we shouldn't assume any artist will grow and improve over time. That can NEVER be taken for granted.
    Because quite frankly the opposite has happened time and time again in this genre...


    I don't need to remind you of every single artist that has taken more than a little backwards step im sure.. As for sounding "thin"... Hah. If you have ever heard him on a decent system I believe you would retract that statement quite quickly.. just imo..

    • Like 1
  15. Terrafractyl, the thread.


    Not going to link to a million tracks as you can find for yourself.


    Actual melodies however perhaps a bit jazzy for some, specially on this forum for some reason.



    Spacey Koala is doing similar stuff inspired by him but still quite good.



  16. There hasn't been enough Filteria talk on here as of late for me. I understand this album came out in 2013 now but quite frankly, nothing has come close since as far as artist development and maturity, album to album goes.

    The growth and inherent connection between Daze of our Lives and Lost in The Wild is obvious for any Filteria fan to hear, but I guess is maybe perhaps lost upon those who haven't followed the entire journey so far.

    For me, it is something akin to Jannis quite literally perfecting his craft and I'm guessing what he originally set out to do with Sky Input in this album. They are clearly worlds apart, but the idea and essence of pure goa trance convalesced so perfectly in Lost In The Wild that I can't help but feel he achieved what he always had set out to do from the start.

    So is everyone else still as enthralled with this album as I am? Are some people still longing for the more "noisy" Sky Input days?

    Don't get me wrong, I love any and all Filteria but for me the best part has been hearing the journey of a musician and producer growing as an artist along the way…

    How the hell do you follow up on this album??

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