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Posts posted by Drosophila


    As a religion teacher I do not agree at all... Buddhism has more or less the same structure as Catholicism with monks, lamas and a "boss", the Dalai Lama. The temple as central religious point and place of wisdom.


    Christianity is VERY locally adapted. The amount of saints and the way old religions were locally adpoted is SUPER diverse in Christianity & Buddhism...


    Its another discussion, but people in Western Countries have an unreal view on Buddhism.

    Sorry, but I do not agree with your comparison... What you describe is more or less a general definition of a religious community, as I see it. That in turn will pretty much always be somewhat organized, otherwise it wouldn't be a religion... (with priest/shamans/monks e.g and specific places of worship).


    And as pointed out The Dalai lama is not really comparable with the pope or a "boss" (for that matter), although (with China's help) he has a big following in most Buddhist communities, but that is not part of the organized religious structure... (as it certainly is for the pope).


    And by locally adapted I mean especially in-cooperation of all kinds of per-existing gods (and the following believes) into the local version of Buddhism, even new believes like Christianity (e.g. Virgin Maria)... that will be hard to find for Christianity when compared to Buddhism, simply due to the fact that Christianity is monotheistic... (although I am sure you know some examples with your background) ;) ...


    so to get back to the simplistic point I was trying to make, I think it actually boils down to (insert generalization), polytheism vs monotheism ("plasticity" vs "rigidity")... might be why it appeals to hippies :P

  2. Haha, so true for Belgium!


    Another one: they hate organised religion but have a huge buddha in their room and they sing mantra's when they are stressed :)

    Not really a contradiction... Buddhism and Hinduism are not organised religions when compared to e.g. Catholicism... it's much more locally adapted.


    Oh, that is awesome! :wub:

    I was a little disappointed DAT Rec. released Crop Circles in plain paper sleeves...


    Haha, yeah the paper ones can be a problem to find as well... I have "lost" one of my DAT EPs in my collection, another one just popped out when I took some CDs from my shelf the other day, meaning I have to do the same to all my CDs before the other one pops out, wont happen anytime soon :P

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