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Everything posted by radi6404

  1. Your believ in such a theory is not more unlikely as my believe, that we exist in different realities for ourselfes, but can see people from other realities.
  2. I don`t really think that is the case, because in dreams you notice things from this life, you are not completely isolated. You embed sounds and vibrations from this life in your dreams, so I don`t think it is a dream of another life. I am sure you have heart sounds in your dream from this reality, which makes your theory hard to proove.
  3. Hah, I am having such kind of dreams quite often. In some of those dreams it takes 5 or more tries to get up. I think I am awaken, than I realise I am not, than in the next instance the same thing happens and so on. It is very unsettling but finally I manage to wake up, if I wake up at all. We can assume that we are always in a dream. We can`t tell in a dream, whether it is reality or not, in some dreams we can but not in all dreams. So life could be a dream aswell.
  4. Can you beginn an out of body experience when you are in sleep paralysis?
  5. From time to time I have some pretty unpleasant experiences, that I don`t like. They are not very unpleasant, but a bit scary when they happen. It is always when i wake up from sleep and lie in a strange position or even sit.Sometimes I fall asleep while I am sitting. Then I wake up and am aware that I wake up but can´t move any part of my body. It is so unpleasant and I get frithened emidiatelly. The only think I can do for several seconds is breathing through the nose. I try to move any part of my body, but absolutely nothing happens. After breathng fast somehow the blokae is terminated and I can get up. Does that happen to you aswell? How do you feel when it happens? For me it is a very strange feeling, for a moment I feel like the world is frozen and consists only of visions and acustics. It feels fettered.
  6. What do you think of the idea, that we could use some technique, go inside a special room with altered dimensions or something similar and experience time much slower. Imagine what we could do, we could work much more and earn more money. We could listen to much more music than we can, read interesting books, draw complexart, produce many interesting tracks, it would be a dream. In my opinion we have way too little time to go after such things. The golden years of goa trance passed and I am sure that I have not even heart 20 percent of all goa tracks, the most some people have heart here is 50 percent of all goa tracks. But what about the other music, ambient? It would be incredible to be able to slow down the time and go after such kind of things, when we are done, we can go after the normal time. What we can do in our world is, sleep little, but that is easier said than done. Some doctors say, even 5 hours is enough, but sometimes I need 10 hours of sleep. Would we be able to sleep only 5 hours a day, we could experience much more, than we can with normal sleep. People who do not have to work a lot or do a job that is fun to them, and besides that only sleep a few hours, are really lucky.
  7. Rotwang, I understand what you mean, but the lens hasn´t been wiped since last year and it is clean anyway. I took so many photos with the lens and there are no signs of blur when the lightning conditions are good, and even if the lens is not clean, I have not cleaned it since last year on April.
  8. I don`t understand exactly what you mean, but you should not disregard the fact that the pictures where taken with the same camera, the same settings and within the same lighting conditions, yet they are different. Support for my theory is, that all pictures taken last year have that long stroke to the right, but all pictures from yesterday have a thicker line that is almost centric, having almost the same lengh in both directions. My mind is perfectly clear, I am just not as closeminded and try to explain everything with ordinary explanations, based on today´s science. I know what I experienced and I am just looking for an answer. Your suggestion that my mind is not clear, is not just wrong, but very insultive aswell. You use harsh words, altough I don`recall doing that to you.
  9. Not really, because there will always be some smear on the lens, just as we see it on the eyes, do you think I am arguing with that? But at the pictures of that day you can see that the smear is different. The horizontal lines are siginificantly thinner and longer to the right side than on the pics of yesterday, don`t you think? Ofcourse the camera will record smear, but when the light is bended, the smear will be different as obvious on those pictures. We can search for further evidence about those pictures and see, whether other pictures from that time show the same thin lines. If not, reality could be different for anyone or your theory can be true, I don`t know. But if I were you, I would carefully look at the differences on the pictures and ask myself, why the smear is so different on the pictures on that day compared to the pictures of yesterday.
  10. Well there is the problem, The pictures in portrait mode have vertical lines instead of horizontal lines, and I don`t have any vertical pictures from that time fo which I showed them first. Still I think you can see the difference in those photos, if you look clear enough at them.
  11. They are a page back in this thread. ouroboros, you know how much I know about the so called physical reality?
  12. ouroboros, the lens flare in your pictures is obviously much more centric than the lens flare in my pictures of that time. I don`t force my storyon you, you can believe what you want, however you can put your insultive language aside and discuss the things with me in a civilised way, just as I am doing with you. I feel sorry for you that you are such an reality addict. You are someone who relies on today´s sciense and believes that their opinions and studies resemble entire facts, yet you simply disregard the fact that the scientists will always dismiss information and bend the truth of their studies so that it makes sence to reality addict rules and formulas. Abasio, your claim is very overexxagerated. You sound as if my story is absolutely fictive and is ot possible to explain with defined reality? In theory it is possible to explain it in defined reality. You know that matter can be of different concistency and you know that when for example a light or a sound is very loud, it can be heart from a long distance. The same can apply for computerparts that have been used for a long time and have changed their molecular consistency. It is exaggerated but in theory at least, I don`t see why that story should not be possible.
  13. ouroboros, I know exactly what the word obvious means. If on those pictures the lights look the same to you, I suspect you can´t distinguish geometric forms so it is all the same to you. It is not my problem, if you fail to understand geometric forms man. I had a discussion with a friend of mine and he even suggested that other people might be an illusion and it can be all made up in the mind. For example you are making up me in your mind or I am making up you in my mind. He said there is a 50/50 chance for that theory to be true or false, as to any other theory that is not prooven. Altough I don`t like that man a lot I had high respect to his open mind toward unknown or uncertain theories. you on the other hand seem to be much too confused to allow other models of reality to be possible in your narrow mind. You believe at what you read and see on documentaries from science, not even considering that those documentaries will always be altered to what those scientists want to believe. It is in human nature that they bend uncertain theories towards what they think is right instead of looking at those things objectively.
  14. You just don`t see the obvious, that is all. Why don`t you read something and explore some theories that are unfamiliar to you? Why don`t you start with "The holographic uniiverse"? There people suggest the universe exists holographically and is not reality as you think it is. http://www.amazon.de/The-Holographic-Universe-Revolutionary-Reality/dp/0062014102
  15. The only one who is talking shit in this thread probably is you. If you happen to be an reality addict it is not my problem, but entirely your own problem. You are so naive and believe in today´s science, that I am very sorry for you. You can imagine today´s sciense as a very rough picture of reality with many important parts of the picture being black, and you want to rely on that picture? If you do, that is fine to me. On the following pictures it is clearly visible that the position of the light excursion is much mroe centric than on the other pictures. On each picture it is much more centric and almost in the middle, just as the camera sees it when it takes the lense. So don`t tell me how stupid I am. The real question is, who is really stupid, you or Iß I am open for stories and claims that reality addicted scientists will deny, you on the other hand fully rey on reality addicted science.
  16. I took the pictures, yes. I just have to upload them and show them here.
  17. Now you know that any normal person would not have 12 youtube accounts.
  18. Allright guys, I understood you perfectly and I must admit, that in fact the album is a bit simple. I have no problem with you hating the not liking the album, since not everyone can likethe same type of music.
  19. Thanks for the responses by you people. What do you think about the sound of the train or the bus, od you like it? Isnt the monotone sound of the bus calming to you, or the sound of the train? The right acustics give me a lot of pleasure when I travel.
  20. But why don`t you like travelling by bus? I find travelling by bus impressive because it feels lighter than travelling by train. A train is dependant on it´s rails, while the bus in on a road and can go where he wants. You see more from the bus window and can stop where you want. Also, the bus feels more confortable than the train, the seats are softer and the bus looks more like a plain from the inside. But the main point I love travelling by bus is because of the hypnotizing sound of the engine and because of the landscape you pass. For me travelling by bus is one of the most beautiful experiences I can have.
  21. So I am in Germany again, travelled from Bulgaria to Germany with a very confortable bus. The trip was extremly joyful and a true experience to me again. It was really something to free up my mind. The seats were very confortable, the heating was set at high temperature and I felt very confortable. The engine of the bussounded really strong and great. Each time the bus accelerated, it was a mind freeing jounrey. The sound of the bus engine was like real music, it even was like taking some drug that puts you into a different dimension. We travelled through many mountains, the mountains at Bulgarian - Serbian border, the Alps. When the bus accelerated and we were coming close to the mountains, it was a really great feeling. For me travelling long journeys with a confortable bus is definatly one of the best experiences I can have and I do think others should try it sometimes aswell. For me that experience is comparable to the best experiences humans can have, some label xex as such experience, others label a psy party as such an experience.
  22. Do you enjoy long trips with the bus or with the train? I do enjoy such trips, the longer, the better. I can travel with a train or with a bus for 24 hours and don`t regret it. For me travelling is one of the best experiences, because it relaxes my mind in such a way, that not a lot of other things do. Travelling is like meditation to me. It is like all the problems are outside of the vehicle and you are only a passive observer, who doesn´t have to care about anything, unless you are the driver ofcourse. But as a passenger you can relax so deeply, sit on a very confortable and soft seat, feel great due to the optimized temperature in the bus or train, and just free up your mind and think about important stuff in life. The monotonious sound of the engine, especially the bus engine really relaxes me deeply and cleans my mind. You get lost in the monotonious and quiet sound of the engine and relax even better. If the road is of good quality, you can enjoy the journey even more. For me travelling is really an ultimate experience and one of the best things I can do.
  23. But more and more artists are releasing webalbums lately and they should be regarded as real albums just as albums on cde. We have to support the artists and don`t make a difference to whether the album is only available in the internet or as a pressed media. For example Elysium released some great downbeat music on soundcould and probably many people don`t know about it. Ott released a webalbum aswell, Mir. I am sure not not a high percentage of people know about Mir aswell, altough it is an impressive album.
  24. Can someone else please share his thoughts about my story and the pictures, or what he think about different comcepts of reality. Looking at the reality in sciense terms is a way to look at it, but some events I experienced jsut don`t make sence.
  25. No it´s not crap and I am surprised to hear such hard words from you, a father of children. It is a good peace of music and if it does not meet your expectations, it is still not crap. I don`t even label music that I don`t like as crap, but I guess that wil change in future. If you take the right, to call that album crap, I take the right to call some newschool goa trance and ambient crap and insult it in different ways. But I guess my morality wont allow me doing that.
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