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Posts posted by ouroboros

  1. i dont know if everyone knows about this yet. i just got a great app for my phone (i have an android but they have it for iphone as well).


    first let me say...its completely free.


    its the audiogalaxy app. it will stream your entire music collection to your mobile device. no more worrying about how much space you have on your phone.


    so far im loving it.


    anyone else using it?

  2. hmmm....


    id really like to hear what they say about it now that there is a vote.


    i didnt vote yet but here are my thoughts


    sunstation - joined august of 07 and only has 13 posts...not very active.


    insejn - very active and sounds up for it, but did mention that he didnt know a lot about doing this kind of stuff (correct me if im wrong)


    rtp - also very active and stated an interest in doing it...sounds like hes got the know how how but then mentioned an uncertainty about having the time to do it.

  3. I'm gonna throw in a comment here and hope I don't make a fool of myself remembering it incorrectly. Ouroboros, you've been a member longer than me so I'd assume you would remember the situation, but perhaps not.


    The way I remember it (and I didn't pay that much attention to all of it), it started with various inter-member drama and arguments involving at least some people who pretty much only posted in the OT forum. This led to moderation that was not seen favorably, which led to the attacks.


    Regardless, all this is beating a dead horse. Can we get back to finding a new Jedi Master of Psynews? Then that person can make a decision on the OT forum.


    i understand that that was a problem...im only saying you cant blame the forum for that...blame the people involved.


    as for getting back to finding someone to take over the site...i agree, its obviously the most important aspect (and indeed the purpose of the thread). im only going on about it because while i really want psynews to stay around...i dont see the point of going through the hassle of all this, to just keep it the way it is now...which is mostly dead.


    im operating on the assumption that someone will step forward and take over, and im simply trying to point out a major aspect i think would be almost necessary for the site to be worth keeping.


    i wish i could do it, but i dont have the exp. or know how to be able to.


    id be more than happy, to help out however i can, but other than offering my time as a moderator (to make sure an ot forum doesnt get out of hand or something like that) i really cant do much except say what i feel would make the site better. i know there have plenty of offers for moderators already, and i also know thats just about the least help there is.


    i dont want to see psynews go the way of the dodo...but i fear that even if someone takes it over...it wont last much longer unless there is a major overhaul.

  4. again....the site would be vulnerable to that no matter what forums were available, and the argument of "well it hast happened since" (not that thats been used) is moot...as it could happen all the same.





    Beats me. I'm not convinced that Mars's suspicion was correct, though the forum doesn't seem to have been hacked since OT closed.


    as you can see i already mentioned that argument.


    the presence of an ot forum does not in and of itself pose any more or less of a threat than any other forum. it does however add a considerable amount of interest and usage. just look at the post count before and after the forum was closed. we all know it was the most used forum on here, and we all know the decline in site usage, posts and new members started after it was closed.


    not having the ot forum adds zero protection against attacks of any kind, and seriously lessens the over all experience people came here for in the first place.

  5. Whether it was a hack or a DOS, Mars has made it clear that he thinks the OT forum was indirectly to blame.


    ok...thats fine, i havent seen him say that, but ill take your word for it.


    still...i feel its more a matter of poor monitoring and rule enforcement, as ive mentioned there are lots of forums that have similar sections and dont have those kinds of problems. i would still be interested in knowing how the ot forum could possibly be the problem. i.e. what is different about the ot forum as opposed to this one. what makes this forum less likely to cause such problems?


    other than the fact that hardly anyone uses it.

  6. Except it led to multiple DDOS attacks which managed to cripple the servers.


    well thats an entirely different thing....and is more of the real answer i guess.


    although i dont think you can blame the presence of an off topic forum for that. id blame the improper enforcement of forum and site rules to let it get to that point. i dont see how having a forum for people to discuss things not psy related was the actual cause of the problems.


    there are many many forums out there with off topic sections and the like...they seem to do fine.


    again....the site would be vulnerable to that no matter what forums were available, and the argument of "well it hast happened since" (not that thats been used) is moot...as it could happen all the same.


    as i mentioned...proper monitoring , rule placement and enforcement should be enough to prevent that sort of thing.


    and just to make a point.....this thread itself is "off topic" i understand the nature of the thread is such that a lot of people want to say something...but still, look how many people are following it and participating. there have been disagreements and opposing views, but its managed to stay civil and is in fact a very interesting thread. if you extrapolate the interest and desire to talk about something other than the latest cd you bought to many other topics...its plain that people really want a place where they can just shoot the shit with like minded people.

  7. Drama, drama, drama. People fight with each other, which in turn can provide a bad reputation for the board. I feel like the OT board should be opened up again, but under probation. If any user posts anything negative, hateful, racist, or anything that would be frowned upon by Mars, they are immediately suspended. Repeat offenders should be permabanned. If enough people act up, close it forever.


    really? thats the problem?


    wow...that seems a very silly thing to worry about.


    as far as im concerned...let people fight a little if they want to. im not saying things should get out of hand or anything, but being worried about drama is kinda silly.


    drama, negative posts, hateful posts, and racism can show up on any forum in any thread.


    although i dont agree with the practice...if there is a concern about specific subjects...well rules can be put in place for those subjects.


    a large part of this community is an openness to differing views and ideas...i think its much more important to nurture that than repress it due to fears of impropriety.

  8. wow...


    i really dont understand what all the hubbub is about.


    why should we care if the guy wants to make different music? hes the artist...its his music...he can do whatever the hell he wants to. if prtotocultures next album is zydeco who gives a shit? if you like zydeco listen to it...if you dont...dont.


    although i do think if youre gonna drastically change music style...a new name is in order, but thats just my opinion.


    front line assembly has like 10 different names for different styles of music....i still know theyre all fla


    that might be a bad example (i dont know how many of you are familiar with them, but i bet you all have heard of delirium)...but you get the idea.


    heres a better example...we all know manibus and prosper is the same guy.............dont we?

  9. Things to make this site better:


    -Open the offtopic

    -Make it something more than forums. Like back in the golden days when there was a front page with updates, news, parties.

    -REVIEW DATABASE!!!!>review forums

    -Send all the ''oh psytrance is dead, lol you guys keep listening to psy, haha?'' people home. :P;)




    plus it wouldnt hurt to have a radio stream. i dont know the cost or logistics of that....im just saying.


    also...ive been around here for a while...im no where near as active as i used to be. i only check here 2 or 3 times a week...and i rarely post anything anymore.




    no off topic forum.


    i know someone mentioned this already....but seriously how many threads about "whats the best......bla bla bla" can we look at a day?

    this forum has definitely slowed way down...and its mostly because there just isnt a whole lot to talk about when it comes to psytrance. music production is down (not really but you know what i mean) theres less parties, and theres just not an influx of new listeners.


    im not saying psytrance as music is dead or dying, i go to packed parties almost every week...but its the same people every week. im saying its a bit stagnant.


    i find 90% of the topics now uninteresting and a bit boring. i still come here for the 10% that are exciting and interesting. i like it here, i like the people and the vibe...id really like to be able to talk to them about other stuff.


    so...i guess im saying


    off topic was what kept this place feeling alive and i really really think it should be reopened.

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