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Posts posted by ouroboros

  1. ok i want to record some samples off a video i have. but my t.v. and vcr are no where near my comp.


    whats the best way to get this done? am i gonna have to get a long ass mic cord and just bring it over to the tv? what a pain in the ass that would be.


    if i record it on a tape from the tv and play it into the mic on the comp. from a portable tape player its gonna sound like crap....no?

  2. i dont know man..... but one particular thing you wrote stuck out and id like to address it.:


    "Okay there are so many things you can do WRONG if you are trying to enjoy it without drugs, most of them will get you in a weird state of mind, confusing you, into thinking that there is NO way to enjoy goa trance without lsd. The easy checkpoint is if you try to do it, and the result is dissapointing thought like,

    1"No way!!! You can't enjoy it the same way when you are on acid without the actuall acid""



    first....it seems a little odd that you had to put so much effort into enjoying the music. why? if you werent enjoying it...why didnt you just listen to something else? you obviously werent supposed to be listening to goa at that partcular moment.


    this happens to me all the time...i start listening to some goa...it aint doin it for me so i put something else on. 99% of the time thats all there is to it. i wasnt enjoying it cuz thats not really what i wanted to be listening to. i almost always start with goa...its my "default" music.


    the more you force it...the worse it gets. listen to your body...if what youre doing isnt working...do something else.


    and it is quite impossible to enjoy it the "same" off acid as on acid. thats not to say one is better...they are just different. how could you enjoy it the same? the circumstances are entirely changed.


    you can never duplicate an expeirience....dont bother tying...it just leads to dissapointment. live every day in the moment. let things happen as they will.


    somtimes i hear a track at a party that just blows me away... if i ever hear that track at another party i absolutely do not expect to be blown away again...it just doesnt work like that. let each expeiriecnce happen on its own...without expectations. you will be surprised how many things will be shown to you if your mind is open and not looking for something else.


    im sorry if i have misunderstood what you were saying. if what i wrote makes no sense or just doesnt apply...nevermind.

  3. they have been around since 1980


    strategies 2 is a double cd so it might be a pain to d/l unless you have a good connection.


    a very good "intro" to en is the album tabula rasa


    it has a good mix of the harder edge industrial stuff and less less abrassive more "musical" stuff.


    "headcleaner" has to be one of the all time ass kickinest industrial songs ever.


    on the same album is the very beautiful and serene "crysanthimum"



    i personaly think its their best album...but thats me.


    hell you might think they just suck no matter what you hear.


    but even if you do think they suck..youll still probably be able to see the talent and creativity they have...its hard to miss.


    as far as musician ship and technical talent goes...i would say they are the post rock equivelent to pink floyd.


    and they can be "psychedelic" too...in thier own twisted way.


    again...im rambling.

  4. ok well its been a few months so im back asking if anyone can i.d. a track i was told was by dino psaras.....


    heres the thing...he samples the synth line from nitzer ebbs "lighting man".




    does anyone know what this is?


    anyone at all???

  5. youve never heard thier stuff?


    your in for something different.


    what did you d/l?


    thier music varies wildly from album to album. so if something didnt do it for ya try something else...theres lots of stuff even i an avid e.n. fan dont much care for. that whole faust thing..ugh..i cant stand it.


    if you got some early stuff its likely to be very experimental, noisey, and abrasive.


    later stuff tends to be much more subued and for lack of a better word "artsy".


    i personaly think to get the best feel for what en is/was about listen to the compilation "strategies against architecture 2"


    and please when lisening take into account all those strange sounds you hear....they are actualy making them...no synths for them. they create thier own instruments out of machienery and found objects. the drummers base drum is just a big 'ol sheet of metel.


    one of my all time best concert moments was when e.n. fired up a working jet engine on stage and actualy managed to make music out if it. fucking baaaad aaassssss.


    they do not mess around. they do a song - dns wasserstrum... it means dns wattertower (or some such thing) well theres a deep deep kick drum sound in it.....which they got by actualy climbing up and going into an empty wattertower with recording equipment and recorded the sound on the inside while they banged on the outside.


    sorry to go on and on...but e.n. are my personal musical gods.


    ill shut up now.


    carry on.

  6. ever heard of a 'lil band called


    einsturzende neubauten?


    only one of the most original and influential bands of the past 20 yrs.



    just take a look around...you would be surprised just how many musicians have the e.n. symbol somewhere on thier instruments...equipment, and even persons.



  7. hehe.....


    that xp is sounding better and better. although not surprising that "a number of drugs" is needed to get people to switch.


    ; -)


    i dont know of a hard reset and since ive only had it for a couple of weeks and the access guys are helping me..im not yet comfortable with opening it up and messin with its insides.


    i have done a soft reset about 4 times with no effect. i tried installing the os twice and i also installed an os one step down.


    so far nothing has changed. what i want to do is install the os i had on ther but like a dumb ass i didnt back it up. oh well..im new at this...live 'n learn.


    and after only a short time getting to know it...its fantastic. i cant wait to get it fixed so i can get back to learning more about it.

  8. yeah i called the u.s. access distributor. he gave some phone #s to call.


    wow i must say i am very impressed with how helpfull the access guys are being.


    there are 2 of them i guess they are the 2 access tech guys in the u.s. they gave me thier actual cell phone #s to call. i spoke with both and they really were very nice and helpfull.


    of course my virus is still not working right, but i was assured that we will get the problem solved.


    only problem is they will both be at naam all next week and not available. but he did say not to worry, it will get done.

  9. i have the regular indigo. but its great. the added features of the the indigo c dont really justify the price difference (at least not for me) they ares till almost the same....almost.


    it does it on all patches. both the new ones and the old ones.


    the added patches are official patches from access.


    i did not try to re-patch an older os..i didnt even know you could back patch it..ill try that tonight.



  10. so i just got my indigo a couple weeks ago...everything is great.


    i figure i should update the os and grab those x-tra patches they have.


    so i update the os...everything seems fine...the new os shows on the screen just like it should.


    then i add the new patches...woo hoo...there all there 4 shiny new banks of slick patches.......




    i go to play some.


    sometimes i press a key and its fine..sometimes the keys dont make a sound at all...sometimes they do make a sound but its held forever. its totaly random and the same key will do different things each time. but i cant play more than 3 or 4 notes before it does one of those two things. and it does it for all patches not just the new ones.


    i have reset it 3 times with no luck.


    what the hell is going on??


    anyone have any ideas???

  11. feathers,


    im sorry about that "ill type slowly" part. i was more joking around than really trying to sound like an asshole.


    anyways to answer your question,


    how important is cubase sx to me?


    well, as of right now its not important at all. i dont have it..i never used it. it may very well be the best sequencer going, but if i can get another one that i can use to my liking, then i dont need cubase do i?


    if i try out sonar and it works for me, well then...problem solved.

  12. holy crap man...did you write xp or something?


    im sorry feathers but you seem to miss the point.


    ill try to type slowly for you.

















































    oh..and this is what i got from shields up (internet security checker) using black ice:



    Attempting connection to your computer. . .


    Shields UP! is now attempting to contact the Hidden Internet Server within your PC. It is likely that no one has told you that your own personal computer may now be functioning as an Internet Server with neither your knowledge nor your permission. And that it may be serving up all or many of your personal files for reading, writing, modification and even deletion by anyone, anywhere, on the Internet!


    Your Internet port 139 does not appear to exist!


    One or more ports on this system are operating in FULL STEALTH MODE! Standard Internet behavior requires port connection attempts to be answered with a success or refusal response. Therefore, only an attempt to connect to a nonexistent computer results in no response of either kind. But YOUR computer has DELIBERATELY CHOSEN NOT TO RESPOND (that's very cool!) which represents advanced computer and port stealthing capabilities. A machine configured in this fashion is well hardened to Internet NetBIOS attack and intrusion.


    Unable to connect with NetBIOS to your computer.


    All attempts to get any information from your computer have FAILED. (This is very uncommon for a Windows networking-based PC.) Relative to vulnerabilities from Windows networking, this computer appears to be VERY SECURE since it is NOT exposing ANY of its internal NetBIOS networking protocol over the Internet


    and i had 11 out of 13 ports stealthed and the other two were closed.





    not too shabby.

  13. im not "talking crap" i am relating my own expieriences just as you are. which is why i made a point of saying if it works for you than good. this whole thing is really not even open to debate. its like arguing over synths....some people think the virus is crap and overated and over used with lame filters...some people think its the best, sickest most bad ass synth going.


    the same goes for macs. some people will tell you if you dont use a mac for music than youre an idiot. they will go on and on about how macs never crash (yeah right) and how they are so much better for music making bla bla bla.


    i hate macs and i wont ever get one. i dont care how many people say they are better. they are not better for me.


    i dont like xp and i dont want it on my system.







    my home system


    p3 1ghz


    128 rdram


    98se (as you know)


    30 gb hd


    4 gb hd (from an older sysytem)


    i use black ice fire wall


    nortons anti


    work system


    p3 500mz (i think)


    128 sdram


    6gb hd (plus network drives)


    nortons anti


    i have no idea what firewall they have. its not on the computer its on the server which i have no access to.




    while my computer runs near perfect right now i do concedeone of your points.


    98se is being phased out. i am well aware of this and i will hold out as long as i can. eventualy i will need a new os but hopefully by that time something newer than xp will be out and it will be ok...although im not holding my breath for that.



    i dont object to giving cubase its own os. i object to having to go out and buy a new os that i dont want just for one program.


    my main piont is this:


    i use xp at work and dont like it.


    my system is running great as it is..i am not about to risk screwing it all up just to use cubase when i dont have to.




    and as a side note.....


    xp is not accepted as being faster for games. any real gamer knows 98se it still the best for games.


    my friend owns and runs a gaming cafe where they have a bunch of comps. all laned up and people come in there and pay to play various games. they have 98se installed on thier systems.


    just because alienware and falcon put xp on the system by default doesnt make it better for games. they just want to pander to people who think newer is better.

  14. ummm...............


    i didnt say i never tried it.


    we have xp at work.


    it sucks.


    its slow and even more of a disgusting system hog than 98.


    it crashes almost daily.


    i am not one, but i know quite a few i.t. people and the running joke is that xp stands for x-tra problems.


    thnx, but i think ill give sonar a try.


    and just because the guys at steinberg say its better doesnt make it so.


    the guys at microsoft say lots of things. hell..they say windows is the best os available. but we all know it isnt.


    for all i know steinberg has some kind of deal with microsoft.


    i am NOT installing xp.


    i use it every day at work and its a piece of crap.


    if you like it...thats great, you can use it. if you have no problems and things run better for you...wonderfull.....but im not about to screw up my system for it.


    and im sure as shit not going to install xp just to use with one program.


    my system runs near perfect as it is. im not istalling any new os anytime soon.

  15. the ram limit is 512 not 192


    i dont have 512 and im not worried about it.


    right from microsoft:



    "Out of Memory" Error Messages with Large Amounts of RAM Installed



    The information in this article applies to:



    Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition

    Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition

    Microsoft Windows 98

    Microsoft Windows 95




    This article was previously published under Q253912


    If this article does not describe your hardware-related issue, please see the following Microsoft Web site to view more articles about hardware:










    If a computer that is running any of the versions of Windows that are listed above contains more than 512 megabytes (for example, 768 megabytes) of physical memory (RAM), you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:



    You may be unable to open an MS-DOS session (or command prompt) while Windows is running. Attempts to do so may generate the following error message:


    There is not enough memory available to run this program.

    Quit one or more programs, and then try again.


    The computer may stop responding (hang) while Windows is starting, or halt and display the following error message:


    Insufficient memory to initialize windows. Quit one or more memory-resident programs or remove unnecessary utilities from your Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files, and restart your computer.









    The Windows 32-bit protected-mode cache driver (Vcache) determines the maximum cache size based on the amount of RAM that is present when Windows starts. Vcache then reserves enough memory addresses to permit it to access a cache of the maximum size so that it can increase the cache to that size if needed. These addresses are allocated in a range of virtual addresses from 0xC0000000 through 0xFFFFFFFF (3 to 4 gigabytes) known as the system arena.


    On computers with large amounts of RAM, the maximum cache size can be large enough that Vcache consumes all of the addresses in the system arena, leaving no virtual memory addresses available for other functions such as opening an MS-DOS prompt (creating a new virtual machine).






    To work around this problem, use one of the following methods:



    Use the MaxFileCache setting in the System.ini file to reduce the maximum amount of memory that Vcache uses to 512 megabytes (524,288 KB) or less. For additional information about how to use the MaxFileCache setting, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:


    108079 32-Bit File Access Maximum Cache Size



    Use the System Configuration utility to limit the amount of memory that Windows uses to 512 megabytes (MB) or less.For additional information about how to use the System Configuration utility, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:


    181966 System Configuration Utility Advanced Troubleshooting Settings



    Reduce the amount of memory that is installed in your computer to 512 MB or less.








    Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.






    Vcache is limited internally to a maximum cache size of 800 MB.


    This problem may occur more readily with Advanced Graphics Port (AGP) video adapters because the AGP aperture is also mapped to addresses in the system arena. For example, if Vcache is using a maximum cache size of 800 MB and an AGP video adapter has a 128-MB aperture mapped, there is very little address space remaining for the other system code and data that must occupy this range of virtual addresses.

  16. hhmmm.....


    well i was going to look into sonar. but i never hear anyone talk about it so i wasnt sure if it was any good. i will check it out.




    and i dont wanna get into a discussion about windows stuff. if you have had no problems with 2000, great. my personal expeirience is different.

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