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Posts posted by Aeros

  1. What is a "key change"? Can you give me an example of one in a well know track or two?

    Incase the question is serious, a key change is..well, when the key of a track changes. Each peice of music is in a certain key, meaning there is 1 note that is the root key, such as C, E, F, F minor etc. All of the melodies incorporate this note as the root harmonic and the melodies are created by notes bellow, at, or above this note on a particular scale of possible notes, incorporating a particular rythm. Thats music theory in a nuthsell.


    A key change is when this root note changes to another, Lunar Effect doesn't actually have a real key change since its only the bass line traveling on the scale, a real key change is when all the notes change to reflect a new root note. (well, real depending on how specific we want to get, we all just discuss these terms loosely :) But I guess for all we're concerned any time we hear the bass go to another note its a key change.


    Epic Example:

    Filteria - Stars (Starstuff Remix) 6:07 total key change (melody, bass, all elements).

  2. This is very spontaneous, but I just discovered this track in a mix and it is utterly poetic, lyrical, and absolutely reached deep within me. Its been a long time since a track has made me shed tears. This isn't depressing music, but more the so beautiful its unbearable kind.... you know those bemushroomed feelings, where things are beautifully sad. They're hard to describe.


    Apparently this is deep house / detroit techno.

    don't let that keep you from listening though, this is DEEP.


  3. Key changes are all but forgotten in progressive or psytrance, Chis, who are you comparing against? :)


    P.S. Find and listen to some suomi! hard to find the good stuff but that should satisfy you if you are feeling that the music is too rigid and follows too many rules.

  4. Thats not such an unusual trend with a lot of new goa artists today. More than you think are marvelously young, and the rest of us involved making this music and otherwise are definite 2nd generation connoisseurs :)


    But yes, that makes Antares the youngest suntripper, surpassing me ;), hehehe.

    He must have a cool story to tell as to how he discovered this music and why he's making it. Unusual things are beautiful things.

  5. Dling :) tracklist looks interesting, i've got some silence to fill so I might drop some comments back very soon, hehehe.


    Want to tell us what you're using/doing to create those covers for yourself? :) They're better than 75% of psy covers out there. I'm a graphic artist myself so am throwing a line of curiousity at you :P

  6. I was captivated by the ergonomic virtual holographic midi controller boards, danet :)


    They've even got like a thumb thing.


    I predict the next yahel cover will just be him on a black background with the hugest, buffest cyborg muscles made out of metal ever.

  7. I hate if this sounds prudish but...any synth dude, come on. Grab one, get a saw or square wave, maybe mix it with another, and do some fx processing on it. We all use different synths. There is no magic "ghetto" sound.


    However, older synths, particularly plugins of older synths may give you something more unique if this is what you mean, and you want to click a preset and have a go at it. Pro-53 has some good ones.

  8. When we're 110% satisfied with it, and when they are finished with releasing the albums and music currently in their pipeline :)


    I shouldn't say that anything is official yet other than we have a lot of good music and would like to continue our relationship and support of suntrip records, and ofcourse that they are by far our first choice for release. Any official words will come from them in the future based on their decisions and schedule. We sent them a demo some time ago to let them know how its going. :)


    Our album is basically done except for some polishing, and except for our desire to make a few more really strong tracks to replace what we might think are weaker ones, so we're taking the time to do this while suntrip is busy with some other artists albums (which I'm very excited about... Filteria, merr0w (is amazing) and afgin.)


    The earthdance experience was great, thanks for being out there and letting us do 4 hours of goa that sunday morning :D

  9. Yes listen up, newschool goa is not about rehashing what was done 10 years ago, its about continuing it and innovating and finding fresh sounds in this very old scene. Ideally this is the scene we are in.


    Also, I don't like the name newschool goa :) We're calling it Goa or Melodic Goa Trance. Or melodic psychedelic trance as the most general term.

  10. I started this list of legitimate or atleast somewhat legitimate goa trance producers who are making goa trance today - i.e. the newschool scene.




    I've been meaning to update it but am probably not the right person to have the energy to do this, however please keep posting new artists to that list as they or their music/contact info shows up online.


    Maybe the best way to check for newschool artists is to browse their myspace, as they friend eachother and promote eachother by keeping us in their top friends lists, atleast I'm doing that with the aerosis myspace and I know others are doing similar. Don't mean to shamelessly promote, but look at my myspace for a ton of newschool artists http://www.myspace.com/aerosis

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