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Posts posted by psyfi.co.uk

  1. WTF are you talking about.

    I love Goa which is my favorite music style.

    I also love Warp records and i have full discography from AFX,BOC,Ae,Miracalix,LFO,Nightmares on Wax,Plaid,Richard Devine(Come to Daddy rmx  ;) ) and a lot of compilations and remixes.

    So you see,things are different.


    I was going to say this. I've got loads of stuff from warp.

    I can't understand this idea that people in to trance are only in to trance. This is a not the case. Most trance forums I have visited always seem to have a thread asking what other music people are in to and the response is always wide spread. Rock, Classical, Hip-hop, the list goes on. I find that goa is a real melting pot for other genres of music and grows and evolves partly from this.

    We are not close-minded individuals if anything we invite as many experiences as possible in to our lives.

  2. Sounds are ok with my hp's, except kick.  See, it's overdriven and clipped @ 2:24. That's minor, but it's not perfect. It might sound even better if you could balance it just right.


    When it comes to music, you sure are infected.


    Cheers dude I'll look in to it.
  3. Thank you chaps for your input. Mumble, what is it that wrong with the kick. To loud? Or are the high and low end not sitting with each other in terms of volume. I use the Waves limiters L1 L2 and so on for this purpose but I may be missing something, as I don't have monitors. Point it out to me in more detail and I'll try address the problem, and thank you.

  4. I think I might shuffle along to this, before venturing forth to germany for Voov  B)


    I didn't think you were going James. I'll be there with knobs on hope to bump in to you mate.
  5. party music does not deliver feelings. How could anyone party with a music that makes you sad or angry?




    I think there is a bit more to the emotional spectrum than "sad or angry" and that Trance can deliver. I think you want to re consider what emotion means.

    I feel much of the same rising and falling of emotion with goa track as I do with classical and so on. I would imagine that it depends on the listener and what they intend to get out of the music. I good time, an experience or an emotional ride. A really good track will take you on that ride with or with out your permission but you must be open to it. Many people don’t like classical music believing it to be stuffy and conservative. A naive misconception and due to this they miss out on allot. But that’s their choice. So be it.

    I don’t mean to be down on your thoughts there Telepatu but you did rather post this up with a "I'm telling you all how its is bitch" attitude rather than asking for opinions trying to promote and good discussion.

  6. Cheers guys for your comments.

    Rip off, rip off. I'm so deeply offended I may explode :lol:;) No its true I do enjoy that IM album and they have influenced me allot so I'm not surprised that you’re hearing them in there. Thanks for the pointers and glad you enjoyed the tune.


    Thanks for the encouraging words electronist. Made me blush.

  7. The last Logic made for PC was 5.5 This is what I use and it's still uesed by mant pros such as Ott.

    You can find secound hand ones on ebay. You just have to check with the seller that they will call up Emagic and re-regester the product with you.

    Es2 is a good synth lots to play around with on it but There is its high pass filter glitch which is still presant in version 7 of logic. Don't know why they never sorted it out? :angry:

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