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Posts posted by grimoire

  1. so you got that EMX! :)


    imo this is for some parts more regular trance than hard trance and for other parts psy (but what do I know about styles:p)

    the track flows pretty well, but it would be more interesting if you would tweak some sounds while they are playing so they'll change over time.


    other than that, well done!

  2. thanks man, I try to create a warm sound so that worked out well :)


    The only things that go trough the tubes of the ESX are the drums & percussion (and occasional sound/bleep etc)


    EMX sounds nice too, both are amazing intuitive machines. pretty cool that you already have 5 synth parts + rhythm parts so that's plenty to create whole songs within 1 box :rolleyes: Supposedly for both ESX and EMX the sound is even better when you change the tubes to JJ tubes (possible to give more tube power without distorting). Haven't tried that yet though...


    I noticed when upgrading my setup with additional synths that the ESX's midi-send capabilities are limited though. For example the program change signal only seems to go trough midi channel 1. So not every synth switches program when I switch on the ESX (worked my way around it though and that seemed even more usefull). Also you can't dial in to what program the other synth goes to. when you dial the ESX to program 1, the other synth also goed to program 1 for example.


    When you start out with just an EMX there's nothing to worry about though!!

  3. after a few listens I'm liking this album. What I'm missing are some really catchy melodies or vocal parts with a certain energy that were there on the first 2 albums, but aren't on the last two! The newest albums may be a smoother listening experience, but there are no special peaks. more like a steady flowing stream of water. in the first 2 the stream had a waterfall now and then, and some rapids :rolleyes:

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