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Posts posted by mars

  1. they played just after sunset on the 3rd day...Actually they were scheduled 1 day before in the afternoon and replaced by prometheus, then they were scheduled on the 2nd day afternoon and replaced by MWNN, and finally they played in the evening. it was great although people were not aware and the dancefloor was empty at the begining...


    maybe they got boat problems, like us...

  2. this is not bad, but please people don't buy it : this is the exact copy of the psydrop album, which is itself not far from all the safi cnx / atomic pulse / astrix / alien project stuff... another artist is trying to make "commercial" psytrance and fool goaheads !

  3. definitely toilet paper, but 2 guys told it before me, so i'd say money, earplugs, sunblock, psynews flyers :), toothbrush, soap, hamacco or tent, c-vitamin, water, food, bandages for your feet, 1 underwear/day, alarm clock, very good shoes, sunglasses, cam, clothes, sleeping bag and 1 pull over in case nights are cold.


    this was my own list for samothraki...

  4. You know what it is, you prepare for holidays, and just 1 day before, some things get wrong. I just visited the Droidlock review page. Let's stay calm.


    Following some recent posts here i'm gonna be very very clear :



    I wanna stress the fact that a review page should encourage (or not) people to buy some albums/compils/eps. those people dont give a shit about some fights that should never have happened there. moreover it pollutes our pages and make me angry.


    1 bis- in addition i want or_el74, yan84, shu-ki, korial(n) and paul to email me today and expain what's the point in all this mess here and on the Droidlock review. this is not a battlefield here. wanna fight ? elsewhere !


    2- those are english forums, definitely. even if some mexican/danish/french party changes its location 1 hour before it starts, please speak here in english !


    3- sex related threads are tolerated on the offtopic only as long as they are related to >18 people. understood ? porn ads will be moderated as well.


    4- drug related threads should be treated reasonably too...


    5- no piracy talking, anywhere. if you speak about cracked software or ripped mp3s, that's piracy. if you speak about some hub on dc++, that's not. you see ?


    6- no cd selling, no trading, no advertisement on the general forum. i'm afraid we have got some problems with that. plz go on the offtopic one for that for now on.


    7- i'm going to the Orejona festival in France, then to the Samothraki festival. wanna meet me at Samothraki ? rendez-vous at 20:00 in front of stage 1 on the 22 of aug. i have a small beard.

    btw i'll return to france on the 30 of aug.


    8- i already see some of you complain and say i'm a dictator or something. i promise, 3-4-5 §'s won't take over your freedom. some parts needed to be said again for the new visitors, some others are *really* needed. you know, in france, where the forums server is hosted, a webmaster can be charged for what's written on his message boards and his site can be forced to close. currently french authorities do whatever they can to crush any techno community. i wouldn't like to offer them a too easy target and have psynews closed after 2.5 years. maybe that's unlikely to happen, but you never know. if it had to happen, *you people* would be the first to complain and children would kick my ass too.


    see you.


  5. You know what it is, you prepare for holidays, and just 1 day before, some things get wrong. I just visited the Droidlock review page. Let's stay calm.


    Following some recent posts here i'm gonna be very very clear :



    I wanna stress the fact that a review page should encourage (or not) people to buy some albums/compils/eps. those people dont give a shit about some fights that should never have happened there. moreover it pollutes our pages and make me angry.


    1 bis- in addition i want or_el74, yan84, shu-ki, korial(n) and paul to email me today and expain what's the point in all this mess here and on the Droidlock review. this is not a battlefield here. wanna fight ? elsewhere !


    2- those are english forums, definitely. even if some mexican/danish/french party changes its location 1 hour before it starts, please speak here in english !


    3- sex related threads are tolerated on the offtopic only as long as they are related to >18 people. understood ? porn ads will be moderated as well.


    4- drug related threads should be treated reasonably too...


    5- no piracy talking, anywhere. if you speak about cracked software or ripped mp3s, that's piracy. if you speak about some hub on dc++, that's not. you see ?


    6- no cd selling, no trading, no advertisement on the general forum. i'm afraid we have got some problems with that. plz go on the offtopic one for that for now on.


    7- i'm going to the Orejona festival in France, then to the Samothraki festival. wanna meet me at Samothraki ? rendez-vous at 20:00 in front of stage 1 on the 22 of aug. i have a small beard.

    btw i'll return to france on the 30 of aug.


    8- i already see some of you complain and say i'm a dictator or something. i promise, 3-4-5 §'s won't take over your freedom. some parts needed to be said again for the new visitors, some others are *really* needed. you know, in france, where the forums server is hosted, a webmaster can be charged for what's written on his message boards and his site can be forced to close. currently french authorities do whatever they can to crush any techno community. i wouldn't like to offer them a too easy target and have psynews closed after 2.5 years. maybe that's unlikely to happen, but you never know. if it had to happen, *you people* would be the first to complain and children would kick my ass too.


    see you.


  6. You know what it is, you prepare for holidays, and just 1 day before, some things get wrong. I just visited the Droidlock review page. Let's stay calm.


    Following some recent posts here i'm gonna be very very clear :



    I wanna stress the fact that a review page should encourage (or not) people to buy some albums/compils/eps. those people dont give a shit about some fights that should never have happened there. moreover it pollutes our pages and make me angry.


    1 bis- in addition i want or_el74, yan84, shu-ki, korial(n) and paul to email me today and expain what's the point in all this mess here and on the Droidlock review. this is not a battlefield here. wanna fight ? elsewhere !


    2- those are english forums, definitely. even if some mexican/danish/french party changes its location 1 hour before it starts, please speak here in english !


    3- sex related threads are tolerated on the offtopic only as long as they are related to >18 people. understood ? porn ads will be moderated as well.


    4- drug related threads should be treated reasonably too...


    5- no piracy talking, anywhere. if you speak about cracked software or ripped mp3s, that's piracy. if you speak about some hub on dc++, that's not. you see ?


    6- no cd selling, no trading, no advertisement on the general forum. i'm afraid we have got some problems with that. plz go on the offtopic one for that for now on.


    7- i'm going to the Orejona festival in France, then to the Samothraki festival. wanna meet me at Samothraki ? rendez-vous at 20:00 in front of stage 1 on the 22 of aug. i have a small beard.

    btw i'll return to france on the 30 of aug.


    8- i already see some of you complain and say i'm a dictator or something. i promise, 3-4-5 §'s won't take over your freedom. some parts needed to be said again for the new visitors, some others are *really* needed. you know, in france, where the forums server is hosted, a webmaster can be charged for what's written on his message boards and his site can be forced to close. currently french authorities do whatever they can to crush any techno community. i wouldn't like to offer them a too easy target and have psynews closed after 2.5 years. maybe that's unlikely to happen, but you never know. if it had to happen, *you people* would be the first to complain and children would kick my ass too.


    see you.


  7. You know what it is, you prepare for holidays, and just 1 day before, some things get wrong. I just visited the Droidlock review page. Let's stay calm.


    Following some recent posts here i'm gonna be very very clear :



    I wanna stress the fact that a review page should encourage (or not) people to buy some albums/compils/eps. those people dont give a shit about some fights that should never have happened there. moreover it pollutes our pages and make me angry.


    1 bis- in addition i want or_el74, yan84, shu-ki, korial(n) and paul to email me today and expain what's the point in all this mess here and on the Droidlock review. this is not a battlefield here. wanna fight ? elsewhere !


    2- those are english forums, definitely. even if some mexican/danish/french party changes its location 1 hour before it starts, please speak here in english !


    3- sex related threads are tolerated on the offtopic only as long as they are related to >18 people. understood ? porn ads will be moderated as well.


    4- drug related threads should be treated reasonably too...


    5- no piracy talking, anywhere. if you speak about cracked software or ripped mp3s, that's piracy. if you speak about some hub on dc++, that's not. you see ?


    6- no cd selling, no trading, no advertisement on the general forum. i'm afraid we have got some problems with that. plz go on the offtopic one for that for now on.


    7- i'm going to the Orejona festival in France, then to the Samothraki festival. wanna meet me at Samothraki ? rendez-vous at 20:00 in front of stage 1 on the 22 of aug. i have a small beard.

    btw i'll return to france on the 30 of aug.


    8- i already see some of you complain and say i'm a dictator or something. i promise, 3-4-5 §'s won't take over your freedom. some parts needed to be said again for the new visitors, some others are *really* needed. you know, in france, where the forums server is hosted, a webmaster can be charged for what's written on his message boards and his site can be forced to close. currently french authorities do whatever they can to crush any techno community. i wouldn't like to offer them a too easy target and have psynews closed after 2.5 years. maybe that's unlikely to happen, but you never know. if it had to happen, *you people* would be the first to complain and children would kick my ass too.


    see you.


  8. Yes, we thought about it, but the problem is that after a while, people would trade copies, and then they would trade unreleaseds and even other stuff. You can understand we don't want that because soon or later the labels and artists would get angry at us...


    BTW, i'd appreciate you to trade your old ORIGINAL CDs, vinyls, etc on the OffTopic forum. I said nothing for the first posts like that but there are more and more. Thanks.

  9. For those who heard some rumours that the Orejona festival near Bordeaux/France was having problems, it's true.


    For those who heard it's cancelled, they're totally wrong !



    >>> Tonight my informers told me the festival WILL take place !!!



    Actually the issue was that the police estimated there would be 30000 people. Not only are they wrong, of course, but the owner of the location is also the mayor of the city of Cussac, where the party would have taken place. So he was influenced and didn't agree to rent his max-10000-people-castle anymore.



    SO, the location has changed and should be revealed tomorrow by the main organizers. Plz give the word about it.


  10. For those who heard some rumours that the Orejona festival near Bordeaux/France was having problems, it's true.


    For those who heard it's cancelled, they're totally wrong !



    >>> Tonight my informers told me the festival WILL take place !!!



    Actually the issue was that the police estimated there would be 30000 people. Not only are they wrong, of course, but the owner of the location is also the mayor of the city of Cussac, where the party would have taken place. So he was influenced and didn't agree to rent his max-10000-people-castle anymore.



    SO, the location has changed and should be revealed tomorrow by the main organizers. Plz give the word about it.

  11. this is no redirection the way you're thinking about.


    goatrance.free.fr is the place where the pages are kept.

    when you type it there is no redirection to psynews.org. as a matter of fact this is a reverse dns resolution remaining somewhere.

    and depending on how your dns is being updated, either it does not find any page (old settings of the deleted zones on our former dns), or it redirects to goatrance.free.fr and its a vicious circle (this morning's stupid settings), or it works (this afternoon settings).


    currently www.psynews.net IS functional, the forums too, but www.psynews.org is yet not ok..should be quite soon as i put the same settings on psynews.org as on the .net i was doind some tests on (which eventually worked better than my temporary solution...)

  12. IMPORTANT : you can access the site by going on http://www.psynews.net or http://goatrance.free.fr/index2.htm


    next are technical explanations:

    this service cut is normal and not normal at the same time.


    actually we changed the registar of psynews (the org at which we bought the domaine name)

    with that, we had to update the dns declarations....but i forgot and psynews.org was indeed transfered but the dns decl remained on the old registar....which cut definitely its service today


    i did a redirection this morning with the new registar, but this new info has to be spread across the internet and it depends on the refresh rates of the dns servers across the world. in france it's still down at 11am CET.


    this was for the normal part. the not normal part is that we were disconnected so quickly. usually there is a quite long period for that...and we got disconnected after only one week. maybe it's because the older registar wanted to cheat on us and make us pay the renewal of the name we had already paid to another registar and i ansered them to get fucked....hum hum.


    well the redirection will work before tonight but it's still not clean (a transparent frame system) and meanwhile i'll be doing some tests to deal with a real good solution...

  13. blllllb sad story. the mother was out of her mind to come preignant to a techno festival, then to let her baby die.


    and once again it gives psytrance a bad reputation as some link with drugs was immediately supposed....

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