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Posts posted by mars

  1. Sorry we were surprised Arabesque announced it the day after I sent them all the material.


    Suntrip's offical annoucement: http://www.suntriprecords.com/news/

    Release page with longer samples: http://www.suntripre...se/cat/SUNCD25/


    Anyway, the release date is April 20th and there's a couple of fine Crossing Mind release parties around that date too!

    Posted Image


    The Inner Shift and Shaltu will be our treat for the first half of 2012...but we have a couple of other very interesting releases in store for H2 :)

  2. @Lemmiwinks: that's right, but that's not irreversible imo.


    First we must find a way to make it easier for content "providers" to "feed" you, or make it easier to fetch the content by yourself. When you look at what they do on tech sites like "The Verge" and dozens of posts a day, it's proof they found the good recipe. I guess hardware companies (for us: labels) send them press releases all day and they also have a strong community listening to all sorts of rumors, investigating, and spamming them all the time. That doesn't come in one day. These people started from scratch, investigating, going and getting the info by themselves (like we once did), built their reputation and a community (also), and day after day became a known, reliable, continuous stream of info. Psynews used to be like that in 2001 years ago but the amount of content we received everyday ended up reaching unbearable levels, which leads me to the second point:


    Second, we must have dedicated people, full time, to analyze/sort/summarize this info and deliver it to the rest of the public. That works with tech sites because the traffic is such that it generates enough ad-revenue to pay them. It is (probably) not true with Psy. Alternatively, find enough motivated people to gather/summarize psy-news all day. That's where Psynews failed from 2004. With Children out, and me constantly out of time, and lots of not-so-motivated-freeworkers, there was noone following up enough to feed the machine.


    But it could be easily caught up imo. The community is here, lots of networking dormant, and an infrastructure. We just need to find a way to gather all the info and pick from it. We could do by several means (rss sniffing at labels, festivals, blogs, collaborations with other content providers, twitter sniffing, "releases" nfo parsing, etc). I can easily imagine a Psynews "journalist" picking a selection of all these at the end of the day. Like everything else, that's not hard to do. It just takes a LOT of time to set up and maintain. Hmmm I wish I could dedicate to such a thing but real life prevents it :)

  3. That's right we failed (in the past) to make Psynews a real hub for all the Psytrance news, releases, reviews, rummors, artwork, decos, etc...

    Just look at what they do for movies. There's passionate spheres around that business.

    Neogoa was close to reaching that goal but (imo) they're not visible enough as it is now.

    I hope that the new guys in charge of Psynews will manage to develop a nice sphere.

  4. USA people interested in Psytrance are in California (esp SF/LA), NYC, Texas, and Buffalo cause it's close to Toronto. That accounts for 7563 of the 7564 visitors.

    The last one being Trance2moveU who's in Virgina :)


    More serioulsy there's 313 million people in the USA, so 7564/313M means 24 people per million are concerned.

    Europe (incl Russia) is 880 million. If you sum up all EU visitors above that's ~44500, so 44500/880M, means 51 people per million are concerned. Twice as much as in the USA.


    There is an illusion in the volume of visits by counting the USA altogether. If the stats were state by state (which is more or less what is done with European countries), the biggest would be maybe at the 15th place.

  5. Some Suntrip shop stats in %


    Belgium 18,86

    United States 12,27

    France 9,88

    Germany 9,73

    United Kingdom 6,73

    Sweden 5,68

    Finland 5,68

    Russian Federation 3,44

    Netherlands 2,84

    Japan 2,69

    Norway 2,54

    Australia 2,39

    Brazil 2,09

    Croatia 1,64

    Denmark 1,49

    New Zealand 1,34

    Switzerland 1,34

    Italy 1,04

    Spain 1,04

    Canada 1,04

    Austria 0,89

    Poland 0,59

    India 0,59

    Hungary 0,59

    Slovakia 0,59

    Estonia 0,44

    Czech Republic 0,44

    Israel 0,44

    Bulgaria 0,29

    Greece 0,29


    So, the whole Europe, North America, Russia, Japan and a few other rich countries like New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland.

    Nothing in South America except Brazil.

    Nothing at all in Africa (not even in ZA, strange).

    Only a couple of orders in Middle East (Israel only)

    And in the remaining 2%, we have 1 or 2 orders in India, Korea, and even 1 in China. Basically, almost nothing in Asia besides Japan.


    Edit: this doesn't mean there are no goa people or parties in the countries which have 0%. Example: South Africa or Mexico.

    Also, some countries are poorer and people download the music instead of buying it, and still there is a scene (ex: Turkey, Chili, Morocco, India, Ukraine)

  6. Hello

    At last the Psynews Best of 2011 session has started: http://www.psynews.org:2010/bestof/


    This year we have 1300 releases added to the database!

    • 309 Uptempo albums
    • 287 Uptempo compilations
    • 431 Uptempo EPs
    • 221 Downtempo albums
    • 25 Downtempo compilations
    • 25 Downtempo EPs
    Important: With the surge of digital releases containing usually 3-4-5 tracks, we thought it was time to let you vote for 2 new categories: Uptempo EPs and Downtempo EPs!



    Very important: the releases are inserted with some crazy weird scripts + manual review. So if you can't find your favorite CD in the list or if it's in the wrong category (seems some downtempo VA's are listed as uptempo), just shout at me, and I'll update it right away.


    Ultra important: You have till February 15th to vote. That's less time than the other years but a new version of the Suntrip Records website is coming around that date. Both apps use the same base libs, so updating one may disturb the other. Thanks for your understanding. Next year, the app will be reworked. No more weird :2010 port, faster for you and faster for me to insert all the releases!


    Just go and vote now: http://www.psynews.org:2010/bestof/

    btw the votes are public (you can see who voted what)

  7. If I tell someone I listen to psy they immediately make the kick and hi-hat noise with their mouth followed by the disco whistle.

    That's exactly what the classmates did in high school. And after that they wouldn't talk to me anymore much.


    Other stereotypes:

    - So must have got arrested one day. And they busted your ass I hope ?

    - That's music for teenagers (or ..to play in a circus)

    - That's just like a train passing nearby (my mother used to say that) or like a jackhammer (my father and many others)

    - That's the sole music you dance on one foot!

    - Girls you find in psyparties must be very nasty and have piercings all over their cunt!

  8. IF you don't take drugs, this music is a healthy thing (for me at least) :)


    - it gives adrenaline (so loads of energy when you have to work or to do something)

    - it's great therapy when you don't feel 100%, the music will pull you out

    - For me it gives happiness... After a good party, I can be so happy/fully loaded with positive vibes I have a smile for 2 weeks :)

    - For me it's active meditation... Lying with my eyes closed, trance on full volume is one of the best things I ever felt! :) You become extremely calm and peaceful :)


    Negative sides:

    - when parties suck and you had to be there all night, the first 2 days of the week are pretty hard because of a fucked up biorhythm


    Thats about it for me :)




    The bad side is the damage to the ears when listening to high volume.

  9. Artifact 303 - Back to Space

    Nerso - Explorarions of Infinity

    E-Mantra - Pathfinder

    Antares - Exodus

    Logic Bomb - The Grid

    Aes Dana - Perimeters

    VA - Mind Rewind

    Solar Fields: Until we meet the sky


    To me the big surprise this year was Nerso. A killer album, a must-have, a complete achievement. And lightyears ahead of the previous Flagma/Nerso release.

  10. I'd been listening to electronic musics since 91 (mainly Hardtrance, Hardcore, the Prodigy, commercial Trance) and during 95 a friend made me listen to Trancentral 4. I didn't dig it so much, it sounded too chaotic at the time.


    But at the end of the year 1995, I bought Hallucinogen's LSD CDM and BANG that was it! Then I bought Twisted, Total Eclipse and Transwave albums, I brushed up my exams listening to Goatrance, went on holidays lietning to Goatrance, my previous CDs were totally forgotten.


    In October 96 I attended my first Goatrance party, where Total Eclipse were playing, then another one with Moonweed and it was unforgettable.

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