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Everything posted by doggBALLZ

  1. I only spin CDS for psy. Reason's being, Availability. Hardiness. CDs sound better for the Psy Frequency's which make it so unique.
  2. Sorry to go off topic here...but DJ Emotion...are you from Calgary originally? And is your name Brianne?
  3. Thank you so much for your input guys, really really appreciated. Luckily I've been a Goa DJ for awhile, so I'd like to think I have a good idea of what gets people moving Once again thank you so much, I'll try to update this post once I start purchasing things via yals advice and get some feedback on the choices! Donnie Doggballz
  4. I figure this ought to be the perfect place for this question. Say you guys had 3,000 Canadian...2500 US what would you buy for a start up studio. I already have a good quality computer...what else should I go for...considering...I'm totally new to producing...pretty intelligent though...keen...eager to learn...doesn't know a TP303 from an MC303(my friend says thats funny, I obviously don't know why). What do I need to get started. Thank you so much for any info, tips, idea's on setups that you guys and gals can offer Oh...what is the best kind of software to start out with for trance? Does anyone have any required reading, besides this forum that can aid me in my quest to start producing? Thanks again.
  5. Man why do so many people have to get there hate on for full-on? Its a different aspect of the music we all obviously love that has its time and place. Like 4 am, fucked on pills and wanting to grind your teeth the the nub. Don't get me wrong though...I love all psy Vive le psy revolution.
  6. The ducks only fly east.
  7. Yo guys, So the SPDM crew here in Tofino, BC, Canada are throwing a big psy night next saturday February the 12th. All you cats from Vancouver, Victoria and on the west coast should make sure to come on down! The party is going to be at the Maquinna Devil Bar(only bar in Tofino...population 1200!) from 10 pm till 1 am and then we will be moving a few houses down for the all night after party. We got tons of displays and effects going on...its going to be crazy! Best part...the maximum occupancy for the bar is 93 people...so it will be you and 92 of your closest friends trippin hard to the best psy sounds on the west coast. Major door prize for best psychadelic costume! DJs spinning are myself(Donnie Doggballz), DJ Asura formerly a resident at OrganiX in Vancouver and G-Rant DSL. No cover at the door, and if you need a place to crash I'm sure we can more than accomodate you at the SPDM house. Also...there is another huge party going on the night before(Friday the 11th) at the Legion where a bunch of us will also be spinning to raise money for the Tsunami Relief Fund. Probably get a really good local turnout...couple hundred maybe. Music will be pretty diverse...I'll probably end up playing Hard House and the other guys will probably play DnB and Breaks. Tickets are 6$ at the door. Hope some of you guys can make it! Peace, Donnie
  8. Hey Khogg, Nope wasn't born here but lived for quite awhile. I'm originally from Calgary but haven't been back in many a year. My buddy Geoff(DJ Asura) here wanted to know if you DJ in Van? He used to hold a psy residency at Organix, just wondering if he might know you. Groovy. Those are some fucking wicked pics, nice work! DDB
  9. It doesn't really matter if a there are psy remix's made from pop. Good music is good music. If it makes you dance or feel something then it has succeeded. All music is robbed from others influences and idea's, both subconciously and conciously. Creativity is the art of twisting stolen idea's into a new form. Only history can be the true judge!
  10. Halloween. A makeshift house set up with a small stage, decks and 3 wicked psy dj's. Dead babies hanging all over the ceiling, a big flaming pentagram behind the stage, blacklights and fake blood everywhere. 50-60 people dressed up to worship the devil crammed so tight into this 3 walled hut you barely have enough room to dance. Storming outside, rain and wind whipping up the tarp locking us all in there. EVERYONE on E and Acid. Party went until light with nobody leaving the entire time. Most intimate and amazing experience of my life, I was hooked. That night was also my first Acid experience.
  11. Wow that is sick! Some really hard beats in there, I love it. Gonna have to put them on my order list.
  12. Hey all, Just wanted to introduce myself and say hi to all the posters. Man I have been hoping for awhile that I would find a place like this, looks like I just wasn't searching hard enough! A bit about myself...one of the few goa dj's on the west coast. I am currently living in Tofino on Vancouver Island which I highly reccomend for everyone to visit if you are anywhere on the Island! We have a great underground psy scene led by the S.P.D.M Dj cult crew who are all former psy dj's from Vancouver and around the west coast. Umm yah, I'm really looking forward to picking everyones brains and having mine picked at. What a great resource! Where are most of you guys and gals from? Oh just wanted to mention that I'm moving to Calgary next month and would love any info anyone has about the Calgary psy scene! Play hard, keep it secret, Donnie Doggballz
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