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dj mylo

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Posts posted by dj mylo

  1. hi everybody, i have some question about bass problems. :P  the thing is: im trying to get the sound of one track, a remix made by the delta, the track is three point turn - thriller (the delta remix). i wanna get the sound of that bass, if someone have some ideas about it, can advise me please :D take care


    Drop you bassline 1 octave. Delta are into deep, low basslines.

  2. The last Logic made for PC was 5.5 


    I am soooooo behind the times :( !!!! But then again I don't care much for Logic! Cubase all the way!!!! :D


    Melody-wise .... Another CPU trick is to take a sampler with a really distorted sample in it and use it as if it were a synth. i.e swop you synth for a sampler with a scratchy sound loaded. I use a sample from a western movie, hectic gunfire with ricochets and stuff! The audio clip is downsampled so it looses quality and gives quite a rough texture. I then use this sample for my melody-line and when you add effects it like dynamic eq it really sounds cool! It doesn't sound at all "musical" but the melody line is present in the mix, a little subtle and way spooky! This is easily achieved in Reason as well.


    hope this makes sense :( .


    CPU also seem to use a combination of crystal clear and lofi sounds. Downsample elemnts of your tune, like snare loops or hats, melody etc. whilst keep other elements pure and clean. You'll get that polished but dirty/gritty sound you're after.

  3. I don't want it to make me sad, but express sadness, like you can emphatize with music, feel it's sadness without actually being sad. Like you emphatize with people, you see someone is sad and understand her sadness but really aren't sad yourself. You see?


    You can't emphaztize with goa. Goa just makes you feel good, at it's best that is.


    This style of music expresses GROOVE. Drums, tribal rythyms, beats with whatever you want on top of it. Dark,aggressive, happy, uplifting ...whatever you like. It's pretty simple really. And in my opinion is the oldest form of music we know.


    In the beginning we beat a drum and danced around the fire going into trance. Nowadays the drum is made by Roland or Steinberg and we dance around UV lights! It's a basic human ritual that's as old as we are. This is true dance music. Played under the stars the way it always was. Not designed to stimulate your intellect, but rather move your feet and forget everything else.


    The music supplies the rythym. The EMOTION comes from the combination of dance and friendship.


    simple ;)

  4. telepatu...


    Music that you enjoy makes you happy.


    Happy is an emotion.


    If you have no emotion for a song, then you don't like it. and don't buy it. or dance to it.


    Believe it or not some people get happy from Death Metal. It's all about your taste in music. And what turns you on.


    I understand that Goa doesn't make you feel anything, that's probably because you just dont like it ;) The goal is to make everyone happy, yes! If you don't get happy from it... don't take it personally!

  5. Well, for me, is Fatali, Oforia, X-Wave, CPU, Wrecked Machines, Sirius Isness, Altom, Anax, Astral Projection, Atomic Pulse, Silent Sphere, Sub6, Talamasca, Time Lock, and others.  :)



    all great examples! But I agree with vonoom, Talamasca has got a little strange on us in the last little while. Still he was one of the first to define the sound. And nice to see so many South African eg's!!! We do love our full-on down in Cape Town!

  6. IMO ;)


    140 - 145bpm, although Full-on is normally on the faster side.


    forward moving, big sounding, with huge build-ups. Basically music that grows and grows until it reaches fever pitch! Prog and minmal tend to stay on one level.


    there is also a distinct melody, from an instrument, whereas prog/minmal seems to be more about "sounds" and sampler type effects in wide-open space.


    Night-time Full-on also has shorter breaks on average. Morning/Daylight full-on has longer breaks.


    On the bassline side, there are many variations, but at the moment there seems to be a tendency to use the 16 bassline with a melody line running through it. I do believe that Full-on is not about the type of bassline pattern, but rather about it's presence in the mix. A big fat bassline makes the song "bigger"... a step closer to the full-on sound.


    for me, the best description of full-on is Talamasca. Cedric is oe of the boys who defined this sub-genre :D:D:D

  7. Psytrance is not dead.


    It is hanging by a thread in the hands of Xerox and Illumination!


    Just got back from Cape Town and another thrilling Alien Safari/Vortex Easter Psy Outdoor Festival.


    What an amazing show these 2 chaps pulled off!


    I must say that psy is in a very boring stage of it's development right now, but the boys restored my faith! Proof that full-on can be fun! I love their sound. Psychedelic, pumping and dark. Fresh, inventive and nowhere near the cheese of the last year!!!! Xerox was one of the first true dispsyples! It was great to see that this dude has got mega staying power :D


    If they're in your area I strongly recommend ;)


    I smell a lawsuit! Seriously, if these guys got the rights to do this they are seriously loaded with cash!


    I work in advertising and we tried to buy a Pink Floyd track for a commercial a few years back and the studio just laughed at us! PF are the most expensive publishing rights in music to date! More expensive than the Beatles! Maybe PF relaxed a bit on the prices recently to pull in some more dough?!!


    the other thing is maybe they changed the melodies a bit ie you can a note or 2 every 4 bars and lawfully it's "inspired by the artist" as opposed to a remake. There are little loopholes!

    But maybe these guys are just taking a chance. If the rights were'nt that expensive then there would be far more commercial Pink Floyd covers released. There are a few Pink Floyd remix/cover cd's available on bootleg tho.


    Have you guys heard the infamous Pink Floyd psy remixes? I know of about 7, but others tell me there are 13. All unreleased as far as I know.

  9. does no one agree with me?! :(


    Nightmare trancer......


    that cover version of Under the Bridge was SACRILEGE!


    I feel your pain!


    RHCP should have done the same thing as Pink Floyd. Make the publishing rights so F*cking expensive that nobody will do a cover/rmx! That's why there are NO pink Floyd cover versions or remixes released! Great idea! Keep your original work pure!

  10. Skazi, and it doesnt deserve the title; "Worst remix" at all. Eskimo did "Voodoo people" which in my opinion is pretty good. Clean good remix of a great track by the man him self, mr. Howlett.



    The voodoo people rmx was top drawer! I mean eskimo must have been like 9 or 10 years old when that original Prodigy tune came out. It was 10 years ago! He really did a great job! :D


    But smack my bitch up :blink: It definately wasn't him. Oh and it came out 2003 I think. But definately not released because they would have to get rights for rmx and Prodigy would never let such terrible things be released in their name!

    Probably skazi.

  11. (About downloading music or stealing it)


    For sure we know that people doing that...but what to do??!!




    Reward your fans who buy original PBR releases!


    I feel bad for artists like Ben who are getting screwed by P2P. The thing is guys, you have to increase the value of the product you sell. < Ben's music is fantastic btw >


    Example being Metallica. They got screwed by Napster! Then they released "St Anger". Take a look at this CD. It's got a free DVD and a little id card which gives you a serial code to download loads of Metallica stuff from their website! Metallica are now rewarding their fans who BUY their cd's. If you download for free you only get a part of the package.


    How about something like this? People love unreleased psy music because it makes them feel special! It'll also bring a lot of traffic to your site! And psy DVD's....mmmmmmm! :D


    Also, I would suggest selling on iTunes, or straight off your site. It's still an easy, instant download and it means that the rest of the world can enjoy the release immediately! Not just the lucky Japanese. :lol:


    Mixed CD's also help because in the end you get one looooong MP3! With a cd you can jump tracks etc.


    Just some thoughts because I dig you guys! And Ben is one of the originals!


    keep up the groovy beats :D


    mylo < in sunny Hamburg :D yay!>

  12. The first equipment you should get is a pair of soft shoes. Try Nike Air.


    Then..... Go to a psy party and dance your ass off!


    Learn what moves people in the music. Listening to cd's will help, but hearing the music in a party gives psy a whole new perspective! Context!


    Then get a robust P.C with a simple midi keyboard. The software world will prepare you nicely for the world of Hardware! Especially programs like Reason that are based on actual hardware.


    Then when you want to invest in some serious tech hardware you will know what to look for and what kind of sounds you need from what gear etc.


    good luck!

  13. 1. With cd you can play your own original tunes easily. A promo cd can be created in a few minutes, whereas vinyl pressing is a bit of a process!


    2. Outdoor parties = huge clouds of dust! Dust lands on the records and screws with the needle= poor sound quality/ playback problems


    3. In Cape Town for eg. we have lot's of wind! Many outdoor parties I played at were windy and vinyl dj's couldn't play! Records actually get blown off the turntables! Wheeeee!


    4. More cd's released than vinyls


    5. For psy... Some people say digital sound is better than analog. Cd's have a bigger frequency range than records = Higher tops, deeper bass. This will be debated for many years to come! fact is the carity of a cd seems to work better with the crispy psychedelic sounds you get in the music.


    6. Vinyl's lose sound clarity/quality the more you play them.


    I am a CD guy and always have been :D . I have 2 Pioneer CDJ 100S players, which are the vinyl equivalent of Techincs 1200's! Standard!


    I can mix records too, but CD's are my weapon of choice! In the beginning I was alone and vinyl DJ's thought I was weird! Nowadays these same vinyl DJ's have switched to CD too! Although there is a sound that you can only get from a record, that punchy analog attack that hits you square on. The analog sound also bleeds together nicely when you mix. With cd the two kick frequencies often cancel each other out, so you have to work with the EQ's a bit. I have respect for viny < see my signature! >....Still CD's are more practical for this style of music.

  14. The Prodigy - Smack my bitch up RMX.


    Got it last year as an unreleased Killar! Not too sure who did it, cos I dowsed it in petrol, set it on fire and then buried the ashes! Then I hid in my room for two weeks crying and screaming "Make the the bad song go away!" Think of a happy place mylo.... a happy place.....


    A bad track to RMX thanks to the violent vocals. And an aweful rmx job too!

  15. I am browsing on psyshop looking for something new to buy....the review says 'one of the greatest progressive psytrance Cd that you have ever listed to'.  I think they mean listened to, but I get the jist.  Has anyone heard it?  Is it really that great? Has a few of my fave artists on there.


    Anyway, I cant see that anyone has reviewed this yet....and I can't make decisions today....so anyone heard?  Any good?





    Don't have time for a track by track review and stuff but what I can tell you is that you won't be dissapointed :D If you dig the artists then you'll love it! Groovy minimal prog stuff. Gentle, intelligent comp. 8/10 B)


    Buy it! Then write a better review!

  16. most definatley her production guys..no doubt thats sweet, but sexual magnetism? P-Lease!! she's about as sexually magnetic as a bread roll


    ps. and her eyes are too close together


    but production is Phaaat..oh yes!


    I never really noticed her eyes!

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