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Posts posted by D3lirious

  1. Why you are offfending, Have i said anything against you? It is my problem whether i like something or not and i definetly don´t like girls with fat legs etc, and it is true that in Germany, at least in southwest Germany aren´t good looking German girls at all, maybe in some other parts of it but definetly not here, at least i havn´t seen a as good one as in bulgaria or eastern europe. Damn i went offtopic again


    Hey...Love is a many shpongled thing and in my book your comments are not shpongle at all. I just dislike shallow comments like you state, thats all. You can certainly choose wich people you like and dislike but in stating such comments, don´t expect any love back, comprendez?

  2. This album rocks I think. I get a bit of the same feeling as when I listen to Shiva chandra (the older albums). I think the cover is pretty nice too. They could have done some adjustments to the cocaine sans font tho. In my eye it´s not really spot on but hey, what the heck... It´s nice anyway :)

  3. sorry for the bad english knowledge, i forgot the word kill, aktually they killed him tourgh that, imagine that, they killed him, 15 and 16 years old kids killed a 45 years old man and do you know the reason? The reason is because they wanted fight with someone, and that´s ofcourse not the onliest kill from kids that listen rap, here in Germany it´s all the time so, they even don´t show it on the tv, just on the local news because it isnothing speciall anymore, fucking hiphop bastards like 50cent this asshole and all other hiphop assholes, i feel so agressive about that.


    edit: ofcourse it is not just in Germany so, it is in every country in europe and america so or maybe in the whole world, someone should bann this people and clean the world through.


    More crap. People don´t kill other people because of Hiphop. Hiphop is not about violence at all. But maybe you are too young to understand that. I was Very much into hiphop about 10 years ago too. And I assure you that there are just as much problems in the trance scene as in the hiphop in my opinion. When people are young or troubled they doo stupid things and some go way over the line sometimes. But thats not because of music...thats beacause of the society we live in.

  4. Fullon and darkpsy suck big time imo, they are almost as bad as gangster rap, only oldschool and newschool is true psychedelic trance.


    bla blaa blaa...You talk a lot of bullshit you know that. come back after 10 years and i bet you will laugh your ass off when reading your own writings. Talk about teenage angst!

  5. I haven´t listened to the complete album yet but I hope it will be good. I think some of the tunes sound pretty promising when I listened to the short clips. The album art is ok I guess... pays respect to the old school, but i really don´t like it when the font gets lost in the pictures too much. Too messy in my opinion.

  6. LOL, are you kidding or what, i talk exactly english how i learn it at school and i have good marks there so you talk pure bullshit! You said his english, isn´t the member opium a girl, why he/she put a picture of a girl face on his/her avater and signature???


    I guess it´s back to school for you then...

  7. But does it really make you a better sound engineer to study it?  I am not saying that it's wrong to study it.  I am just thinking that if you have the ears for it does it then really matter (except for that fine piece of paper = diploma) ??


    Well... If I had the ears for it I still would need somebody to tell me wich microphones to use when recording and how to rig them, distances to instrumens. I mean ...maybe I could figure it out by myself but I´d think it speed it up quite a bit to learn stuff like that. Im not saying that you need to do it. When talking about creative arts I dont think you must go to any school but it can help I think. Aslo the schools have quite good equipment..right?


    Sorry....I think I just got little off topic with youre original question anyway. :)

  8. I like to go off-topic and ask the folk's here if they think people become better musicans by studying music or better sound engineers by studying sound engineering?


    better sound engineers I think...But it can atleast be cost effective to be able to master your music yourself...right? I am no musician so just guessin here :lol:

  9. i listened stuff from new artists like ticon and all the other derango... in psyradio.fm and the stuff is really boring, easy to make and dark, nothing uplifting like the good oldschool music. I´am interested in that why you listen more the new stuff inste3ad the old, i don´t want be offensive


    Do you consider music has to be hard to make to be good??? Ticon is not Dark and I don´t think

    it´s very easy to make...

  10. I wonder that near noone listen to them, too. Isn´t this good music? and another question, do they still exist?


    I listen to Green Nuns..They are absolutely great. They exist in the form of Green Oms. dick Trevor from the Green Nuns is there...So a third of it. Sadly I don´t like the Green Oms that much...

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