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Posts posted by Tennant

  1. I collaborated with Vincent Villius for our H.U.V.A Network project.


    Basically what we do is use different software, but save the output sounds in a common format and use the Ultimae servers to send across the music to each other. We use Skype to tell each other what our idea is. And usually I take control of half the tracks, Vince takes control of the other half. We communicate every half hour to share our ideas and we both agree when a track is ended - we are very sensitive to the other's ideas.

  2. Thank you for taking our hearing check. Your result suggests that your hearing is within the normal range.



    Well that was a waste of time. Just a woman saying numbers over increasingly horrible static. And she says the 6's really quietly.

  3. Koxbox - Dragon Tales (Blue Room)

    Etnica - Alien Protein (Blue Room)

    Man With No Name - Moment Of Truth (Concept In Dance)

    Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger (Twisted Records)


    Price for each of them ~12 euros. All in at least VG+ condition, PM me for exact condition. Buy several and I will decrease costs.


    A couple more which will be a bit cheaper:


    Dimension 5 - Transdimensional (Suntrip Records)

    Shpongle - Nothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost (Twisted Records)

    Eat Static - Abduction (Planet Dog)

    Ott - Blumenkraft



    I will also swap these for some Ultimae releases...

  4. Logic Bomb's first two albums. They have way too many cheesy vocal samples.


    OTT. He has superb production values but most of his music is too dubby for me.


    jiva, try Shower of Sparks, Queen of All Everything and Smoked Glass and Chrome.


    I still haven't gotten into Bluetech or Shulman - their stuff is OK, but I think there's better around. Perhaps I should give them more of a chance.

  5. Sorry if there's already a thread about this on page 541, as ever...


    Most goa and psy artists like to use samples... so much so that its become an annoying cliché, especially when its a sample about taking drugs, this has been done to death. My opinion on a couple of the main sample users:


    Man With No Name, IMO makes best use of samples, at least on Moment of Truth and his Teleport single. They are used sparingly, they are well placed, and always add to the track. The sample in Teleport gives the entire track a suitable theme, and the few samples in Moment of Truth always work and are never repeated - check out 1:50 Floor Essence, the "Mmmm, yeah!" :)


    Astral Projection also make good use of samples I reckon - again not used very often, but always making a track memorable. Best tracks in terms of samples for them are Enlightened Evolution and People Can Fly, which probably has the most memorable sample ever in a goa track.


    Hallucinogen is a mixed bag when it comes to samples... the LSD samples can't be criticised as cheesiness since he was one of the first to use samples, and they work well. Plus the sort of pathetic second druggy sample by the girl is balanced by her naivety. Shamanix sample is OK, a little pointless though. My favourite sample by him is the Trancespotter one, the shamanic mumblings really add to the track and make it feel evil. His worst track in terms of samples is Deranger IMO which is just cheesy, and Jiggle of the Sphinx depending on whether you dislike celtic music randomly thrown in or not...


    Artists like Dimension 5 and CHI-A.D use samples too much but they are very good samples. The top example of this is Astral Warrior, an excellent sample that is repeated about 5 too many times. I'm vacillated about Dimension 5's samples like "observe, end act with clarity" since they fit well but are used too often... if these were used sparingly, their tracks would be much better.


    I think we can all agree that 1200 Mics are the biggest criminals in terms of samples... shitty drug samples repeated over and over and over and over again. Sometimes their tracks have a nice melody line (Mescaline), but are ruined by the overuse of samples that just screw over every one of their tracks. I'm not even sure if its supposed to be a joke or not...


    So thoughts, other artists you would like to comment on? Is it good to use samples, or just forget them altogether (Koxbox, Pleiadians)? I personally think it is good to use a couple of samples, but never repeat them more than once and make them good :D

  6. WHAT!?!?!?


    As with Psy albums, you need to close yourself in a dark room, turn it up loud, and pay full attention to the music. I had this problem too with Dragon Tales and Deranger, but after a session in a dark room the magic of them really hit me, and I love being sucked into Posford's Twisted world... this one's even more Twisted than Twisted. Trancespotter is my personal favourite, for some reason you can feel yourself descending into the underworld when the shamanic mumblings begin...

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