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Posts posted by Stevo

  1. Yes. Classical music is 160bpm, with killar basslines, a 4-to-the-floor beat and has many drug-related sound samples in it. It is also structured exactly the same, and the people dont actually play the instruments, they just press a button and the modulated sounds come out of a speaker. There is also a lot of reverb and LFOs in Classical music to create a nice wobble bass. Classical music does sometimes overuse the Glitch VST though. Classical music also only takes about 5 hours to compose.

    you got a wrong point of this theme bro......we are talking about (add least me definitely.......) the feeling that you get from listening Goa/Psy and if this feeling can be compared with classical ( this term is also ungratefull...).......definitely you can compare feeling between them sometimes(im full in love with Goa and thats why I feel such connection between them more often as others,but facts are facts and that is the whole true......) and nobody is talking about comparing the quality between them(if someone does,go shoot yourself.....:)).....I said in few posts before that oldschool Goa is made in some relations with classic (form) but it never cant be compared in other way.....classical music is given born to all music today,but in lots of today music you cant find this form......and oldschool Goa has it.....like Jazz,Rock,Metal(some of rock and metal ofcourse,they also cant be compared with GOA but some things can.....imagine the remix Sun Project-Space Dwarfs in metal,played by some band....)....there is also lots of classic stuff you can use in GOA...... so......:))

  2. a little something for you all to enjoy :drama:



    extraordinary performance,great sensibility,this piece is so hard to be performed in such light and dinamic way as Zimerman does.....I have lots of his recordings,dont like much his Chopin....its great also but my music nature admires more Rubinstein,Lipatti,Pogorelich and even Horowitz........but he plays Schubert almost like him self probably.........



    hey....here is something for real psytrance lovers....this is real psychedelia.....and it plays the best performer of this piece.....its lo-fi but it doesnt matter,you will get it........:) here I also get ,in some parts, this feeling where I sometimes feel in some GOA/PSY bomb track.........



  3. Your absurd story about Rachmaninov, or did someone else make that up? His music has nothing to do with neither rape or goatrance. I love his music and that was nearly... insulting :D


    Hey,ofcourse that is untrue,I said that was a story......story doesnt need to be true story allways and doesnt meen that it is a lie.......I appologise to all who are insolted with this story,when I first time listened this concert before some 15 years ago some old crazy teacher told me that and I was totally shocked as many of you now mabey.....I was more impressed to music but also very upset......and when I heared that it is no true in it I had listened it so much that I feel that I can write those whole notes alone.........That great feeling I wish to everyone.......thats why I wrote that post before,and one thing......that describe isnt nonsence.....you can defintly see that story listening it so........offcourse.....it isn nice this violence middle part,but hey.......this kicking at 0:33 pt.2 and screaming tromphets.....it just sound like that......and rapeing part to.....mabey is that Bronfman doesnt play it like that,but Ashkenazy DEFINITELY plays it so(first time I listened Ashkenazy...).....And one thing......Offcourse that I dont listen it because of that story,I NEVER imagine that and I wrote it here just to intrigue people on different way to listen that kind of music....Only true story is in 2nd concerto who he dedicate to his psychiatrist who take him out of heavy depression,he didnt take well leaving from his motherland...........


    What works do you love?.......Im playing now Variations on theme of Corelli.........

  4. As malevol3nt said, on the feeling it gives, since I'm of the opinion that music is fairly subjective and essentially the feeling music gives you is what you base you like/dislike of it on. What I want to know is that can classical music give me the same soaring, euphoric, joyful feeling that oldskool goa does? If so, which pieces can, because I have no knowledge of classical music...


    well....there is so much classical music that gives me amazing feelings,where I can feel in GOA sometimes.........


    some of them.....:Rachmaninov-Piano Concerto nr.3., http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=8CjEckL4994 (part 1.)

    http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=G7y8zLnQi-M&...feature=related ) (part 2.)

    well....there is a story about this concert,he made it than played and conducted it and later in the evening he came home and beat up his wife,raped her and killed her,than he hide a partitur and made a suicide(he had 2 personalitys,one good and one evil,when he awake and discovered what has he done he killed himself ....)....when peolpe found partiture they saw that he composed it by this happening and they saw a words under notes what discribes it......


    people who dont like such as stories dont read just listen and enjoy........


    I will help you to recognize some main parts of it........1:32 is the begining of concerto,you can hear a main theme what describe him,Russian composer going home after his magnificent performance,in this theme you can feel a strong Russian national influence....this is most beautifull melody I ever heard in my life,and tempo speed is cca 140 bpm(GOAAA;)).....2:23 this theme is played by orchestra and piano has polifone variations of it.....his going home,and thinking....thinking........3:45 he knocks energicly and in 3:48 he enters,a beautifull arpeggio/passage describes it (someone mentioned arpeggiatos in goa?:) well,listen to this....) at 4:09 his wife(the orchestra)says"hello my love,I missed you,I love you so much...." ,4:43. start conversation between his wife(orchestra) and him (piano),question/answer type of music...... 5:14 he started to tell her how much he loves her.....and yes....he loved her very much.........and she answers with same love........6:15 his coming nearer and nearer to her and at 6:25 they are passionately kissing......6:48 he started to chase her trough a house,love chaseing like a 2 doves in love.......7:40 first part of main theme with variating modulations what describe us his suddenly mood change......8:09 he isnt happy any more and second personality is starting to take over him.......here cellos describe his wife asking him whats wrong with him suddenly and he (piano) answers "nothing,let me go...." with very sad and depressive view from his eyes,she repeated and then the second personality takes over him totally at 8:52 and started to treath her and coming closer to her and she is moving back.....here you must change from part 1. to part 2....he treath her and closing and she moves back more and more till 0:13(pt.2...) when he started to push her and yell more and more......0:34 he started to beat her,you can clearly feel that......0:36 tromphets discribes his wifes scream gradually and fall down....0:46 he (piano) victoriously and evil stand up above her and yell and she (strings) sobs in halfswoon...(this is a real horror....dark lovers will enjoy this part......:))....in this period he probably came to idea to rape her......2:13 starts a raping sex scene,he is in for 1st time and he made it very unpassion and hard,you can clearly hear that.......2:21 he continues and he makes it quicker and quicker whole this period till 2:28 when he slowing......(almost with style....lol)....2:33 he continues same but more harder and quicker till 2:40 when stops again.....but just till 2:43 and again the same but this time he doesnt stops till 3:08 when you can clearly hear where he came doing it.....(discusting.....:))........3:20 starts cadence with typical Rachmaninov accords for extremlly big hands,this is very heavy to play,amasing music.......listen to beautifull arrpegios at 4:28...4:34 I hear totally GOA TRANCE here,this arrpegios,theme changes from flute to oboe and clarinette to english horn(extraordinary beautifull)......in this period he is awakeing from dark side......5:18 he awakes,you can hear loving theme from begining........he is realizing what has he done..........6:03 startes moment where I will let you to imagine how and where he takes his life.......6:53 main theme again to conclude 1.st movement.....I highly recomend you to listen also the other 2 movements,they are totally amazing also but with no story.....:)


    I want to mension that this piano concerto is one of the heaviest piano pieces of all time.......if you like it,buy a normal CD,every CD-shop must have it.....



    .....and at the end,I hope that I didnt something wrong,and dont get banned........it was only a story....:)

  5. Very nice topic...:)


    Well its not gratefull to compare Goa/Psy music with genius quality with serious music who you cant learn all of the knowlegde in 10 lives and its not fair to our great masters who are responsible that we have today all kinds of music,but there are some things we can compare.....alots of oldschool Goa Trance tracks are build in similuar form as some classical pieces,it has 1st main theme,2nd,a bridge between them(or not),main theme workout , introduction,middle part,reprize,modulations,harmonic changes,light motives and so one till morning :lol: thats why we are listening same tracks so long without losing that feeling who brings us this energy.....yes....its has a lack of rythmical changes but its compensed with lots of melodies and sounds you cant have in classical music,and also it isnt just straith 4/4,you have a lots of rythmical figures in it who are changing very often and make tracks richer.....at the end,Goa is Goa because of a melodies,without them it isn Goa ;)

    I want to mention also that 90% todays newschool Goa isnt made so,thats why we dont have anymore eternal tracks who will be at playlists 10 years after,most of them sounds great but it losses power after a while.....and we are forgeting them than......everything is based on equipment,sound,not on music herself as before.....(big respect to Ra-9th album who doesnt belong in sentence before)


    You said that classical music doesnt give such as feeling like finnest Goa/Psy.......well....belive me....I saw people who are on 10 times stronger trance as some guy on 10 acids and finnest Goa/Psy, just hearing good old Bachs "Goldberg variations",Mozarts "Requiem",Beethovens"9th symphony"(btw. its big shame that Mozart didnt lived just 5 years more,we could have another reform in music because he then started developing a new style of classical music in his last opuses,total oposite of Beethoven style....) and a lots of other great works in every periods......no music can beat this level of conciousness and emotions....


    I will never forget my victory agains the straith classical and jazz musitians at my last academy when we had a first party in in the begining,they played some jazz,rock,after a while was boring and started to play some modern crap then I get my hands on cd player and started to play best tracks from Astral Projection and M.W.N.N at the begining,after hearing Juno Reactor-Pistolero they were all mine:)and when they got pretty drunk Sun Project-Space Dwarfs cause a massive euphoria...... from then my parties were very visited and crowded.... :D ,today,most of them are at higher studium or teachers at music schools but one phone call is enough to bring them to my place to have a great fun as before.......so......oldschool Goa is something special also and has old magical (classical) way who will never die and can reach everywhere..... :D

  6. Especially in the begin your bass is too loud IMO. So I had to use equalizer. Its easier to put bass louder than the rest.


    hehehe:D sorry for that......I said that track needs mastering and finesses,but I wanted to hear opinion about form and melodies....I think its made in the old way of Goa making,with not to much sounds in it,just pure story and that special morning feeling.....;)


    Thank you for feedback Flipie....massive respect....... :)


    any other feedback will be very appreciated.....I think that you wouldnt regret for 10 min downloading and listening.... ;)

  7. Begins with sample "Ready for take off" as you can hear:





    http://rghost.ru/21426 (can stream here)







    here you go....his (unfortunately) unreleased album(he died 2001...),his music is still the best goa trance what croatia ever produced....



    the album....



    enjoy :D

  8. cover is prety christian too especially for catholicz :drama:

    Yes.... :lol: but if he chose 100% catholicz tracks he´ll have a 15 min.set mabey....I think that God`s Chosen people will be perfect choice after Let There Be Light because both of them have nice 1 min without main melody at the and and begining for perfect mix and God´chosen people has alone women vocal at the and of 24 bars saying....."(something)...Jesus to the nature" and start kickin very hard.....very nice track...after that mabey MFG-Experience....also nice mix could be with this two and its very positive track....

  9. Space Tribe-God´s Chosen People from Religious Experience could help you mabey.... ;) it has very beautifull melody full of positive and has sample of preacher clearly calling a name of Jesus Christ....mabey the message isnt clearly for chistianity but the audience wouldnt know that,they will hear just the name.....

  10. Hello good people :D


    We are presenting here our work and want to hear some feedback from You if its possible.....


    We arent long expirience producers but I think that combination of Informatic Ing. and Academic Pianist,both with looooong Goa (hearing) expirience can make a interesting track in just one inspiring night...


    It is full track, but it needs some finesses and good mastering to be finished,but just to hear and good judge it will be more than enough for You...


    And....this track has the classical form of Goa Trance....just to know before... ;)



    Link : http://rapidshare.com/files/134256781/Sunt...Warning.wav.rar



    Well....I hope You will enjoy it....any feedback will be very appreciated.... :D

  11. 1. Shakta-Silicon Trip (1998.)


    2. MFG-The Prophecy (Israel version) (1996.)


    3. Cosmosis-Cosmology (1996.)


    4. RA-To Sirius (Reissue) (2001.)


    5. Astral Projection-The Astral Files (1997.)


    6. MFG-New Kind Of World (1997.)


    7. Dimension 5-Trancedimensional (1997.)


    8. Pleadians-I.F.O. (1997.)


    9. Ubar Tmar-Fusion (1997.)


    10. Miranda-Phenomena (1997.)



    Well....Its 0% of Psytrance in my top 10.albums,but I saw that many of you added Goa albums in it so I made my top 10.albums of all time....


    And.....this top 10.isn´t same the whole time....very often in this top 10. are coming the other legendary Goa and Psy albums.....so.....for me,top 30.is much more gratefull choice to pick up as top 10....... :posford:

  12. Check my other mixes. They're all at 135 BPM maximum since this is the tempo i like. But some of them have a much nicer mixing, especially Goa-Getter I, II, V and VII. ;)

    well...none of them works anymore,so you can decide wich set is the best and upload it and I will hear it.... :D

  13. Hello :D


    I would like to tell some things...Im also fan of 145-150 BPM tempo,but I respect when DJ makes slow Goa mix with powerfull story,like Paul Oakenfold in old days....You did a great job with compilating tracks,but I think that the story is same trough whole mix...and I think that it would be much better if you take pitch to 140-42...it would be slow also,but more interesting....mixing is good with no mistakes,but i think Goa is made to be mixed by a chanell,not by crossfader....cross is more for techno....I know,its much complicated,but you could get amasing mixes then...it lasts longer,you work with filters much more and for that you must know this tracks in soul....and people are feeling then something else....also,Goa has that structure with frases,so mixing in takt is the best option for quality mix...You cover that with quick mixes,very good track choice and very nice timeing but that is because crossfader is over half and past track is gone in very quick time....if you had left mixes for 8 takt frase then it would give you some problems...beat match was perfect in every mix,but also that is much easyer to do it with slow tempo....

    I would like to hear some other mixes from you,more quicker and in more party mood....I think that this set fits very good in some warm up of oldschool Goa Trance parties...


    My favourite track from this set is "07. Nemesis - Snake Dance [Transient Records, 1997]"...ofcourse.....the classics are classics...and they have some special place in my heart,but I was more in mood this morning for that amasing vocal...


    keep up a good work :D

  14. Listening To it as we speak, my brother and I, both like it very much :)


    Nice Work Dude ;) keep em coming :clapping:

    Thank You Guys:),Thank You Tatsu:)


    I added a flyer of that party in the post upstairs :lol: ,we had a guests from Macedonia then,it was one hell of a gig,Uminum Live,Glowing flame Rec...,they had bringed lots of hardware stuff,and their music was something special....it was a mixture of Dark Psy,Fullon,and Goa melodies....mixed up with great style...all tracks were great and people were very exited...i didnt hear such screaming for a long time....very forest music......it was Psy night with Goa morning....the winning combination:)its pitty that we cannot record the whole party...just me had that privilegy because the organizer had brand new laptop with bunch of brand new drivers,he didnt wanted to overload something in it and he didnt speak with macedonians about recordings....well next time....:D

  15. Hello! :D , I´m Stevo,coming from Zagreb,Croatia,academic pianist currently studying for concert pianist(after graduate study,dont know how to call it properly on english... :P )in Germany,Darmstadt,I´m in love with queen of Trance,Goa,since of 1998 and I´m Djing from 2001,Im presenting here my Dj set from party called "Shumski Psi"(Shumski means-Forests,Psi means-dogs,but this Croatian word for dogs extremly reminds to allknown Psy.... :posford: )open air forest party at mountain Sljeme,near Zagreb,28.06,just few weeks ago... :D

    flyer looked like this....Posted Image

    I want to tell some things about the difficultis from that evening...one of Pioneer CDJ 100 was dead(jog left off :angry: )just on begining and first Dj had great unexspected problems...but...Dj Psiha,one of organizers of that event, had PC there,with Tractor and MIDI controler for it,so the others had gigs with that combination,one Pioneer and Tractor......(the mountain was to far to get some new player unfortunately...)well,not bad,but the difference of tempo were well different(offcourse, when you find the closest tempo)and Jog was very unreliable(MIDI Jog) so we had sometimes some little problems in the mix...but not big ones.... ;)...and, the begining of set wasnt recorded(just two tracks,morning organize problems :P ) so the mix begins on the fire in the middle of forest meadow... :lol:


    Here it is,I hope you´ll enjoy it... :D


    Title : Dj Stevo-Shumski Psi(morning set)

    Time : 07-10 AM

    Genre : Old & New School Goa Trance

    Lenght : 154:01

    Format : Mp3(320 kbps)





    1.Filteria-Navigate(Sky Input,Suntrip Rec.,Bel.,2004.)


    2.Lost Buddha-When Universe Was Created(Untold Stories,Unreleased Album,2007.)


    3.Psyclus & Silver Me-Komatsu(V.A.Psychoactive Scandosounds,Boom Rec.,Ned.,1998.)


    4.Shakta-Temporal Shift(Silicon Trip,Dragonfly Rec.,U.K.,1997.)


    5.Pandemonium-Colours Of Mirage(Unreleased EP,2007.)


    6.Shakta-Ten Times Around The Sun(V.A.Opus Iridium,Suntrip Rec.,Bel.2008.)


    7.Zirrex-Voyage(Lost In Time,A&E Productions,Rus.2000.)


    8.Trilithon-One World One Future(V.A.Psychedelic Vibes 6.,Trust In Trance Records,Phonocol Rec.,Isr.,1999.)


    9.Ajna-The Art Of Happiness(V.A.Opus Iridium,Suntrip Rec.,Bel.,2008.)


    10.Aura-Walk To Earth(V.A.Pyramidal Trancendence,Metapsychic Records,Por.,2006.)


    11.Electric Universe-From The Heart(Stardriver,Spirit Zone Recordings,Ger.,1997.)


    12.Mystica-African Horizon(Mystica Mix)(EP,Perfecto,U.K.,1998.)


    13.Goalien-Macroscopic View(V.A.Golden Vibes 3.,Old Is Gold,Isr.,2008.)


    14.Chi.A.D.-Exit Eternity(V.A.Psychedelic Vibes 5.,Trust In Trance Records,Phonokol Rec.,Isr.,1998.)


    15.Cosmosis-Gift From Gods(Cosmology,Transient Rec.,U.K.,1996.)


    16.Dimension 5-Temple Of Chaos(EP,Deep Space 5D/Temple Of Chaos,Inastella Rec.,U.K.,1997.)


    17.Shakta-Cosmic Trigger(EP,Cosmic Trigger/Spiritual Beings In Physical Bodies,Dragonfly Rec.,U.K.,1997.)


    18.Blue Planet Corporation-Antidote(V.A.Pulse Vol.1.,Sub Terranean,Ger.,1996.)


    19.Man With No Name-Teleport(Acceleration Mix)(EP,Teleport/Sugar Rush,Perfecto,U.K.,1996.)


    20.Miranda-Mars Needs Women(Antiloop Club Mix)(Maxi-Single,Why Not Records,Swe.,1999.)


    21.Goasia-Taboo(From Other Spaces,Suntrip Rec.,Bel.,2007.)


    22.Suntribe(Cro.) Feat. Stevo-Warning(Unreleased,Cro.,2005.)


    23.Chi-A.D.-Eye Am The I(V.A.-Destination Goa-The Sixth Chapter,Why Not Records,Swe.,1998.)


    24.Astrancer-Dzog Chen(V.A.-Pyramidal Trancendence,Metapsychic Rec.,Por.,2006.)




    Well,thats all for now,greetings from unexpectivlly hot Germany :lol:


    P.S.sorry for my bad english.... :lol:

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