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Posts posted by Hippieshaman

  1. well this might seem like a joke to you mister nEMO....


    BUT TO ME IT AINT.. i feel deeply offended.. isnt that something that shouldn't happen here hmm?... I dont mean to be any pain in the arse... but just this subject... (and i think this is the only one....) ticks me off totaly... so please.... cant you just say your sorry... hmm? is those 5 letters so damn fucking hard to put together in correct order?.... im having a great time here at psynews.. getting to know new people, sharing thoughts about music and so on... but this... its just to much for me... call me crazy, i dont mind.. but call me emo... i dont know what to say... imagine you have a subject that ticks you off totaly... maybe remarks about your family, things you have done in the past? everyone has done something they dont want to be reminded of.. well.. what if i should exploit that hmm? you wouldnt like that... no you wouldnt.. you would ignore me if it wasnt to bad, but if it was very bad as it is in this situation (for me atleast...) you would ask me for an apologie.. maybe give me a warning... have you considered giving yourself a warning sometimes? being the powered moderator as you are... i bet you havent... but lets not be rude... i dont want you to dislike me, couse i dont really dislike you.. so.. please? just say sorry... it would mean alot to me... maybe its not worth a shit to you... but to me it is... think of that...



    and for you others making emo/emu jokes not directed to me; i dont really care about them...




  2. ...


    to both Nemo and Nurbs:


    i find it very offending to be called an emo.. i dont have any personal issues against them just so thats said.... i am in no way an emo.. i dont find this world the sadest place to be, nor o i cut myself... so please take that remarks back... :angry:

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