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Everything posted by PsychoMachine42

  1. uuum...Dead Can Dance TOTALLY blew Shango away...I saw both...& Shango was pretty good...but NOWHERE close to Dead Can Dance...TOTALLY live...NO ELECTRONICS other than 1 synth & microphones...9 intrumentalists...6 drummers...but, that's just my humble opinion...you have a different set of experiences than I do.
  2. OK, I have a few: ~Dead Can Dance in 1996 for the Spiritchaser tour ~Front 242 in like 1990 or 91 for Tyranny For You ~GMS in 2001 in SF...OH MY GOD!!! ~Noosphere in 2001 in the woods...YUM!!! ~Deedrah in 2001 & 2003...He is AMAZING!!! ~Shakta in 2001 at the Fusion Festival....Kick the Baby live KILLED me ~Quadra in 1998 in the woods...my first live set...he kicked our asses.
  3. a report from the people Simon stayed with in SF says that the new album sounds alot like the first album did, but better...if Beija Flor is anything to go by, I think we're going to be blown away.
  4. Goa Gil uses Fruity Loops...as a matter of fact, ALOT of artists use it...the new producer version is fucking wicked. perhaps you should check it out before investing so much negativity into your position on it. it is the most intuitive software I've ever used...I think Reason is way less interesting & way more limited. I like Cubase, but haven't really started using it on my own yet. but, seriously, if the last interaction you had was a long time ago, you should check out what it has become...you'll be very surprised.
  5. I use the new Technics headphones & they are simply the best you can get...I've tried everything around, & these leave them all in the dust.
  6. I use Kontakt for my basslines...the sound I use decides how I write it...I like using a simple one-note bassline for darker stuff...
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