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Posts posted by ptn

  1. I don't know if saying disrespectful things about someone's music just because other people did it with Your sounds is legit. Where's the connection, when such kind of behaviour is always unwelcome, disregarding the target? Everybody should avoid those kind of remarks.


    I think the phrase 'being disrespectful' or 'saying disrespectful things' is the problem, it's not the same as 'having different or unpopular opinion' - it's simply rude. Does Filteria insulted You, Radi (I'm getting confused here :blink: )?

  2. There are few things people shouldn't do discussing their musical tastes, like bashing someone for listening/liking different tunes than you, degraging other genres (maybe just for fun it's allowed ;) ), etc. I think among them is saying sth you can't confirm or say it's definately true, like other people's motivations (all artists jump in the same bandwagon in order to attract a wider audience).


    And another thing is, you go at me and start the fighting, as if I am the only one who said newschool is different to oldschool, altough you know exactly that many people in the past have said what they think about newschool. They have literally said the same than me, their opinion and that anyone is free to listen to it if he wants, but only I get back negative feedback.


    That's why the choice of words is that important, if You constantly get bashed (and by different not the same poster), maybe that's the reason.


    Also saiyng unpopular statement will bring the wrath of gods, but that's another story, I personally can't imagine goa without Etnica/Pleiadians and some of their tracks being mentioned as average or weak, perhaps some people do :).

  3. The topic's main point is that I feel often that whatever the genre, producers are victims of categorizing themselves into a small niche - there's a certain need to belong to a group and this gives pressure to follow the what one could call 'unwritten rules' of the specific genre. Hence, most of the material is rather homogeneous.


    Just like Simon Posford was on the verge of inventing something new when listening to Hardfloor on acid in 1993, I'm also having thoughts of the possible future of psytrance. I feel it's coming largely more popular and hence, most of the music tends to follow the direction of 'lowest common denominator' where producers try to find tricks NOT to sound as psychedelic as possible, but to sound as catchy as possible. So the main direction on the larger scale for psytrance is to variate looking for the most simple, catchy hooks to attract wider crowds. This applies to all genres dare I say. :unsure:

    Yes and yes, although I have somewhat different thoughts aswell. There's a topic about innovations nearby that touches similar area. I think the word 'genre' sets the feeling already, producers like specific set of sounds and they want to do sth fitting, some of them just change melodies or rearrange percussion using the same samples (and we have all the 'generic' stuff), other add sth extra. And it's for the people who want to hear soundalikes because how many times can you listen to 4 example I.F.O. or Twisted (I know - the eternity ;) and you like this kind of sounds, so how can you get more of it?


    - Offtopic - I'm amazed (or maybe I didn't stumble upon - help!) that there was/are lots of AP, Etnica or Transwave influenced tunes and early Infected Mushroom isn't being followed by many (Talpa, Misted Muppet, Nystagmus, and it was few years ago). Is there some kind of conspiracy forbidding this? On the other hand many people say early IM's stuff (mostly first two albums) is great and among the best. - End offtopic -


    Twenty years in electronic music is a long time, the genres were made, rose up to it's peak and crumbled, mostly because people were fed up with the sounds. Old producers have changed their style or new wave of producers came and shifted gears and new genres were invented on the ashes of the old ones. Frankly I'm a bit astonished psytrance has survived that long, although in the beginning of the millenium it was close...


    In the 90's was much more easier to invent new stuff, I think it's a bit paradoxical - back then few people could make music, mostly beacuse of hardware/money problems and the necessary knowledge behind it, but discovering area was broader. Nowadays almost anyone can make music, but You have to be realy good to find new approach.


    Don't care if they first reject your vision. If you have a positive feeling inside of you then that's good enough a sign to know you're on a right path. Be patient if you're idea doesn't physically manifest very easily - creating something new is always a tricky business as there's no guide other than your own mind. And for fuck sake, listen to something else than psytrance once in a while to freshen up your insight on this music. BELIEVE in yourself. That's the most important.

    +1, words of wisdom :). Just remember some producers just want to make great tunes, not shake the whole construction. It's like with trhe movies. We've all seen films about revenge or bank heist, but who doesn't want another good one :)?

  4. So, modern artists are really brave doing goa nowadays, I applaud them for that. Not easy trying to do goa when their work will be compared to such a rich past.

    True, although being compared to is an honor aswell, if someone achieves this level - the next step (being innovative) should be easier.


    Also I can't completely agree on being brave, because there will always be a group of people who want new stuff, no matter how different or groundbreaking it will be, we simply can't listen to the same music over and over (well, maybe sometimes ;) ). Being new is an advantage too.

  5. The problem with being innovative is when someone does sth groundbreaking, it will divide listeners EVERY time. There'll always be a discussion if it's still goa/psytrance/dark or whatever, 'it's not the genre anymore' and similar stuff. Adding too many new elements causes listeners to (subconsciously?) put the producer on a new subgenre shelf as a first of a new breed.


    Having said that :), I'm on agree with Shpongled247 on BlackStarrFinale's music, I could also add Terrafractyl (for trying to infect psytrance with other genres - Spacey Koala comes to mind aswell, thanks again for that suggestion :) ) and I'm still waiting for the next Artha and Talpa's albums (hoping the prog elements will be sticking mostly to his Riddler's alter ego [which I also like]).


    Edit: I see IronSun has posted a reply during my writing, so we've kinda doubled some thoughts:


    if in certain aspects (like composition for example) one is too creative, one crosses borders into other genre's.



    Yet there are also areas one can be creative in while comfortably residing inside a certain genre. A good example of this is soundsculpting, and I think the most innovative artists in this come out of the forest subgenre... a gazillion sounds all working together to create that hyperpsychedelic but also trancy feel.

    True, but doing innovations in a genre that has about 20 years could be really hard. Forrest could be/is innovative, but for some listeners the tunes are too much different from regular goa/psy and it causes those trancers to stay away.


    Battle between new, fresh and different continues :).


    The drawback to having a series of long, lush tracks in the same style is that it can be laborious to get through the entire album. And it is.


    Well, to each his own - I liked it A LOT.


    Sometimes you just want to buy a consistent album, without all those multigenered tunes one after another. Most of full-on, progressive or goatrance LPs (not counting obligatiory chillout tune at the end of course ;)) have this kind of structure and we often expect to be like this. Has anyone asked Bob Marley to cut the reggae phase on his next album ;)?


    To me every track on this release flows in the neighbourhood of the others, but at the same time each has a different approach, so we can't confuse them.


    If anyone of You like (mostly) positive twisted dub, than testing Globular should be on the next 'to-do' list. 8-9/10.

    • Like 1
  7. For a bit ethnic sound I go to Kaya Project (all albums - brilliant), if I want to mechanize things - Bluetech is my man :)


    Also I often listen to first Abakus, Tripswitch, Asura, Ott or Chilling Matenda. Thanks to Ektoplazm recently I've discovered Globular (great dubby sounds) and Metaphorical Cloud (nice 'syrupy' atmosphere).


    Consider most of the finest (of the finest) artists in Goatrance at their peek below:


    - Astral Projection

    - Chi-A.D.

    - Cosmosis

    - Green Nuns of the Revolution

    - Jaia

    - Hallucinogen

    - Man With No Name

    - Pleiadians

    - Tandu

    - Total Eclipse

    - Transwave


    This IS on that list and that list isn't THAT much longer. smile.gif


    I'm sure not including Koxbox was just a little oversight caused by this fine album ;).


    Rock Bitch Mafia has great energy and, even if sometimes a bit dated, it still overpasses many artists now and then.


    303 lovers need to have/listen to it ;)

  9. Nice album, but listening through a whole I had a feeling it all sounds similar, sort of part I, part II, part III... The spaceship was flying and flying. Maybe it was intended, anyway it found it's listeners, so that's more important.

  10. Really nice stuff, it's always great finding someone who's trying to make something a bit differently than others.


    If you like melodic stuff (but a little less crazy) I think you would dig an artist called Spacey Koala, can find him on soundcloud, really nice stuff.


    Wow, that guy can really make psytrance! Thanks for this one :). Do You have some more IM-ish/Talpa-ish trance suggestions?

  11. Recently after 2-3 year break I've started to listen to psytrance again (while lurking here from time to time ;) ) and I'd be grateful for some nice suggestions.


    I really enjoy BlackStarrFinale and Portamento albums, Artha's LP hits the spot aswell. Crazy psytrance like Talpa or IM from their first three albums are my thing too. Suntrippy tunes are nice but sometimes I can't get rid of the feeling I listen to the same tunes just remixed or remade by different artists (no offence - they are great I just don't see the great difference and I do love oldschool goa, it was my first true love :) ). I'm not into darkpsy or progressive.


    As for my favourite psychill/psybient - first Abakus' album comes to mind, Bluetech, Tripswitch, some Kuba, Capsula or Ott tunes aswell. On the more oriental side - Kaya Project fits me well.


    Help me expand :).Thanks in advance!

  12. The album is GREAT, definately my cup of tea. Never boring, never cheesy and nevertheless melodic.


    his music is not following the newschool formula.


    Oh yes, the formula - could You explain it a little bit? Do You mean Pleiadian-ish or Astral-ish flavour in maaaaany newschool tunes?


    Offtopic: Ormion, I really enjoy Your 'Introduction to Psytrance' videos, helped me to clear some grey areas, although sometimes I can't grasp the differencies between subgenres even I have contact with ths music since '97 (like dark goa vs oldschool psytrance - for me it's the same, just turning the knob 2 degrees to the left for a few seconds more ^_^ ).

  13. In 1997 I was on holiday at sea, walking near the beach I heard strange sounds coming from some guy's cassette player. I asked the owner about this music and he said 'it's psychedelic goa trance - check local store, they shoud have one or two releases'. The next hour I bought 'Made on Earth vol. 1'. X-Dream's 'Freak' got me completely hooked (and tbh a bit scared ;) ). The other two I can honestly say I 'remember hearing' were Etnica - Tribute and Prana - Primal Orbit.

  14. Recently after 2 years of exploring other genres I came back to psytrance and this album immediately put my body in the 'attention' position. Easily one of the best albums from the last few years. Nothing cheesy, just great ideas, production and pure energy.

  15. Just my two cents ;).


    Saying this album is too 'Hallucinogen-ish' (+ similar comments) and portraying it as sth bad sounds strange, especially when most of albums picked as 'best of' during last years are stricly from Pleiadians, Astral Projection or MFG's stable. I guess going down megamultilayered melodic goa nostalgia lane is still pretty strong in some of psytrancers (nothing bad about it, I'm one of them from time to time :) ).


    As for the album - gread addition to less 'obvious' face of psytrance.

  16. Hi,


    Listening to psytrance tunes I've noticed, that sometimes music makers are using specific effect, that causes strange 'square' sound. I'm not talking about distortion, it's like suddenely listening to 8-bit music (or less). I suspect that's some kind of bit-reductor, but I can't find any VST effect that causes it. Can someone help me?



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