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Posts posted by NT

  1. wow, look at all them hippies going like "omg this is silly/stupid/whatever" were so PLUR!!11 except when it ain't about flowers and happy happy joy joy stuff... OMFG!!1 ThEY DON'T HAVE DREADLOCKS AND BARE FEET AND DON'T WEAR GREEN PANTS... WTF>!?! EVIL MUST BE DESTROYED!! But REMEMBER we remain to keep the PLUR... OMGWTF..





    I do agree that it looks highly childish, but oh well..., whatever they got their inspiration from. I don't listen to psytrance anymore anyway.

  2. Haven't done anything lately in photoshop , so I started to create some stuff out of boredom, this is one result for now:



    Posted Image


    This is the result of playing around with just one stripe of marineblue paintbrush on screen;


    Posted Image

  3. So u don't believe in Fairy tale anymore?

    HAHAHA nice one! Nah, what I meant is that 'special' feeling, you got when you bought one of these 'oh so rare' cd's like once in 4 or 5 months (97/98 period i'm talking about), and everything sounded so mysterious, like personal journeys... only a couple of artists were releasing back then.


    I mean a tune like:


    Oforia - Why not on mars?


    always made me think Oforia wasn't from this planet, and tried to alienate people who listened to it. Not something that would originate from this earth! Same goes for the old-school tracks with spiritual stuff in it (tracks like: Fluro Conspiracy - Ancient Suns) it all sounded so surreal, far away and mystic. But that feeling has gone for years now...


    And the artwork always appealed to me back then, and also added alot to the atmosphere the music gave me... but nowadays artwork like that is just uber-cheesy because it has been ruïned by the modern psy labels.

  4. oh you are so elite! i wish i had these feelings towards subgenre's within a genre i like!





  5. Boyd Rice - People


    Great track!




    Do you ever think about

    What a lovely place the world would be

    Without all the people

    That make life so unpleasant?


    All the small, petty people

    All the ugly, annoying people

    It's hard not to think about it


    I like to think about

    What could be

    Done to these people

    Something cruel

    Something mean

    Something just

    But the meaner the better

    Goodness knows they deserve it


    Have you ever dreamed of

    Killing all the stupid people?

    Not just the unintelligent people

    But the sort that don't know anything about anything

    But seem to have opinions about everything

    They're only too ready to offer their advice about

    How to run your life

    And yet look at how they run their own lives

    For the most part they've accomplished nothing

    They've contributed nothing

    Their lives are miserable

    But they talk, talk, talk…

    At the very least their tongues should be cut out

    At the very least


    Do you ever wanna

    Kill all the people who tell lies?

    Some certainly deserve it

    Not necessarily the big liars

    Or even those who teach lies as truth

    I'm talking about people

    Who say one thing and do another

    Or who tell you they sent something express mail

    When you know they haven't


    Did you ever want to

    Kill all the slow people in the world?

    The people who are in front of you

    When they should be behind you

    A crime that the swift should be help back by the slow

    And it's criminal that nothing is going to rectify it


    And what about all the really ugly people?

    Add them to the list as well

    Some people try not to think about life's ugliness

    I've thought about it

    I've thought about it quite a lot

    Something should be done to these people

    Something to make them suffer

    The way they've made us suffer


    I say, bring back the Circus Maximus

    For starters

    Unless these weeds are dealt with

    They’ll poison everything

    They are poisoning everything

    We need a gardener

    A brutal gardener

    A thorough, thoughtful gardener

    An iron gardener


    Whatever happened to Vlad the Impaler?

    Where's Genghis Kahn when you need him?

    Or Roi d'Ys?

    Ayatollah Khomeini?

    Adolf Hitler?

    Benito Mussolini?





    Come back!

    Come back!

    Only for the misanthropes under us.

  6. Haven't heard anything really bad this year, but psytrance is now a parody of its own genre. Everything tends sounds the same, there's hardly any innovation going on, biggest problem is that most artists use the exact same 'base' material, it's the same shit but different artist in a different order. So I just stopped bother listening or checking out psytrance releases this year...

  7. always loved Ping, oe of the best tracks from the 90's for sure... the alien atmosphere, of being on another planet, is done soooo well!!

    hm I never had a feeling of aliens nor space while listening to this track, probably because it has tons of those nice 3D ping-pong sounds in it, which is a sport right here, down on earth!

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