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need some samples and stuff!


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Guest -[ kinetik psY.ko ]-

hey hello all...i'm a big lover of all the psychedelic goa movement. but where i live not many people know the music. and i want to make them know. but not as other pumping-electronic music, i want present it as an art or kind of self expression. thats why i wanna make some noise with my own musik, with my touch and style in it...i have fruity loops 3 full with a lot of plugz and madtracker. but i don't know where to start to make some soundz and how to put it all toghether to make what i want! if someone can help, giving me some advice i'll really thnk it...

also some good pages with samplez i love it too!


thank all...

and keep the psychedelia experience! :)

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www.looperman.com. that's the best site i can find for acid samples. Unfortunitly there aren 't to many psy sample websites. #$*% samples though, create yourself. Except the basskick... very hard to get the sound right... sample that at all costs i'd say. I found for getting weirdo noises is just go to any wav site and download short little bleeps and quirks and drown them in effects and delay. Always works good for me.

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Guest Slidingtrancer

Try overchorusing snippets of a voice wav lined up ( with silences in between it, every time the same length). Then metalize it with a VST plugin and phase it. Now you can delete the small silences all together to make it one FX or just take out every small part. ( make sure you make the silences long enough so they won't be overlapped by the effect)


I hope you understan what i'm trying to tell you.

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Guest LongShanks

Hello everybody,


I'm a guitarrist goa trance lover who wants to experience diferent sounds but actually I don't know how to start. So if somebody could give some clue I would find really great, just write me. What are the fist things I need? Hardware, software, sampler???




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