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Guest noctilucent

Its Modular. The true power of Buzz.


Buzz is the first ever "easy to use" free modular software based synthesizer. What this means is that the entire system is based on objects, which may be routed in a modular fashion, giving you the freedom to be as creative as you want. For example, if you wish to run 3 Physical Modelling synths and a Drum Machine through 2 seperate Stereo Delays, into a Mixer, through a Compressor and Parameteric EQ, and finally out to your speakers - no problem. Lay down your synths, connect the wires and you're done.


Its Expandable. Buzz introduces the concept of a Machine.


A Machine is an object in Buzz which either creates or modifies sound. A Machine is the equivalent of a single piece of gear in a traditional music studio. It may be a synthesizer, a sampler, a dsp effect, a mixing board, or any other piece of gear that exists in a studio. Every piece has the same parameters and functions you would expect to find in the studio you know and love. Whats better is that all existing machines are free (over 200!).


Its in Real-Time. Buzz moves with you.


Every aspect of Buzz is built to be controlled in real-time. This means that as you tweak the resonance on a virtual analog synth, you hear it's classic sqeualching response immediately. The same goes for all DSP effects, samples, etc.


It's Built for Speed.


Unlike other audio packages which require a super-computer to power a single synth, Buzz has been programmed for speed. It is not at all uncommon to employ 10 completely seperate polyphonic synthesizers, 5 samplers, 2 drum machines, 3 mixers, and 10 DSP effects all simultaniously. Thats on a decent machine. A fast machine could easily triple that.


Its Portable. A studio in a briefcase.


Imagine having a studio with 200 pieces of gear. Now imagine fitting it on a laptop and taking it anywhere with you. It sounds like a dream to any Musician, but its completely possible with Buzz. An install size of 15 megs, with a memory requirement of 32 megs. Buzz fits easily onto most decent laptops.


Its Free. Is there anything else to say?


Thats right. $0.00 US! That translates to roughly 0 British Pounds, which translates to 0 Finnish Marks which translates to 0 Euros which translates to 0 Japanese Yen which translates to 0 German Marks which translates to 0 Swedish Kronda which translates to 0 Swiss Francs which translates to 0 Russian Rubels.


Its a Secret Weapon. Its cooler than Rebirth

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Guest noctilucent

you think buzz is hard just because of the hexadecimals? I hope you guys read the post above, and the truth is: Buzz doesn't suck, you do! People should know what music is before making it, and Buzz is made for people who know what theyre doing... the harder it is, the more you know.. if you get my point...thanx...

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Guest Jikkenteki

I have "a real hardware studio" and I can still find value in Fruity... the gear helps, but it is what you do with it that ultimately makes the difference. I have heard some really top notch unknown goa before and in discussions with the artist afterwards found out that the tracks I liked where made almost entirely in fruity (with a few lines made in cubase and imported into fruity). Don't get me wrong.... I love hardware, but I think alot of the hardware only attitude is nothing but snobbery. Top quality gear my make it easier, but it doesn't mean you'll be able to make anything decent. A bad artist on a good synth is still a bad artist

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Hey everyone, Buzz is now included in fruityloops, as of version 3.3. Check www.fruityloops.com to see for yourself. Don't underestimate the power of fruityloops...

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Guest ~Jonezz~

in my opinion it´s about creativity and imagination.. NOT the gear..

i mean even if you have the hottest hi-tech synths, samplers an so on it´s not guaranteed that you can make good music.. i have heard many good tunes made only with mc-303 or ft2 for example.. maybe the sounds are not that crystalclear or mindblowing but it is the whole track that matters..

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Guest Elysium Project

I have this opinion:



If you want to sell your music to people you have an obligation as an artist to have a minimum of quality in your production....



f you are serious about making a "living" out of your music then you should try to broden your horizon in terms of equipment and technology and also invest in some gear instead of just taking the easy way out using "free" software....



If you just want to have fun and play around with music then do what you want to.


I find programs like fruityloops and other similar programs a joke when it comes to the professional side of a music production.... The software is cool for people having that's all........


I see people using fruityloops and similar (for music intended to be released) as a easy way out instead of investing in more quality equipment... and I don't like the way some people think that all music that just sound a bit good should be released..... that is exactly why our scene have such a difficault time to reach a bigger market..... and yes I know some of you think that it is cool that only 20 people in your town (just an example) know this kind of music but I think that it would be great if more people got access to it. So in my opinion you should all keep making music.... but don't think that all people have the talent to actually be released...... I know I have a talent for making music but I do not have a talent for many other things......


Take care all.

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Guest Elysium Project

Wow another type error.... :-)




"The software is cool for people having that's all........"




This is how it should have been said:


The software is cool for people having FUN that's all........

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Guest Slidingtrancer

Well Elysium a lot of people who don't have the gear are students. I have a hard time living from the lousy payment our government ( and my parents) give me.

I can't really save up money for equipment, because there is barely money to save.

Then you could say 'go and find a job', well with my study there's little time for work. I could work for 6 hours a week maybe, but no-one will hire you here on that basis.


I'm now taking on a job for 20 hours a week, that will mean that my study is going to have to be in the nights and mornings and I have to skip classes to finish my work. This is not an situation in which you either have time or money to make music professionally. I've now saved up about 400$ for a midi-keyboard and maybe some other stuff, but I spent about a year saving it up.


I think my situation is quite normal around here, so Fruity Pebbles is a good solution, early to learn, no real manual needed and above all it's free...


When I find a job in 4 years ( when I have my 'master's title) I can really begin to build something, but for now, it's just having fun and getting the most out of semi-pro stuff. This does NOT mean I'm not serious about musicmaking in general, this just mean my options are very limited.


Well about what you stated



If you want to sell your music to people you have an obligation as an artist to have a minimum of quality in your production.... "


I fully agree with that, being one of the reasons why maybe I 'overproduce' and barely release stuff. The obligation goes both ways, to the listeners and to yourself. To yourself in the meaning that you get the best out of what you do, wanting to be a serious musician.



f you are serious about making a "living" out of your music then you should try to broden your horizon in terms of equipment and technology and also invest in some gear instead of just taking the easy way out using "free" software...."


I think I explained that point enough in the stuff that's noted right above.



If you just want to have fun and play around with music then do what you want to.

The software is cool for people having FUN that's all........"


I think no matter what kinda equipment or stuff you have, you should have FUN in making music otherwise it would be wiser to find another occupation. I see so many people in bus each day to which every day at work is a drag, just because they don't like their job. If you choose ( as a volunteer)for an occupation in the musicbusiness, you choose for a hobby most of the time. And in general you LIKE your hobby, otherwise you'd be doing something else.


I think the way you link HAVING FUN to amateurism is wrong. Having fun and being happy are the main goals in many people's lives, whether thats in music or golf. It does not have any link with amateurism or professionalism.


I do think you are right when you say, when you want to be taken fully serious you should invest in yourself and thus your music. But isn't that quite normal in an everyday job? Taking courses so you can handle more responsibility or earn more money doing less boring work.


Either way, I think it's a good point to say once again Fruity Pebbles is just semi-pro and you can make a lot of it, very good music even, but the quality can never equal the real thing. The only thing you can show is talent and luckily in our genre ( because it's so small) it will be heard and seen.

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Guest Elysium Project

I fully agree with you " slide" .


And I can say that I love what I do and it put a big smile on my face.... :-)


I was merely responding to monoyed9's post where he want to talk to other "producers" about making "high quality" music in fruityloops......

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Guest Elysium Project



I have been making music since I was 14 years old (I am now 35) and I can tell you that I never did any degree 8apart from traditional school) because I used all my time making music and playing in bands.. I did it the hard way ...... I see many people taking the easy way (School ect) because society or their parents tell them it is the right way.... get an education.... don't follow your heart/dream....


I don't think that the way I did it is the only way and I certantly do not tell people it is the right way and that they are not serious about music if they don't do it my way...but I fell it is a too easy "to make it" in the trance/electronic scene today....


Too many labels and people release poor productions and that influences the whole scene in the wrong direction........


So If you want to be a professional artist you need to take some chances....... that the society and your parents mabey don't like....... But remember to have fun too :-)


If you just want to play around with music.... have fun :-)

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Guest Slidingtrancer

I think I will need an education to make sure I have something to cling to when I don't make it.Plus, with education you can make a hellavu lot more money than without one and in the psytrance business money to buy stuff is important.

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The thing is, you can make music in any soft, but if you dont have the quality, you simply dont make music, not matter how good the soft is.

I agree when people say Fruitty isnt the best soft for computer music, thats true, but it isnt that bad either. With a lot of time and patience and quality, you can come up with some serious stuff. And whats the problem if a guy makes music in Fruitty and labels like it???? If they like it, probably should be cause the music has some quality or else the labels are just stupid, and they know what they are dealing with, since its their business, their way of life.

I agree when people say that you cant compare logic or cubase with fruitty, you really cant, those two are really great programs, really professional, but really expensive too, though many of the young musicians on this forum and others dont buy them, ;)....

Anyway, the point is, let people make music, explain things properly without trying to critize or make them feel bad when they are using softs you dont like.

Inspite of its low quality comparing to real hardware and other pro softs, fruitty can make really suprising stuff and make ways for a bigger scene.


Bom Shakar



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Guest Elysium Project

Again I see that people think I am critisizing them.... I am not...........


Just pointing out my thoughts and views.........

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Hehe, no problem, I just think you take too hard some times on people, let them experiment, since that is the best way to find out amazing things. :)



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Guest Slidingtrancer

I must be one of the few people who gets that in this forum, people are just posting their views. People conclude too much from too little information here sometimes.


Ok, Naiman enjoy it :D

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