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Darshannon - Celtic Cross


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it´s Celtic Cross - Darshannon ;) get the CD and not the mp3s then you´ll get the names right....


it´s from the Celtic Cross - Hicksville album with simon posford working with some celtic musik d00d ;)

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Guest Jikkenteki

For "historical" interest I might recommend hunting down Baba G - "Dig A Jig (Da Shannon mix)" on Butterfly from 1995 (You'll have to do ALOT of hunting for this one I suspect). This is a old side project of Simon Posford and Chester which features the exact same violin samples as the Celtic Cross - Darshannon track (Youth was also involved as a producer). The Celtic Cross version is far superior, but the Baba G track is still fun in its own right and very different in vibe. Sort of like of a psychedelic how down.... actually this might qualify as the country track you have been wanting Simon to make Bugbread. I stumbled across a practically new promo copy on vinyl on Ebay a few months back, but haven't seen it in any format before or since.

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Guest spacemonkey - 604

that krishna beats CD is very relaxed a nice mix of chill out lounge india influenced songs on a double CD.


i hadn't heard it for a while but read this and am listening to it right now!


cool stuff, but not too psychedelic tough.

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Guest DeeperNETWERK

Actually... When Youth and Posford were working together, they created 2 albums. Celtic Cross - Hicksville, and Dub Trees - Nature Never did betry the heart that loved her. Celtic Cross is Posfords baby, Dub Trees is Youths. I guess you like Posfords stuff more after all, Aaron.

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Guest bugbread



The music making kinda stopped going for a while. Girlfriends really do suck up INCREDIBLE amounts of time. ^_^






That sounds just like Angel Jonathan, that features the same violin again. It has people whooping and shouting at the end, and ends with somebody making chicken sounds...Of course, I got this track as an MP3, so maybe it was completely mislabeled...Could you describe the Dig a Jig more?


Hmmm....all this time I was wondering why tracks by such different groups had the same melody on the same instrument...


By the way, Angel Johnathan (or whatever that MP3 really is) is one of my favorite hyper frenetic psy tracks. I used it as the last track on the one time I ever DJed (yes, I DJed with some MP3s. Kill me now), and it brought the house down.

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yeah, I know :)


before I got a girlfriend I composed a lot of music, when I had a gf I didn't

compose much at all.. maybe 5-6 tracks in 2,5 years. Now when I'm single

again I've made 5 trax in just 2,5 months.. ;)


and, the best part is that my musical "talent" has exploded!! I make stuff

I couldn't even dream about before ;)


I donno if I would choose love or music right now..

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