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any parties in Madrid??


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Hello there! Am going to be spending 3-6 months in Madrid from September and am trying to find out where its all happening psy-wise so I can join in and make some friends whilst I am there. Would be very grateful for any response.

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I´m Juan from Madrid. In Madrid is difficult to find a rave... but there are parties... from may to september..... during those mounths there are around 5 parties.(furthur is the crew that organizate it) That all.... all europe love psy-trance but in Spain the fucking house is the dominant

(psy-trance is not popular in clubs...)


but a good new is that Portugal have a rave almost everyweekend..... so look at there..... (IN agoust is the boom festival...close to Lisboa.. 3 magic days.... don´t miss it!!!!!)


If you give me your e-mail... i could inform you about the parties


hope this info could help you.


(sorry for my english .. it is horrible)


Have fun.... big hug.... from psy friends from Madrid

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I´m Juan from Madrid. In Madrid is difficult to find a rave... but there are parties... from may to september..... during those mounths there are around 5 parties.(furthur is the crew that organizate it) That all.... all europe love psy-trance but in Spain the fucking house is the dominant

(psy-trance is not popular in clubs...)


but a good new is that Portugal have a rave almost everyweekend..... so look at there..... (IN agoust is the boom festival...close to Lisboa.. 3 magic days.... don´t miss it!!!!!)


If you give me your e-mail... i could inform you about the parties


hope this info could help you.


(sorry for my english .. it is horrible)


Have fun.... big hug.... from psy friends from Madrid

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