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Much that once was, is now lost...


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Guest seeprakoobra

Hi there : )


Heard a track at last summers Boom that has a sample from the beginning of The Lord of the Rings movie, something like


'' much that once was, is now lost. i can feel it in the air.......''


and it continues a bit. Oh, and they didn't probably play it on the main floor.

I heard it coming from a food stall opposite to hare krshnas - there was large tent or pavillion or whatever between the two stalls, remember : )

The track itself wasn't so awesome as i remember but the sample was absolutely mindblowing at the moment. If anyone knows the name, please tell, so i'll get my nostalgy trip : ) Thank you

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Guest seeprakoobra

I found the Logic Bombs track but i have this feeling it wasn't the one. Not a bad track, though, and my perception was quite twisted when i heard the track at the festival so it might as well be this Logic Bombs one... thanks for the info

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Guest Hallucinogenious

no can't be Infected Mushroom - Dracul. It was released long before Lord movie.


maybe Alien Project - The Ring. It has samples from Lord movie. But it hasnt Galadriel telling these words. It has only Gandalf and a bit of Saruman. and the awesome 'yiakikiiiii' (as i say it) from the StarWars 3 (i think)


I suggest listening to it, it has a *lord* feeling :)

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