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Found 2 results

  1. (note: there is very little psychedelic trance on here, but there is indeed some....) [::::download::::] Genre: Psychedelic / Lullaby / Grebo / Industrial / Pop / Trance / Hip Hop / Post-Rock (82min/320MP3/199MB/©2016) Make America “Great” Again… You know, nostalgia is a heavy drug. While drugs such as alcohol, heroin, and methamphetamines get most of the media attention, one could possibly make the argument that the abuse of such drugs is deeply rooted in nostalgia, or the desire to feel comfort again. From the constant movie reboots and the current season of South Park’s Member Berries, to the election and even the onslaught of famous deaths this year; everything speaks of what once was and, to many, why it was special; always trying to recapture the lightning in a bottle. A few years back, one of the many shows getting the reboot/sequel treatment was Beavis and Butthead. Out of nowhere, MTV brought back Beavis and Butthead for one more season of hilarity. Within this season of shows was an episode about finding a woman and asking for her hand in marriage because it was what they saw in a movie. It was how it’s supposed to be and the media is always right. In the end, Beavis realizes that he has his own hand and he doesn’t need to listen to what the media tells him. Nostalgia is rarely accurate. The politics weren’t better. The job wasn’t better. The relationship wasn’t better. Music wasn’t better. Movies weren’t better. Life was not more simple, not more easy, and it certainly was not more fair or equal. Nostalgia can keep people from continuing to push through and grow; keep them from learning and keep them from trying to create something new. Nostalgia slows down story telling and slows down the drive of invention. That said, nostalgia is also a warm blanket and it is easy to recognize the general attraction to it, why babies love their blankies, and why the alcoholic will keep drinking. Don’t rest on what once was. Remember, you have your own hand. We don’t need to be junkies, feeding off of the elixir of better days. We need to simply wake up and realize that, contrary to popular belief, it is indeed a Good Morning! (as always, I encourage you to listen to the mix without peeking at the track list, but the track list is below for those who need one…) Click button for track list goaconstrictor.com/music/good-morning-5/
  2. I don't know how to classify this kind of music but...It's awesome. It's like a mixe of drum n bass, hip hop and some electro / trance elements. The whole stuff is just crazy and I love it. Do you know some more song like those one ?
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