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Posts posted by ukiro

  1. AHS - Puke In The Dust


    This one just sets me off totally, and I can't frickin wait for the album! (AHS is Ka-Sol)




    Kuro - Thunderstorm

    Underhead - Orojuna

    Har-Ell - Incarnation

    Subcouds - Greenflow

    Section X - Elektrochok (and about 10 more of their tracks!)

    Psychogenetic Soundforce - Exeminon

    Psychogenetic Soundforce - Clouds

    Battle Of The Future Buddhas - It's Spooky Out There

    Battle Of The Future Buddhas - Mr. Fantastic


    And quite possibly a bazillion others.

  2. As I said earlier I'm too lazy to post here, but this I just have to rub in your collective faces: Dropped by a small second hand store on my 3-hour walk home from work today (excercising for Beach 2006 ;-), and scored these for 1 euro a piece (I kid you not):


    Holymen - Etno Trance

    Not on discogs - this is an album from 2001. And yeah yeah yeah I know it's a fucking holymen album, but it was 1 euro, ok?


    Solaroid - First Wave

    Bought this as a gift as me and the girlfriend already have a copy each. AMAZING album.


    Psyko Disko - Psycho Disco

    Yep, original Psy-Harmonics version and all!


    NovaMute : Version 1.1

    Didn't have the Doof trackon CD and I've heard great things about the Karl-Axel Bissler track.


    Goa-Head Vol. 2

    This goes in my puny pile of trading fodder, as I already had it.




    And now, the real catch of the day (or year, rather) - for one euro, remember:




    Spiritual Trance Vol. 2




    I normally don't use them, but this fucking calls for a smiley parade:



  3. I was under the impression that they stopped supporting cash on delivery for swedish addresses like 2 years ago? I always order with visa, but a friend of mine used to order a lot frmo them using c.o.d, and he had to stop a year or two ago when they pulled that option for sweden.

  4. I had a brief crush on UK acid, but it was so totally formulaic that it lost its charm almost immediately. I still have the vinyls and don't plan on selling them though.


    One that had an extra nice 303 riff was this. And this. Oh, and this one is very cool. I've been offered £60 for it (!).


    Edit: I think I have about 40 UK acid vinyls, all bought in about 2 months time. Out of these there are like 35 never play.

  5. reason why i am asking is i have managed to locate a copy,the person has said its been remastered?

    would appreciat input from anyone who has a copy or knows if it has been remastered or not



    Sounds very strange; I think that if there was a re-released I'd have heard of it. Perhaps he refers to the fact that this is a live set "re-mastered" for CD release? I don't have the CD so I can't check what it says on the cover.


    EDIT: Ask the seller if it's on Trans'Pact. That label was shut down in 1997, so if it is, it's the original for sure.

  6. As a big schlab fan, I really hope to hear your stuff on more Schlab comps, and in other places too. Just don't fall into the generic "darkpsy" trap - do your own thing! =)

    • Like 1
  7. It's not a competition; I don't collect in order to win some arbitrary competition. I also don't place any value in being more dedicated to this scene than others - in fact, I doubt I am. I'm certainly intelligent enough to realize that there are more important things in life than having a complete discography for Blue Room Released, or whatever. But my main passion in life is music, and to me it's a perfectly natural and logical thing to be a collector. So I spend pretty much all my money on records for that reason, not because I want to be cool and admired by others.


    But that is a separate discussion from what were were on about before. You still don't have the right have all music you want just because you think it's too expensive to buy or because you happen to be passionate about it.

  8. yes, but i am talking about music, music for majority of this scene ;)!

    and lets face the truth - it is IMPOSSIBLE for everyone to put their hands on cds/lps.

    as long as demand is bigger than offer it is normal to download, in fact its only possible/acceptable way for lots of people, because not everyone can afford to spend day/monts/years tracing down their copies and then spen hundreds or even thousands of euros for their music records, and even if we all would be equall in our incomes the problem of rarity is still there. and as we know demand also isnt so big to make labels reprint/re-release all sought after records.


    Having these records is not a human right. Likewise, having access to the music is not a right, it's a privilege. You can't demand access to it just because you're too lazy or can't afford everything.


    I don't demand to be let in at concerts or movies just because I'd rather get in for free than to pay. If a train has all its seats fully booked before I get around to buying a ticket, I can't demand to be let on anyway, or that they should call in an extra train car just for me. But as soon as the topic is music, some people suddenly can't grasp this logic anymore. To continue the train analogy; You could perhaps expect them to add extra cars in the future if every departure is sold out, and likewise that labels print more copies of later releases if they see that everything sells out.


    You can't have everything you want. If you can't accept that, I guess you're either 8 years old or have some form of intellectual handicap.

  9. The first Symbiosis Records compilation, "Accidental Occidentalism", sells for roughly 250 euros. So yeah, some things are insanely high in price. Wether it's worth it is up to the individual to decide.


    Transwave - Hypnorhythm EP on CD sells for 120-200 euro. The vinyl version was printed in MANY more copies so it doesn't go as high.

  10. Found it...


    Ololiuqui "Stay Tuned" its on their debut Album "Ololiuqui" released on Spirit Zone Recordings 1997 :-)


    Best Wishes




    I think the track IS on the Chitty Bang 12" as well, but under another name. That EP has the tracks reversed as well (I think) so... uhm... =)


    I was poking around old Gaia Tonträger stuff etc and found a Factor track that sounded almost right - and Factor is an alias of Ololiuqui... so I *almost* got it =)

  11. Believe it or not, but I don't think that the Sub6 track is that bad. I certainly didn't enjoy it, but it doesn't have the total cringe factor of some other stuff getting released.


    A CD I bought for like 1 euro is this. Track 7 is just... no, I don't have words. The samples in that one are just... oh god oh god oh god it's so awful


    I'm gonna start crying now.

  12. "crush and burn", eh? So I clicked on a random track preview on Psyshop. It was "Wilo". While I want to tear my ears off after hearing it, I fail to see how this could do ANYTHING to a danceflor except empty it. And possibly make the floorboards rot.


    If someone who thoroughly enjoys this could write a coherent and articulate text explaining why and how, I would very much like to read it. Honestly. Because this is totally incomprehensible to me.

  13. You are so based you can't even say anything bad about it? It has mostly the same sounds as Sky Input! I start to doubt about your "goa guru" status...


    I like the samples, but I just hate it when something bad is said about an artist, that there are friends of that artist praising the stuff he makes


    I speak my honest opinion about this album - I have nothing to gain from trying to boost its sales. I don't work for him and I don't work for the label. Jannis is a friend of mine regardless of how many copies his album sells, and thus our friendship is separate from my appreciation of his music - In fact, we first got to know eachother before his tracks were even remotely releasable.


    I find it rather annoying that I am not allowed to post positive comments about his tracks simply because we're friends; I provide arguments and reasoning to support my statements, but nevertheless some people, such as you, seem to believe that my opinions are fake simply because I know the guy behind the music. That is bullshit.


    And f'ing ofcourse I can find something negative about it; such as the kickdrum in track 1 being too compressed or that the remix version of track 6 should have been included instead of the original version; But above I replied to comments made by another used, and in that context I had no reason to start listing my criticism. I criticise Jannis' productions A LOT, which he can tell you himself. If I was an asskisser I strongly doubt we'd be as close as we are.


    This is a discussion forum, and hence there will be discussions about music. In those, there will be both negative and positive comments. I make absolutely no attempt at hiding the fact that I know Jannis personally - in fact I try to be very open about it, so that my comments about his music won't be misinterpreted as "propaganda" or as an attempt at creating hype.


    And the "goa guru status"... I've never claimed to be that, those are your words and not mine. If you think I'm not being honest about my opinions, then fine, whatever. But re-read my posts and you will hopefully understand that I am being perfectly honest.


    I love "Heliopolis", I really do. It's probably the best dance music album I've heard in several years. I would say that even if I had never met or spoken with Jannis, regardless of what you believe.


    Sorry for the lengthy post, but these accusations make me very upset.

  14. listening to samples i can tell that lunar civilisation so called remix sounds horrible and chaotic. IMO

    other tracks sound similar to sky input except that quality is better than on sky input. yet they still sound like pleiadians to me.

    im a bit annoyed by that sound that was present in all [or allmost] sky input tracks and the same is with this album.


    I feel like such a fanboy defending Jannis when these things come up, but these are my honest opinions, and have nothing to do with him being a friend of mine, so I'll go ahead anyway:


    I would say the lunar civilization remix is totally awesome and certainly not out of control. If you are a fan of the original, I wonder how you could call this one horrible, actually. but I can't force anyone to like it. I would recommend listening to the entire track once it's released though.


    And the sounds are not all the same. similar, but not identical. it will be more obvious when heard uncompressed... 48kbps mono (or whatever) doesn't quite do the details justice. Especially "Pyrogen" is a big step away from the Etnica-esque sound; in that one I can't hear any such influences.


    Obviously not everyone in the entire world will love Heliopolis, but I do and I will stand up for it =)

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