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Posts posted by Slyde

  1. Psycraft - New Moves (HOM-Mega 2004)


    Posted Image


    01. Nothing But Music

    02. Angels

    03. Extreme Moments

    04. New Move

    05. Memory Flash

    06. Beat Craft

    07. Electric Charge

    08. The Secret Of Sound

    09. Bizarre Remake

    10. Outro: The Final Move


    01. Nothing But Music

    A great opener. A killer quitar line (played by Alon himself) begins the track perfectly. A very seducing female voice, and then BAM! Bass hits. This track is powerful yet intricate. The guitar throughout adds a romantic touch. Killer opener.


    02. Angels

    This track starts with a blend of disturbing news headlines, giving you the sense of wickedness this track is going to bring. A non-cluttered bassline holds down a throughly fuct track.


    03. Extreme Moments

    Funky yet stompable. The perfect way to describe this track. A funkadelic side to this track makes it a perfect dance track.


    04. New Move

    Probably my favorite track on the album. A very eerie female voice leads you into a very spacy sounding tic toc. Utilizing heavy guitar rifs, it is a somewhat ballsy track that is yet pretty. Almost a cross between Johann Bley and Doof.


    05. Memory Flash

    Imagine yourself sitting on a beach, staring into the sunset, enjoying your favorite drink and relaxing when you are interupted by the site of a meteor crashing into ocean in front of you. A very gentle calming ambience opens this track which hits hard into a strong bassline. This track is somewhat monatanous but still danceable.


    06. Beat Craft

    A very mechanical track. Almost like...machine trance. A haunting aroma and fun bassline give this track a headbobbing mentality.


    07. Electric Charge

    This track is almost a continuation of 'Beat Craft'. Bassline is similar and so is track structure. Not too much different.


    08. The Secret Of Sound

    A hearty track. Full of melody and rhythm yet quite powerful and moving. A good dance track.,


    09. Bizarre Remake

    Once again, Alon adds his touch of guitar which add a nice element of 'prettiness' to the track. This track is quite stimulating. The variation of tone in the bassline keeps it interesting.


    10. Outro: The Final Move


    My Rating: 9/10 An overall hearty, strong, floor stomping album that adds a touch of intricacy.

  2. Forget about genres. I really hate the question "which style is it?". I end up with the answer "It's psytrance" in 98% of the cases. 1% I answer "It's chillout". The other 1% I answer "It's some progg/minamal crap".

    Concentrate on the moment.




    My collection is broken up into Goa and then Trance/Ambient & Chill. I know my music collection and that is all that is important. :P
  3. Maybe it's just "in" nowadays ... the young people want to make their music sound important and interesting when the use so many subgenre definitions. I think that is it.


    For sure. An example. I have a buddy of mine that produces/dj's. He is always recreating what genres, one day is producing progressive melodic morning trance and the next is minimal dark ambient house. It's ridiculous :P


    For me it is usually difficult to categorize music, my main categories are "works for me" and "doesn't work for me".

    Still I appreciate, when people can describe the sounds they like, or don't like with some other words than "killer" and "sucks".

    I think not every description of sounds should become an own genre, but it gives people a better idea about a certain track or artist.

    "dark intelligent psytrance" for example got me interested, because I thought that fit's my taste, but I don't call it a genre really.

    Same here. I will describe the music in depth, but I won't organize my collection into 25 sub genres of trance :D
  4. Is anyone with me that thinks there are FAR too many genres of trance nowadays? I just saw a topic "dark intelligent psytrance". What the hell? It is becoming ridiculous. What about the days when goa was stadium house? I understand that everything doesn't sound the same, but for there to be sub genres of sub genres is becoming a bit ridiculous. I can't even review an album without being chastised because 'it's not melodic goa' its 'minimal progressive funky breaks with a hint of melody'.


    Anyone with me? :P

  5. Acid for me is: 303 606 808 909. Acid trance is another dimension though, and as I stated above there are a lot of examples for me. Rob Acid would also be classified as nice Acid. I have been listening to Acid since the late 80s (well, back then it was called Acid House) (88/89). Acid has many directions and styles hehe.


    I recognized acid=house. Haven't heard acid in about 4 years :P
  6. Ormion, its a dongle. Normally you put it in the COM port or the SERIAL port of your computer. Today you can also use USB devices, but they are not as safe aparently. They are difficult to crack, but not impossible. Good protection against piracy, but a little outdated imo.


    Hah. We had those on our AutoCAD/3d Studio machines at school about 5 years back. Always getting stolen,
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