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Posts posted by MoonWeeD

  1. :lol: I was on facebook - Then suddenly they blocked my Jamie Moonweed account telling me that I wasnt allowed to call myself


    Moonweed - So I tried changing it to something similar - still a no go ! In the end I got really fcuked off and changed it to S Posford as a joke


    Thinking I could change it again - but NO :o So I have to wait 60 days to change it again !!!! - [wankers :rolleyes: ]


    My Moonweed Artist page is still up though and also my Jamie Salamander page - so all is not lost ;)


    PS. If anyone can get to OSLO Norway on Saturday 7th March - I'm doing an album launch party - Come along ! - Details To Follow When Finalized


    Chill out party the next night

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  2. Hey guys can I just say that without Tal and his Label Anjuna Records this [my album] would never have been released.


    Tal has a high powered full time job and a wife and now a newly born child - he devotes as much of his precious little spare time that he has


    into finding and releasing the original rare Goa/Psy music and making parties.


    Tal does NOT make any money out of this and purely does this out of the love of this PRE-overproduced same old - same old, copy cat, generic trance that exists now !


    The scene DiD have positive vibes back then and all the labels worked together as a family....


    He clearly stated that pre orders were available a month before the release date - for a reduced price & digital downloads is something he is looking into.


    Please chill out guys - you are in danger of losing a valuable label releasing rare old tunes at this rate !!


    Peace Out ;)


    Jamie MoonWeeD

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