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Posts posted by Veracohr

  1. I don't really listen to goa or psy a lot these days. When I do it will be something old, and in general searching out new music seems draining to me, like most everything else in life. On the electronic side I listen to acid techno and I'm always trying (and failing) to find something dark and evil in the synth world. Google fails me every time. I tried searching "dark synth music" and got the term "darkwave" which is anything but dark. I stopped by Psynews today because I was trying to find something to listen to at work and wondered if there were any non-psy threads. There's a sound in my head that I want to hear but I can't find any music that sounds like it. That's generally a clue to go make it but I can't seem to do shit these days along those lines.


    I just gave up on new goa after a while. Every once in a while I'd go through the new releases threads here or see what Suntrip had released and it never changed. I guess I did. I started drifting back to metal, occasionally gabber (for a couple songs at a time), acid techno. I want either dark and evil sounding shit, or Enya. 😂

    • Like 2
  2. Seems to me like your level of concern should be linked to the likelihood that your image would be used for a deepfake. Are you famous? Is there a particular reason your image would be used over someone else’s?

  3. Hey Penzo, are you vaccinated? I got it in October but it wasn’t terrible, which I attribute to the vaccine. Don’t know what variant it was though; Omicron didn’t catch on in the US until December I think, so either it was Delta or one of the lingering older ones.


    In my region the Omicron curve was steeply up & steeply down, and it was ‘over’ relatively quickly. Good luck!

  4. 7 hours ago, astralprojection said:

    i liked infected mushroom live. i saw them in arvika 2005-ish and amager bio cph maybe a year after that. 

    really rocking sets.

    astral projection live amager bio cph 2002 or 3 i think, it was a bit of a let down; they played the original tracks, with added snare drums and hihats and stuff like that. didnt really work :/

    x-dream amager bio cph was also pretty cool! and ofc hallucinogen in cph as well.

    i wish i had been to more festivals though as these were all indoor parties..


    I sw IM and Astral Projection together around the same time in Seattle. Even though I like AP’s music much more, IM was more interesting live.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Multi-Media said:

    Googled Digital Performer and gosh from the looks of it, seems they took some "logical" hints. Seems not bad!

    In this review here: https://www.amazona.de/test-motu-digital-performer-10-digital-audio-workstation/

    I found what it is that your tempo gets set automaticly:

    "Der Digital Performer 10 hat nun auch eine verbesserte Beat-Erkennung („Beat Detection 2.0“) und ein richtig gutes Stretching-Tool bekommen, die beide Hand in Hand arbeiten. Hat man die automatische Beaterkennung für Tracks aktiviert (was Voraussetzung ist), lassen sich diese über das Stretch-Menü recht zuverlässig an das Sequenzertempo anpassen – auch in Echtzeit, also im laufenden Betrieb. "

    My old Logic should be able to do this at least with Audio files, for Midi I need to try. But it is more complicated not automatic.

    Sorry for the confusion I caused with the BPM also to Recursion who said 138 already correctly :)


    Beat detection is specifically for audio. MIDI files contain tempo info, but of course I’m opening it with the same software I created it with, so no surprise that it just works for me.

  6. 12 hours ago, Multi-Media said:

    Download worked, also importing it..
    But have a question is there an easy way to make 3 seperate tracks from the drumtrack, this one contains all drums and percs in your file. I did this the same years ago, but using 3 seperate tracks for eg. kick, snare and "higher up stuff" is way easier to EQ etc. I could ofc just copy the notes to a new track but is a bit too fiddly and time consuming...


    Time consuming huh...all right, here you go:




    I had it at 138 BPM, and in my software the tempo is in the MIDI file. Is that not the case for other people? Obviously that's the tempo I thought sounded best for it, but anyone can try it in any tempo to see how it works.

    • Like 1
  7. On 1/17/2021 at 10:05 PM, Celaripo said:

    i agree that "literally" it won't die but it will be forgotten like acid techno because it is not evolving at all 

    That’s funny because I’ve been listening to a lot of acid techno lately. I got into Spotify & I wanted stuff I don’t have on MP3 so I looked up Chris Liberator (I’ve got a couple records) & now I listen to acid techno playlists in the car a lot. It may not have evolved, but it’s still awesome!


    Regarding Psynews coming up first in Google searches: not surprising I guess, but don’t forget about “filter bubbles”. Google has their algorithms too, so anyone with a long history of visiting Psynews is likely to see it high in search results.

  8. 3 hours ago, astralprojection said:

    playing devils advocate.

    if someone is of the belief that there is a large conspiracy to do a softkill on the populos, cause massive sterility, and to somehow "tag" the populus using various techniques (rfid, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luciferase luciferase) and a bunch of other 'conspiracy theories' such as sars-cov2 is bioengineered at a lab - then there is really not a big stretch to say that the vaccines ARE an evil ploy by the governments.

    So THAT is the prerequisite one has to believe in order to consider the rest of the nonsense you mentioned?

    Time to step away from the internet.

  9. Chi-A.D. Eyes of Gaia.


    I’m torn between not liking fullon, and the fact that this is good fullon.


    Then guitars come in and I recoil in horror. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big rock & metal fan, I just don’t like them in psy.


    Then comes some neo-goa type stuff and it’s better.


    This album leaves me conflicted.

    • Like 1
  10. Did I do what I wanted in life? Hardly. I guess I had some good times in my 20s but I wasn’t as social as most people. I haven’t accomplished anything. Haven’t made any music in a long time. I’ve got various electronic projects in the works, but at this point in life I pretty much just feel like I’m waiting around to die.

  11. 3 hours ago, BMI GOES INDIA said:

    HI there everone! Today we dropped our official music video for the Live Dutch Indian psytrance act BMI goes India.. Please let us know your feedback for the single SONS of RAMA. 


    I moved this post here from the “Best of the Noughties” thread. That thread is about rankings from a user poll of releases 2000-2019, not for promo of new releases.

  12. 7 hours ago, Padmapani said:

    links are not working (and if i type it into the browser it automatically starts a search because of the spaces). then if i replace them with %20 and try to downnload it stops loading at 55K.


    I renamed the files with underscores instead of spaces. See if that works.





  13. Here's something I started several years ago and never got anywhere with. I don't know if there's anything worthwhile there but it's the best offering I have right now.


    The linked ZIP file has a standard MIDI file, a WAV file of the audio below, a WAV file with one of the tracks that isn't in the MIDI file, and a text file.





  14. A while back my girlfriend got obsessed with Daft Punk’s album Rand Access Memories & she came across this other song featuring them:



    It’s more or less pop, although iTunes lists it under R&B. It’s pretty good. It also led us to another good song by The Weekend:



  15. 15 hours ago, Basilisk said:

    I'm guessing this video is actually some kind of sneaky promo for his new album or something along those lines. I'm not sure why the mods haven't moved this somewhere or closed the thread, it's obviously just bait.

    Well it sparked a discussion about psytrance, so it seems like the appropriate forum to me.

    • Like 2
  16. On 7/4/2020 at 1:11 PM, Padmapani said:

    i haven't looked a psyewns on mobile for at least a year. browsing on mobile is always cumbersome compared to desktop. i'll try clearing cookies anyway though.

    edit: no luck with that sadly.

    Sorry, but I can't see an option to change it TO the mobile version on my laptop, so I can't figure out how to change it back. I would assume the forum detects the operating system and chooses mobile/desktop for you, so it's pretty weird if its choosing the wrong one.


    What browser are you using?

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