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Everything posted by illume

  1. Cant wait for this one, being released in the next few hours, not too long to go, jekylls music has never failed my ears or my mind. this creative sound is in serious tune with the sacred vibe. feast your imagination on this one. with jekylls first solo release, this is going to blow you away. x
  2. there is a purpose, perceived as beyond our understanding, like we are not supposed to understand, but glimpses of fate, beyond coincidence toy with our submission, allowing us to see, then it gets too much, you gradually turn your back on what you saw, but somehow it will always make its way back, sacred reminders. sacred clues, like a mother nursing her child, controlling the essence of life as we drink from her mind. sometimes we experience instances as individual souls, situations that confuse us. until one day you have a relisation of what you were experiencing, like you had just become aware of existence and beyond for the first time. you see the true purpose, and you want everyone else to see it top. you need them to, such a vital strand of life. this is why music is important to me and im sure alot of other people too, as the true difference in humanity will come from relisation within ones self...what better way to provoke this then through the force of sound its self. here is a link to my music, i am beginning but pushing for the utter most pure intentions. id dig some support..., respect. lucy illume xoxo http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/illume-illusive-pulse http://www.noqualmsrecords.com/illume.html https://soundcloud.com/lucyjay
  3. Hello boys Hello girls. My name is Lucy. I live in australia and have found my passion for producing dark emotive bush prog. i was taken into the No Qualms family up in far north queensland about two and a half years ago. Which enlightend me to a path of relisation. i dont write music for fame, or numbers. i write music to shift minds, to find a sense of relation with like minded beings eventually all over the world. I write this not to find recognition from you. i write this in hope of even one person listening to my message. and buliding from it. i hope you all find something from this sound my brothers and sisters. infinate love as we dive deeper into this journey together. peace. https://soundcloud.com/lucyjay http://www.noqualmsrecords.com/illume.html
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