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Status Updates posted by fluffymushi

  1. your suckupery makes me wanna throw up charlie, thats so cheap the way you try to get fluffy to bed :rolleyes:

  2. Don't worry, Reger. I'll counter it by sending him anthrax in the mail. :D

  3. i seem to be unable to see the connection between a-x and getting laid?!

  4. simple logic behind that one reger, deadened fluffy's have a more compliant anal sphincter than not-so-deadened fluffy's. you perv of pervs you charlie-perv°°

  5. lol I've been busted.

  6. iuw.

    fluffy you are fired. Icky icky icky boys

  7. that saves charlie alot on the anthrax. that stuff is too expensive for what it does anyway.

  8. Expensive for what it does? :unurse: You sound a little too knowledgable about the substance for comfort...

  9. lol, charles, youve been had by oral-cle :lol:

  10. I roll my eyes at you, Regenald.

  11. Nice new avatar by the way, Fluffy, very nice indeed. And reger, no comments about sucking up if you so please, you sukcre. :D

  12. Where's fluffy been these last few days, advising Yoda and Gandalf or sitting in a bath of baked beans singing nursey rhymes? It's gotta be one or the other, surely.

  13. lol well mush, i'm a viking.

  14. charles is a big fat omo!

  15. Since you're not around anymore to reply, reger, I'll say something nice about you. Mmm... yeah, er... you er... thingy... you know...

  16. Fluff, can you think of anything nice to say about reger?

  17. I suppose we should just be honest and admit we both hated him. :D

  18. What's up fluffer?

  19. Something is amiss, oh Fluffy one, for you've stopped changing your avatar every other day.

  20. fluffieeeezzzz!!

    /me sendz greetz


  21. Dairy Lee cheese triangles are yucky... and yet kinda yummy. One of life's real paradoxes.

  22. fluffy, why is there a goatse in your avatar, may i ask?

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