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Everything posted by Carnage

  1. I add the DXi Plugin NI Reaktor Session and it's showing it in "Fruity Wrapper". Now the window is too small... And i can't change the size of the window... and because of that i see only 1\4 from the Reaktor window... Anyone knows how to fix this problem? or maybe how to use Reaktor in fruity in another way? Thanks, Carnage.
  2. Of course... Without this strive we would have retire long time ago... Even Infected Mushroom in an interview that i viewed said that even in their 3rd album they thought their music is shit... LOL
  3. Well... same here... :\ At least we have something in common...
  4. Smultron was very nice... You aren't that "suck" as you say you are
  5. But I want to make a disk and perform live with Infected... It won't work with your tip... Just kidding... You're right though... The key is not to push yourself too hard...
  6. But as much as your ambition is to get to their level... Then you'll get there much faster.
  7. oh... It's many melodies combined... For the bottom line: It's too much work, and I'm lazy.. :\
  8. Can you give me one name of track that is absolutly "Full-On"? Thanks, Carnage.
  9. I updated the melody and the Kick. Check it out now. Thanks for the comment. Relaxing? Maybe... But I'm more into a dark one right now :] Well, the basic sounds... If they're all fit together... If they are sound like one group...
  10. 143 bpm http://briefcase.walla.co.il/data/c/a/r/n/...ull_On_Test.mp3 I want to know if I'm on the right way... And what do you think about the base sounds? Sounds good or like amature? It's just a TEST. Thanks, Carnage.
  11. No VST support?! :| Well, I think just because Cubase is hard I think I should move to it... Start with the real hard shit is the best way to get to the max. Thanks, Carnage.
  12. Should I move to Cubase or Reason? Who's the best one to use?
  13. I'm using Fruity... :\ Thanks anyway (-: Carnage.
  14. Very nice... Great psy sounds... I'm trying to learn how to do you sounds... I know there's much effects and so but can I ask in what synth do you use to make them? Thanks, Carnage.
  15. Thanks for all the comments... Here my 2nd "Full-On" test: http://briefcase.walla.co.il/data/c/a/r/n/...020056474/2.mp3 Tell my what you think. Thanks, Carnage
  16. I updated it.. what about this?: http://briefcase.walla.co.il/data/c/a/r/n/...213315642/1.mp3
  17. Nicely done... Nice bassline... Try working more on the track's quality. Keep it up.
  18. Yes, You're right... :-) With a "little" work it could be just fine. Thanks.
  19. The main sound wasn't the bassline... The baseline is done by TBL vst... Anyway, I'll try to get this crap get normal. I feel pity for the poor loop... :|
  20. Another Test for the full-on that I made now (With benf52's tips): http://briefcase.walla.co.il/data/c/a/r/n/...159426749/1.mp3 Any seggestions? Except for putting more "soul" sounds for it... Don't look about the music itself... Only the basic sounds.. it's only a TEST... I would never work with this crap... Thanks, Carnage.
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