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Posts posted by yantra

  1. yes you´re right, it´s just a matter of taste :) but there´s something in 1200 mics that i really dislike , maybe that cheesy sounds they put once in a while in their tracks,and i also think that their albuns have the same formula in every track,but hey, many people like it and who am i to judge that.


    Btw,Tatsu my nickname is Yantra :P

  2. Huh, I could name 1000 of tracks...


    Anyway, here is a list with stuff I got nuts on parties (new and old...):


    1200 Mics - High Paradise

    Hallucinogen - Shakey Shaker, Jiggle Of The Sphinx and nearly everything else

    Pleiadians - Alcyone

    Green Nuns Of The Revolution - Atomic Armadillo

    Yahel - For The People, Waves Of Sound, Last Man In The Universe

    Psysex - Skywalker, Evil Turkeys

    Indoor - Sweet Coming Home

    Chi-A.D. - Liquid Neon Sky

    Liquid Metal, Xerox & Freeman - In My Brain

    Deedrah - Reload (original and GMS remix)

    Infected Mushroom - everythign from the Classical Mushroom album

    Space Cat - all from the newest album

    LAB - Trippin Trolls

    Silent Sphere - Astro


    Nice list :) But 1200 mics - High Paradise, it´s really crap in my opinion...

  3. Oh yeah, I'm a samples nut... I love a well-place sample... You guys have already mentioned most of the classics, but here are a few more I absolutely love:


    Scatterbrain - Mexican Jesus:


    Yeah, sort of reminds me of a time in Montana. It was 31st of December 1994 when I saw the Mexican Jesus floating down the river. Yellowstone National Park. I think it was like minus twenty degrees in the snow and he was floating down butt naked. I don't think he was Native American, he seemed too Mexican looking you know. He had long black hair and he was butt naked in the middle of the Yellowstone River. Minus twenty. And we'd put our head under the water and come up and we turned our eyes and he didn't have a [...] of ice on his hand, nothing. He was completely immune to the cold. And eh, which reminds me about the ayahuasca experience you know meeting the Mother Serpent. I don't think anybody really could, err... How to describe it? It was totally mind numbing. Just taking it, and waiting and that first time you take it, the suddenly you feel like you've got these vines running through your body. They were [...] ripping through your body. And that bright light burning you up from the inside. Next thing you know, you've got a Mother Serpent inside you. And the next minute you're down there, with the DNA watching the dino.


    Genetic material getting changed before your eyes. Man, people think they know about drugs, but... That ain't a drug, it's a sacrament. It's just a portal to another world. It's realities that are always there. A key to other dimensions That we live with them all the time. Thankfully our awareness never touches...


    How would I describe it? Terrifying. Enlightening. But utterly terrifying. You swear you'll never go back. Ever. And the next thing you know, you're taking it again. You're going down that tunnel.


    People say you have a choice. I don't think there's any choice.


    Ayahuasca just takes you. No choice. You surrender or you resist. Resist or inhale. You surrender, you must be free.


    I don't know if I could do that again.


    And the Mother Goddess calls me, the cosmic circuit calls. I have to answer. And I have to go back to the [...] I have no choice. I have no choice. It's not a drug, it's... It's not a drug. It's just the holy sacrament.



    Talpa - People are Animals:


    "I was looking at my friend Linda... Suddenly feathers popped out on to her skin. Her nose curved into a beak. She had an eagle’s face. I looked at my boyfriend Johnny, he was turning into a bird too! So was Linda’s boyfriend. We were at Central Park zoo. I couldn’t move, I wanted to cry but no tears would come. “Oh God” I heard myself yell, “People really are animals!”. I started laughing hysterically but in the inside I didn’t feel funny. I started to run away from the others through Central Park until I stopped under a stone bridge. Johnny kept calling me. After a lot of time I went up on the bridge. Johnny always had been my source of security. He said that LSD was brutal but that it wouldn’t hurt me. He said that I’d see beautiful colours and hear musical notes but I never did.

    Instead I saw awful things, people looked like monkeys, cracks in sidewalks became big crevasses you could fall into. Finally after about 8 hours the drug started to wear off. I was depressed for days afterwards. I was depressed for days afterwards. I never gonna try that again!..."



    Zodiac Youth - Cartographers of the Universe:


    'The cartographers of the universe. They're (...). They're star-charged. How far does it go? Does time have an end? My personal theory is that everything is happening all the time. We're just not smart enough to see it, that's all!'





    Well, there are a lot of great samples around that I really love (Shulman's Small Grey Creatures, Talpa's People are Animals, Scorb's Psycore, etc...). However, one that really caught my attention recently is from The Unstables (Goblin vs Pixel). The track's called The Clone and comes in Time and Space pt. 3 and I think it was really well fit in there.


    "He's smart, he's a friend... You know, he's nice... And you wanna be nice, right? A nice, nice man. And you know what means the most to me? I was on the phone everyday. Everyday, doing what I do best: talking on the telephone! Me, I did that! Why? Because..."


    "Was it legal? Fuck legal! Am I a nice man? Fuck nice! They say terrible things about me in The Nation? Fuck The Nation! You want to be nice or you want to be effective?! You want to make the law, or subject to it? Choose!"


    By the way, the sample is from Angels in America.



    Really Really nice ones ;)

  4. on Psylosophy, how do i register as artist so i can upload my tracks?


    Send a pm to Delusional there and he will set you up :)


    Why would a site that's so slow?  People would leave before even entering the site. Find something a bit faster or no one will ever listen to your music ;)


    Yes it´s true , the site is very low , we´re trying to put it more faster !!!

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